Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 215 One Month

Chapter 215 A Month
Xing Dehai shook his head inexplicably, "No, although Zhou Niannian is the deputy director of the factory, she can't control me directly. If she dares to dictate my personnel and logistics, I will definitely not agree."

I really regret it, why didn't I realize this during the meeting just now, Xing Dehai sighed, so he wouldn't have to report to Zhou Niannian.

Thinking about the fact that he had to report to Zhou Niannian, he still felt conflicted.

A look of disappointment flashed in He Wencai's eyes. If HR and logistics were divided into two departments, maybe he could be the head of the HR department.

The other departments are divided, but the personnel and logistics are not divided. Zhou Niannian is deliberately targeting Xing Dehai.

Xing Dehai has transferred him to personnel affairs for a while. Although he is responsible for personnel affairs work, he is not even a team leader until now.

He sighed, pretending to be angry and said: "Manager Xing, I think Zhou Niannian's move is still aimed at you."

Xing Dehai looked up in confusion, "How could it be aimed at me?"

"Think about it, what did Li Yuanjia and Qi Jiayan do? What qualifications do they have to be managers and be on an equal footing with you? You were the only manager in our factory, but now, Zhou Niannian suddenly mentioned two Come on, this is not aimed at you, who do you say it is aimed at?" He Wencai leaned in front of Xing Dehai and said in a low voice.

"Besides, she set up four or five departments at once, but she didn't separate logistics and personnel. Li Yuanjia became the manager, and she was in charge of three departments, and Qi Jiayan was in charge of two departments. As for you, you only have one. Personnel and logistics department, she is clearly targeting you on purpose."

After hearing this, Xing Dehai's expression, which had just improved, turned black like an iron pot.

Everyone in the conference room dispersed, only Meng Sanqiu and Zhou Niannian were left.

Meng Sanqiu let out a long breath, leaned back on the chair, frowned and looked a bit tired.

"Xiao Zhou, why did you only omit personnel and logistics in the adjustment of the organizational structure next year?" He closed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Are you worried or don't want to touch personnel and logistics for the time being?"

Zhou Niannian announced the latest adjustments of so many units at the meeting just now, but did not mention personnel and logistics.

It was Xing Dehai's plausible work plan for next year, and Zhou Niannian did not refute it. At that time, Meng Sanqiu felt strange. After listening to all of Zhou Niannian's work plans, she confirmed again that she deliberately missed personnel and logistics. of.

After a whole morning meeting, Zhou Niannian said that his mouth was dry, and he drank the water in the cup in one gulp, took a long breath, and then looked at Meng Sanqiu and asked: "Do you think Manager Xing is really capable of personnel and logistics? Is he the manager? After he became the manager, do you think he has made any contribution to our factory?"

Meng Sanqiu was silent, and went to touch the cigarette habitually. After touching it, he remembered that there were only Zhou Niannian and him in the meeting room. The little girl seemed to dislike the smell of cigarettes, so she stuffed the cigarette back.

"To be honest, Lao Xing was not such a person before. He looked old-fashioned and serious, but he was still a decent person. When someone was in trouble, he could sometimes help, but I don't know how he changed now. into this."

"Maybe it's because there is no revolutionary committee now. He is used to giving orders. For more than ten years, it is difficult for him to adapt to being given orders by others."

Meng Sanqiu sighed. Xing Dehai had been the manager of personnel and logistics for more than two months. Apart from giving orders, he really didn't make any constructive achievements.

The current personnel and management system in the factory was established by Zhou Niannian before the factory was built.

Even if Meng Sanqiu wanted to speak up for Xing Dehai, he couldn't find an excuse to speak up.

Zhou Niannian is silent, people are subject to change, she doesn't know Xing Dehai before, but she knows that Xing Dehai is not suitable to be a manager now.

"I don't have any scruples. Although he is not suitable for this position, I can't dismiss him directly. You know, I am the deputy factory director mainly in charge of sales and technology." She looked at Meng San meaningfully. Autumn Road.

Meng Sanqiu was stunned for a moment, and understood what Zhou Niannian meant.

If Xing Dehai really wanted to be removed, the order could only be issued by him, the factory director.

He and Xing Dehai have lived in the same village for most of their lives. One is in the brigade and the other is in the revolutionary committee. They have worked together for more than ten years. Although they often have different opinions, they generally get along well.

Let him come forward to remove Xing Dehai, he really can't do it.

At this moment, Meng Sanqiu even blamed Xing Dehai a little bit, you said that you are not capable enough, so just work honestly, and you must have a heart that wants to go to heaven and earth.

Meng Sanqiu was a little embarrassed, "Xiao Zhou, let me see, although Lao Xing is not capable enough, he didn't do anything bad, at least he didn't ruin the company, right? Why don't we give him another chance, Give him a period of time to see, if it still doesn't work, let's get rid of him, okay?"

There was no surprise on Zhou Niannian's face, and Meng Sanqiu's reaction was within her expectation, which is why she didn't say anything about the personnel and logistics adjustment plan.

With Xing Dehai here, Xing Dehai will probably object to any adjustments she wants to make.

In this case, it is better to keep it as it is.

"The factory director, at most one month. If he doesn't make any changes in this month, I will stand up and propose to remove him from the position of manager and replace him with a capable person."

Zhou Niannian said solemnly, "Director, our factory has not been established for a long time, and it is a critical period of rapid development. We are most afraid of ineffective people messing up in the team. If we do not make progress now, we will regress."

Meng Sanqiu pondered for a long time, and gritted his teeth, "Okay, in just one month, I will go and persuade him. He can still listen to my words."

Zhou Niannian sighed and had reservations about his words.

She came out of the conference room and was about to eat, but when she walked to the door, she suddenly remembered something, turned her head and said to Meng Sanqiu: "Director, there is still some time a year ago, find someone to clean up the empty preparatory warehouse in the back." Come out and make a restaurant, can't we have a canteen in the factory all the time?"

Meng Sanqiu groaned, put on a padded jacket, stood up, and walked out of the conference room with her, "I got sick a while ago, and I forgot about it, so we should build a cafeteria, and now everyone brings their own meals from home. , it will be cold by noon.”

In the past, the people in their factory all went to the big canteen to eat, but now the big canteen has been abolished, and the workers all bring their own meals, which is really inconvenient.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. I'll just let Meng Laosan take charge. He's good at this." Meng Sanqiu waved his hand.

Zhou Niannian also had the same idea, Meng Laosan was farming at home now, and there was no work in the field in winter, and he was flustered at home. Given this job, he would definitely be very willing to do it.

 First update more than 3, and continue to ask the friends for the guaranteed monthly pass in everyone's hands. There will be an increase when the monthly pass reaches 50. Let's work together!
(End of this chapter)

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