Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 214 He Wencai's Analysis

Chapter 214 He Wencai's Analysis
Xing Dehai didn't expect that his vacation proposal would expose his dereliction of duty at work. He was embarrassed and embarrassing for a while, and complained to He Wencai in his heart.

He assigned all the personnel work to He Wencai. This guy kept saying that he would arrange everything, but in the end, Zhou Niannian caught such a big deal.

The angry Xing Dehai retorted without even thinking: "Just say that I am negligent in my work, and you blindly expand the scale of production. If the factory loses money, isn't it because you are dereliction of duty?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, his expression turned cold, "What do you mean by blindly expanding the scale of production?"

Xing Dehai sneered, "It's true that you got the contracts in six cities, but what about the contracts in our cities? Will you definitely sign them to us next year? After all, ham sausage is not a particularly difficult skill to learn. Our factory is on fire. Someone will follow suit."

"Maybe some people in our town have already made and sold it. You are blinded by the victory in front of you. Do you think that the common people must buy our ham sausage? Do you think that the supply and marketing cooperative must recognize our brand?"

"If there are not so many orders next year, wouldn't you expect to lose money if you expand the scale?"

After Xing Dehai finished his righteous statement, he looked at Zhou Niannian with a sad expression on his face, "I didn't make a good holiday schedule, it's just a trivial matter, but if our factory loses money because of your blind expansion, then you are ours." factory sinner."

Zhou Niannian folded his hands and looked at Xing Dehai's impassioned speech calmly. After he finished speaking, he asked indifferently, "How do you know that someone in the town is already selling ham?"

Xing Dehai was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that after talking for a long time, Zhou Niannian's focus was not what he was talking about.

"I guessed it casually, but anyone with a brain can guess it?" He snorted and sat back on the chair.

Zhou Niannian looked at him intently for a moment, then slowly withdrew his gaze, and said casually: "Manager Xing's dereliction of duty is a certainty. As for whether my expansion will cause the factory to lose money, will it be my responsibility?" If you are negligent at work, then please wait and see, Manager Xing, and wait until the day I dereliction of duty, and then accuse me."

Xing Dehai was silently refuted by her faint words, and as soon as Zhou Niannian announced the end of the meeting, he snorted, turned and left the office.

When he returned to his office, Xing Dehai angrily swept the books and documents on the table to the ground.

He Wencai heard the movement, walked over from the next door, and saw Xing Dehai standing in front of the window with a gloomy face when he entered the door. He hurriedly smiled and went forward to pick up the scattered things on the ground and put them on the table.

"Who made the manager angry? Made you lose your temper?"

Xing Dehai glanced at him, remembering what Zhou Niannian said just now about his dereliction of duty at work, "Who else? It's all because of you, let people catch me and say we were dereliction of duty, my face was trampled on the ground."

What does it have to do with me?He Wencai rolled his eyes, and made a cup of hot tea for Xing Dehai, "The manager has a sip of tea to calm down, let's talk slowly, what's going on? If I do something wrong, tell me, and I will correct it immediately .”

Xing Dehai snorted, took a sip from the teacup, and felt that the useless air that had been pent up in his heart all morning was stuck in his throat, unable to get out or get out, which was very uncomfortable.

If Bai Yuqing asked He Wencai to bring it, He Wencai would report to him about the meeting as soon as he saw him. He felt that this kind of year-end work summary was a big deal, and even if he didn't discuss the meeting time with him in advance, Zhou Niannian should come to the meeting notice in person Say it.

Not only did Zhou Niannian not come, but he only asked He Wen to bring a message, clearly not paying attention to him.

He intentionally delayed going to the meeting for more than half an hour. He thought that Zhou Niannian would be waiting for him, but he didn't know that he had already started the meeting on time.

It’s as if he has himself or not. This feeling makes him very uncomfortable. He wanted to pretend to explain why he was late, but Zhou Niannian didn’t even look at him. That feeling seemed to tell him clearly, whether he was there or not. , has no effect on the meeting or the meeting result.

This made him very angry!
However, Zhou Niannian repeatedly attacked at the meeting, criticizing the people he promoted to the ground, beating them mercilessly, and even driving Li Wenjing out of the meeting room.

It's just too much.

He Wencai saw that he was sullen and silent, and remembered that he had gone to a meeting with Zhou Niannian, so he knew it, and asked cautiously, "Did Zhou Niannian make things difficult for you during the meeting?"

Xing Dehai frowned, and his dark eyes immediately swept over, "Just because she is a yellow-haired girl, how dare you make things difficult for me?"

"Yes, yes," He Wencai smiled flatteringly, "Of course she doesn't dare to make things difficult for you, she must have done something to upset you."

Xing Dehai snorted, and looked at He Wencai with a slight accusation, "You said you, how full of big talk you were in front of me before, and you said that the personnel affairs are on you, but today is the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, why haven't you Get the vacation schedule and hand it over to the factory manager? You're dereliction of duty, you know?"

Holiday schedule?He Wencai turned his head quickly, and pretending to be filled with righteous indignation, he patted his legs and said, "Manager, I think Zhou Niannian is deliberately making things difficult for you. Some time ago, Factory Manager Meng was either busy with village affairs or hospitalized."

"Don't say that I was busy behind you some time ago and kept my feet on the ground. Even if I have time to make a holiday schedule, who should I send it to when the factory manager is away?"

"The factory director fell ill. Doesn't she know about Zhou Niannian? She, this is obviously a deliberate pick and seek. It's aimed at you. You can't be scared by her."

Xing Dehai sneered, "Am I afraid of her Zhou Niannian? A joke."

"You don't know how arrogant she was during the meeting just now. She criticized both Li Wenjing and Bai Yuqing, but she still didn't dare to say anything to me."

Having said this, Xing Dehai felt a little better.

Perhaps Zhou Niannian didn't omit personnel and logistics on purpose. She didn't dare to criticize personnel and logistics. After all, director Kong of the county also said that Zhou Niannian, the deputy factory director, was mainly in charge of sales and technology.

Thinking of this, Xing Dehai subconsciously stood up straight, feeling that his toughness that had been suppressed just now had returned.

"What? She even criticized Comrade Bai Yuqing?" He Wencai's expression changed slightly when he heard that Bai Yuqing had also been criticized.

Xing Dehai was immersed in his own imagination, didn't notice his face, and replied casually: "Well, she wants to readjust the organizational structure of the unit, promote two managers, and divide procurement and inspection into two departments."

He Wencai was a little surprised after hearing this, and asked after blinking: "Manager Xing, didn't she say that personnel and logistics are divided into two departments?"

(End of this chapter)

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