Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 211 I'm Targeting You

Chapter 211 I'm Targeting You
Li Wenjing pursed her lower lips tightly, and looked at Li Yuanjia who was writing furiously. Thinking of what Li Yuanjia said just now, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she said with a smile: "The next step is naturally to expand the scale of production and recruit more workers. Make more ham sausages, and strive to sell our ham sausages all over China."

Zhou Niannian also said this, so there should be no mistake in saying so, Li Wenjing calmed down a little, and raised his head to meet Zhou Niannian's eyes.

Zhou Niannian's expression was calm, and he couldn't see how he was feeling. He just raised his eyebrows lightly, "Oh? Expand the scale, how do you plan to expand, and how much production capacity will you expand? How many production lines? How many workers will you hire?"

Li Wenjing was dumbfounded.

Why didn't you ask Li Yuanjia these questions just now?

She flattened her mouth a little aggrieved, "Deputy Director Zhou, why did Comrade Li Yuanjia say that just now? You didn't ask him these questions, but you asked me so many questions? To put it bluntly, you still think I don't like it and deliberately make things difficult for me .”

As she said that, the circles of her eyes turned red, and the appearance of holding back the tears from falling looked very charming.

The meeting room became quiet again. Meng Sanqiu took a puff of a cigarette, then frowned and said, "Comrade Li Wenjing, you are in charge of the ham sausage group now. Isn't it normal for the deputy factory director to ask you this question? Why don't you ask someone else? "

"Why doesn't Keke ask Li Yuanjia these questions, but just ask me?" Li Wenjing wiped her eyes and wept softly, "Manager Xing, you come to comment on this reason, why did Li Yuanjia say the same thing, Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director What’s the point of asking so many questions when you come to me without asking these questions?”

"Didn't Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director, promote me because I was on a business trip?"

She said that she stood up pretending to be wronged, "If you really have a problem with me, you can just dismiss me. Anyway, you are the deputy factory manager, so you have the right to remove me. As a worker, I can't say I am wronged. I dare not say sorry."

"Whoever you think is suitable, let whoever do it, why humiliate me like this, I, I am also a person with self-respect, I"

As she spoke, she lay down on the table and wept softly.

Xing Dehai coughed suddenly, and looked at Zhou Niannian with displeasure: "I think what Comrade Li Wenjing said makes sense. If Xiao Zhou, the deputy director of the factory, is not satisfied with the person promoted by me, Lao Xing, he can just remove him. Why make this embarrassing?" How about humiliating others?"

"I think Comrade Li Wenjing has been very responsible since she became the team leader of the ham sausage group."

"I think the year-end summary meeting you held today is just a cover. You're just finding fault with me and the people I promoted. You want to find a reason to get rid of us. Is that interesting?"

Meng Sanqiu knocked on the meeting table with his cigarette stick, and made a dull sound, "Lao Xing, that's too much to say, I agreed to hold this meeting, do you mean that Xiao Zhou and I teamed up to get rid of you? "

"If that's the case, why did I propose you to join the factory as a manager? Wouldn't it be nice to let you be the director of your revolutionary committee?"

Meng Sanqiu's words were slow and hoarse, but when he mentioned the five words of Director of the Revolutionary Committee, he aggravated his voice, making people feel displeasure.

The corner of Xing Dehai's mouth twitched. The Revolutionary Committee has now been abolished. He, the former director of the Revolutionary Committee, is now nothing in the village.

"Isn't the factory manager talking too much?" He coughed dryly, "I don't mean that, I just think that the deputy factory manager Xiao Zhou suddenly asked so many questions, who can answer them, isn't it intentional to make things difficult for others? I don't believe it Someone can answer right away."

Zhou Niannian sneered, and looked at Li Yuanjia, "Comrade Yuanjia, after I came back yesterday, someone copied the status of signing the contract on the bulletin board at the door, did you see it?"

Li Yuanjia nodded, and Deng Junliang mustered up the courage to raise his hand, "And me, I saw it too, and I wrote it down with Yuanjia."

Zhou Niannian smiled in satisfaction, "Okay then, let's talk about how to expand the jerky and ham sausage production lines next year."

Li Yuanjia was about to stand up, but Deng Junliang pulled him off, stood up first, mustered up his courage and said, "Let me talk about the ham sausage production line first."

After all, seeing that Zhou Niannian had no objection, he was secretly relieved, stood up, walked to the small blackboard in the conference room, picked up chalk and began to scribble on it, explaining as he wrote: "Deputy Director Zhou This time, we have signed contracts in six cities, including our Zezhou Department Store, we have contracts in seven cities.”

"In these seven contracts, there are a total of 180 catties of ham sausage, [-] catties of beef sausage, and [-] catties of mutton sausage, which means that our total production capacity next year will be [-] catties, an average of [-] catties per month. Four catties."

Deng Junliang spoke slowly and nervously at first, but his words became smoother and smoother. As he finished writing with the chalk in his hand, he finished his explanation: "So next year we need at least three production lines for pork sausage, one for beef sausage and one for mutton sausage. , At least 32 more workers need to be recruited.”

Speaking of which, he scratched his head, and looked at Zhou Niannian shyly: "I refer to the money we spent on buying equipment this year. I went back last night when I was fine, and I roughly calculated the investment in buying equipment. If Xiao Zhou is free, he will Will you show me later?"

Zhou Niannian nodded and turned to Li Yuanjia.

Li Yuanjia stood up and explained the planning of the jerky production line. What he said was as clear as Deng Junliang's.

There was silence in the conference room.

Xing Dehai's face was dull, Li Wenjing didn't know when he stopped crying, and stared blankly at Li Yuanjia and Deng Junliang.

Zhou Niannian glanced at her, and said in a cold voice, "As I said just now, I have always been right about things and wrong about people. No matter who it is, since it has fulfilled the position of a manager, it should take up its responsibilities instead of just thinking about it." enjoy the treatment of managers, but do not take responsibility."

"The so-called management is to do things in an organized and planned way. The questions I just asked are reasonable and reasonable. Managers with a heart will naturally see useful information and have a clear plan. People who don't care will just treat the information as boring talk. "

Speaking of this, she sneered, "Willing and not, this is the gap. Don't you think I'm targeting you? That's right, I'm targeting you."

"Because I think you have no intention of taking on the responsibility of a manager, and you are not worthy of being the manager of this sausage group. As the deputy factory director, shouldn't I target you like this? Can't I target you like this?"

Li Wenjing's face turned green and pale, and she didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or anger.

Zhou Niannian leaned his arms on the conference table and looked at Li Wenjing with a half-smile, "What did you just say? Oh, you are a person with self-respect. If you really have self-respect, you can leave the conference room by yourself and wait for me Pushing you out will make everyone look ugly."

(End of this chapter)

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