Chapter 212
Li Wenjing bit her lip tightly, and looked at Xing Dehai pitifully.

Xing Dehai lowered his head, pretending not to see her.

He also didn't expect that Zhou Niannian's counterattack would be so ruthless and slapped her in the face so fiercely. If they just ordered Li Wenjing to be removed directly and forcefully, they would naturally have a lot to say in private, such as Zhou Niannian's elimination of dissidents, strength, and any hat can be given to her. buckle.

However, Zhou Niannian was not in a hurry, and in a year-end summary meeting, he beat Li Wenjing to the point where he had no power to fight back.

Zhou Niannian was really, obviously able to rely on the power in his hands to act, but he had to rely on strength to fight back.

As a result, he couldn't find an excuse to save Li Wenjing now.

It's also Li Wenjing's own fault, why didn't she use any effort, didn't have any preparations at all, she was really blind when she was brought up.

He pursed his lips and snorted, "Comrade Li Wenjing, you said you are the same, why are you so careless."

Seeing that even Xing Dehai didn't speak for her anymore, Li Wenjing ran out of the conference room crying in aggrieved manner.

Zhou Niannian smiled, and his eyes fell on Bai Yuqing who had been quiet all this time.

Bai Yuqing's heart suddenly rose, and she subconsciously sat up straight, showing what she thought was the most perfect smiling face, "Let me talk about the work of the packaging team first."

Bai Yuqing wasn't as brainless as Wen Jing, she had already thought up a series of excuses when she dealt with Li Wenjing just now.

She spoke quietly and gently, her voice was soft and pleasant, and many people were gradually fascinated by it.

".In a word, I think the work of the packaging group is going very smoothly. Next year, I think the focus should be to cooperate with the expansion of production capacity in each section, supplement manpower, and complete the packaging task in time."

When Bai Yuqing said this, she smiled shyly, "I have some ideas about the work of the procurement inspection team. Next year, according to Comrade Li Yuanjia and Comrade Deng Junliang's introduction, it should be two raw materials, beef and mutton."

"So the procurement side needs to increase the corresponding procurement and inspection manpower, and supplement the inspection standards."

Zhou Niannian's voice was melodious. After she finished speaking, Xing Dehai took the lead in applauding, "I think Comrade Bai's idea is very good. It can be seen that he has thought about it carefully."

He especially emphasized the word "careful", which was obviously to counter what Zhou Niannian said just now that Li Wenjing didn't care.

Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, noncommittal to his statement.

Although Bai Yuqing's rhetoric is very beautiful, in her opinion, they are all flashy adjectives. At first glance, what she said seems to be on the point, but if you think about it carefully, how to do and implement the things she said, There is no concrete course of action at all.

"Since Comrade Bai has thought about it carefully, let's explain in detail how to do the procurement work next year, such as where to buy beef and mutton? How to ensure the freshness of beef and mutton, and how to test their freshness?" Zhou Niannian said lightly. Raise a few questions.

After Bai Yuqing finished speaking, she looked at Zhou Niannian with a little nervousness, because she had learned from Li Wenjing just now, she was afraid that Zhou Niannian would humiliate Li Wenjing, and deliberately asked herself some tricky questions to hit herself.

Sure enough, Zhou Niannian still asked a few difficult questions. Bai Yuqing pursed her lips in embarrassment, then stood up and looked at Zhou Niannian with a little bewilderment: "I'm sorry, Deputy Director Zhou, I haven't had time to think deeply about these issues, please give me some time, and I will think about it after I get down."

Compared with Li Wenjing who only knew how to cry and pretended to be pitiful just now, this attitude is so much better.

Zhou Niannian sighed inwardly, Bai Yuqing put on a generous face and apologized, if she was more picky, she would deliberately make things difficult.

Moreover, Bai Yuqing is indeed more capable than Li Wenjing, and she has indeed thought about work in the short time just now.

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, and he waved his hand to signal her to sit down, then he gave Xing Dehai a flat look, "Manager Xing, do you want to talk about the personnel and logistics work?"

Xing Dehai felt a little awkward, thinking that he wanted to report to Zhou Niannian and be picked on by her just like the young people just now, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

"What's there to say about the personnel and logistics work, isn't it just to cooperate with the production, expand the scale of production, we can also expand the scale, and the supporting services can keep up." He muttered a few words reluctantly.

Meng Sanqiu on the side frowned, a little displeased, "Old Xing, what's your attitude? A meeting is a serious matter, how can you?"

At the beginning, Xing Dehai wanted to join the factory as the deputy factory director. He thought it was inappropriate, but thinking of the friendship for so many years, and knowing each other well, and Xing Dehai was still the director of the Revolutionary Committee at the time. After many considerations, he persuaded Zhou Niannian to let Xing Dehai do it. took the position of manager.

Now it seems that he regrets his decision at that time.

After Xing Dehai became the manager, although he did support the factory when he fell ill, he was too selfish and couldn't tell the importance of promoting people.

Meng Sanqiu really regretted it.

After all, Xing Dehai still had some fears about Meng Sanqiu. Seeing his face darkened, a stiff smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "As for the personnel and logistics work, I have already thought about it. The personnel department will recruit three more people next year."

He babbled a few random words, and then quietly waited for Zhou Niannian to criticize him.

Isn't it just a pick, he hasn't been through any big storms, and was made things difficult by Zhou Niannian, a little girl, although he lost face, but he will find his way back one day.

Zhou Niannian just nodded lightly and didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear what Xing Dehai said just now.

This made Xing Dehai and Bai Yuqing, who were waiting to be picked on, look a little ugly.

After others finished their reports, Zhou Niannian discussed for a long time how to get to them, either criticizing or giving suggestions, just like a transparent person.

Zhou Niannian made it so clear that he didn't take them seriously.

How could she not follow the routine?
Zhou Niannian naturally didn't know what the two of them were thinking, of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

She stood up and glanced at the people in the conference room, her voice was clear and firm: "Everyone has finished talking about this year's work summary and next year's work plan, let me share my views."

"Based on our current orders, next year we must expand the scale, so the first thing we have to do is to adjust the organizational structure. Now that we have clear goals, we must match them with a clear organizational structure. Doing things will get twice the result with half the effort.”

Hearing that the organizational structure was going to be adjusted, everyone except Meng Sanqiu looked at each other in blank dismay.

PS: Do you think that Li Wenjing will be cleaned up like this?That's a big mistake, and the more exciting things are yet to come.

(End of this chapter)

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