Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 216 You are too high on yourself

Chapter 216 You are too high on yourself

When returning home from get off work at night, Zhou Niannian saw that Meng Laosan had cleaned up the kitchen in the courtyard, rebuilt the stove, installed a new bellows, and Qi Jiayan bought the dishes and plates from the town It was also neatly placed on the earthen platform next to the stove, and Qi Jiayan carefully spread two layers of newspapers on the earthen platform.

Zhou Niannian thanked Meng Laosan with a smile.

"This is my own house. I will use it sooner or later after I clean it up. You don't have to be so polite, Deputy Factory Manager Xiao Zhou." Meng Laosan scooped up a spoonful of cold water, washed his hands, and prepared to go home.

Zhou Niannian called him to stop, "The factory wants to build a cafeteria. You go to the house of the factory director Meng. He said that you are in charge. You go and ask about the specific situation."

This is really a happy event that fell from the sky. Meng Laosan, who was flustered and worried at home, rubbed his hands happily, thanked Zhou Niannian in a hurry, and ran away.

Zhou Niannian looked at Qi Jiayan with a smile, "We can start the fire by ourselves tonight, what do you want to eat?"

Qi Jiayan brought out a cabbage and two potatoes from the house, "No, I bought this."

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, "How about baking two potato pancakes and some hot and sour cabbage?"

Qi Jiayan readily agreed, and threw the potatoes to her with a smile, "Anyway, you cook, and I can only help you with my skills."

The two were talking and laughing as they made preparations.

There was a light knock on the door, Zhou Niannian turned his head, the sky was already dark, the moonlight was dim, and the oil lamp in the kitchen was as bright as beans, and he could only vaguely see a slender figure standing at the door.

"Who is it?" Zhou Niannian put down the shaved potatoes and walked out of the kitchen.

The person standing at the door paused for a moment, and said softly, "I'm Bai Yuqing. I want to talk to Deputy Director Zhou about something. Can I come in?"

The smile on Zhou Niannian's face faded away, she turned around and wiped her hands on the towel hanging by the wall, and then said calmly, "Come in if you have something to say."

Bai Yuqing walked in slowly, walked to the kitchen door and stood still, saw Qi Jiayan busy in the kitchen, her face froze, and said in a low voice, "How about we go out and talk?"

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, turned around and walked into the house, "It's cold outside, let's talk inside if we have something to do."

The room was pitch black, and she was familiar with the furnishings in the room. When she entered the room, she first touched the matches and prepared to light the oil lamp.

Bai Yuqing followed her in as hard as she could, and the moment she felt the sparks flash, a black thing sprang out from the room and rushed straight at her face.

"Ah, ah ah!" She was startled, screamed and stepped back, but accidentally tripped on the threshold, fell directly outside the door, and fell on all fours.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Qi Jiayan rushed out of the kitchen holding a kitchen knife, and when she saw Qi Jiayan lying on the ground by the door, she immediately petrified.

Holding the oil lamp, Zhou Niannian turned around and looked at Bai Yuqing puzzled, "Why did you fall down?"

It was only then that Bai Yuqing saw clearly that there was an airy bird standing on Zhou Niannian's shoulder. She recognized this bird as Zhou Niannian's bird named Ah Liang. After a glance, he turned his head and smiled helplessly: "I accidentally tripped on the threshold."

As she spoke, she got up from the ground. The snow on the ground had not yet melted, and Bai Yuqing was covered with snow and mud. She looked extremely embarrassed.

Zhou Niannian glanced at Ah Liang approvingly, Ah Liang flapped her wings and flew back to her nest.

"Wash your hands first, the clothes can only be washed when you go back to the dormitory." Zhou Niannian scooped some water in with a basin.

Bai Yuqing bit her lip, looked at the mud all over her body with disgust, gritted her teeth and washed her hands first.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Zhou Niannian pulled up a chair and sat down, motioning for her to sit on the opposite chair.

Bai Yuqing pursed her lips, the atmosphere and unwillingness that filled her when she came just now were all dissipated by the fall just now.

Her eyes flickered, and then she looked up at Zhou Niannian, her eyes were sad and wronged, "Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director, I want to know what opinion do you have on me? Why? Why do you have to target me?"

"I just want to make my life better and get a better position in the factory. Is there something wrong with that?"

Zhou Niannian's eyes turned cold, "Do you think the adjustments I made at the meeting today are deliberately aimed at you?"

Bai Yuqing nodded aggrievedly, "I just approached you this morning and said that I wanted to be the leader of the procurement inspection team. You apparently agreed, but turned around and separated the two functions of procurement and inspection. Isn't this aimed at me? ?”

"I know that I snatched Comrade Qi Jiayan's position. You are upset and want to vent your anger on her, but I have said that I can return it to her, and I can exchange it with her. You are the deputy factory director. If you want this position Just open your mouth and take it back, why do you need to make such a detour?"

The more Bai Yuqing talked, the more wronged she felt, suddenly there was a cold laugh in the room.

She raised her head and looked at Zhou Niannian's bright apricot eyes. Even in a dim room with only oil lamps on, these eyes were still very bright, and she seemed to be in high spirits.

Bai Yuqing was dumbfounded.

The corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth raised a mocking smile, "As you said, I'm the deputy director of the factory, and I want you to return the position to Jiayan, so just say it straight, I really don't need to go around with you."

"Why do I have to make such a big detour when I can solve things with my mouth?"

"I adjusted the organizational structure of the factory because it's time to adjust, not because of you, Bai Yuqing," Zhou Niannian waved his fingers, "Because you don't have the qualifications yet, so ah, Bai Yuqing Qing, you think too highly of yourself."

Bai Yuqing's face turned red, she didn't expect Zhou Niannian to speak so mercilessly, she could only mutter to herself at a loss: "You, me, I didn't, I..."

"I don't care if you have it or not," Zhou Niannian looked at her sternly, "I've always spoken and acted frankly, so if you have anything to say in front of me in the future, don't make any detours, I'm not sure I can understand, or I may not have the patience to listen."

Bai Yuqing's lips were tightly pressed together, she knew that Zhou Niannian was mocking what she said yesterday and this morning.

Her face turned white and red, and she didn't understand why she suddenly had the courage to talk to Zhou Niannian tonight.

She thought that Zhou Niannian was targeting her because she had a problem with her, as long as she explained softly, Zhou Niannian might be able to dispel her misunderstanding.

This is a tactic she has used since she was a child, but she didn't expect it to fail here in Zhou Niannian's place.

Now it seems how funny and shallow her thoughts are.

Zhou Niannian simply looked down on herself.

PS: Does anyone know what a bellows is?Ha ha!

 There are so few monthly passes. If you still have a monthly pass, please vote for Dawu!Two updates this morning and one more in the afternoon. If the monthly pass can break 50, there will be another update in the evening!
(End of this chapter)

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