Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 217 Suspect Object

Chapter 217 Suspect Object

Bai Yuqing left in a daze, Zhou Niannian did not see her off.

Walking out of the small courtyard where Zhou Niannian lived, she looked back and saw the dim lights in the courtyard, and the laughter of Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan talking, she subconsciously bit her lips tightly, and a flash of resignation flashed in her eyes.

The same educated youth who went to the countryside, how can Zhou Niannian be so beautiful, but she can't?
Is it because she came half a year earlier than me?She is not reconciled at all.

Bai Yuqing stared at the small courtyard behind her, the gloom in her eyes was thicker than the night.

Bai Yuqing's arrival affected Zhou Niannian's mood, not because of what she said, but because seeing her, Zhou Niannian remembered what he had promised Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu.

When she left Xincheng, she promised them to verify what Li Xiangxiu said about the Jade Buddha and the birthmark when she came back. If she was sure that Bai Yuqing was the real Zhou Qingqing, she would write to them immediately.

Of course, this was to coax Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu. Zhou Niannian knew in his heart that Bai Yuqing was the real Zhou Qingqing without verification.

But she didn't know how to talk about this matter to Bai Yuqing.

She didn't think about it at first, but when she came back, she also found that a lot of changes had taken place in the factory. In the past two days, she was only thinking about how to adjust things in the factory as soon as possible, so she simply put this matter behind her.

Seeing Bai Yuqing just now, the things that were suppressed in my heart surged up again.

Zhou Niannian was a little worried, she and Bai Yuqing were not close, and if she rashly said that she was the daughter of Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, I was afraid that Bai Yuqing would not believe it at all.

Of course, it would be different if Bai Yuqing discovered this by himself.

Zhou Niannian was thinking about something on his mind, lost his mind for a while, and forgot the potato pancakes that were still frying in the pan.

As soon as Qi Jiayan entered the kitchen, she smelled a burning smell. Her complexion changed, and she strode to the stove, and took out the half-baked potato pancakes.

"The cake is all mushy, Nian Nian, what are you thinking about?"

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses, looked at the charred potato pancakes on the plate, and couldn't help but smile wryly, "Forget it, I'll fry two more."

Qi Jiayan shook her head, "No need, this one can still be eaten, let's take off the half of the paste and eat the other half."

Saying that, he sat under the stove again, added some firewood, and turned on the bellows, "Let's cook."

Zhou Niannian brushed the pot with loofah pulp, quickly fried a plate of hot and sour cabbage, and a simple meal was ready.

The two packed up, brought the food to the small living room, and sat facing each other. Zhou Niannian smiled and raised the cup at hand, "We have a successful start, and toast to the first meal we cooked."

"Okay, cheers!" Qi Jiayan smiled, clinked the glass with her, took a sip of the water in it, and then asked in a low voice: "What did Bai Yuqing tell you just now? I think you are absent-minded, yes Didn't she make you angry with her harsh words?"

Zhou Niannian took a bite of the food and shook her head, "No, I just thought of something else. By the way, how did you go to the town's supply and marketing agency to investigate today?"

Not wanting to talk about Bai Yuqing, Zhou Niannian changed the subject directly.

Qi Jiayan didn't go to work in the factory today, but went to the town to investigate the sale of ham sausage at the town supply and marketing agency.

When Qi Jiayan heard this, she didn't bother to ask about Zhou Niannian anymore, she put down her chopsticks and ran to her room, and after a while, she came out with a ham sausage.

"I went to the Township Supply and Marketing Cooperative today, and happened to be selling ham sausages, so I went up and bought one, take a look."

After finishing speaking, he handed the ham sausage to Zhou Niannian.

"Nian Nian, take a look, there is no problem at all from the packaging. This packaging is exactly the same as our ham sausage."

Zhou Niannian took the ham sausage, carefully looked at the logo and content on it, and even read the font one by one.

No one is more familiar with the packaging of ham sausage than her, because she designed it herself.

She used the dim light of the oil lamp to look at the packages one by one from beginning to end, and they were indeed exactly the same as their packaging bags.

Zhou Niannian frowned, tore open the packaging bag, put a small piece of sausage into his mouth, tasted it, then shook his head: "This is definitely not the sausage we produce."

Qi Jiayan also took a bite and nodded after savoring it carefully, "It's really not ours. Our ham sausage is much more fragrant than this one. This ham sausage smells like big ingredients, and it's saltier than ours. Know how much salt to put in."

She said, frowning, "But the people in the town supply and Marketing Cooperative insisted that it was our ham sausage. Damn it, they were using our signboard to attract customers. Unfortunately, when I went, they had already put the ham sausage on the table." , I don’t know where they got the goods from.”

"Ah," she said after a pause, her voice suddenly rose two points, "Do you know who I met when I went there today?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head in confusion.

"I met He Xiaozhuang who was trying to blackmail us that day. I entered the supply and marketing cooperative, and he happened to be leaving the supply and marketing cooperative. When he saw me, he seemed to be taken aback, and hurried away with a big luggage bag. "

Zhou Niannian didn't care, thinking that Xiao Zhuang went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things. After all, Chinese New Year is coming soon, and this year is the first year when he can cook New Year's Eve dinner at home, and every household is busy buying things.

"When you go out again tomorrow, buy more vegetables and meat. I have meat tickets here, and buy some noodles. When it's Chinese New Year, let's have a good New Year." She said casually.

Qi Jiayan nodded, then as if she suddenly thought of something, she let out an ah and called out.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Niannian was taken aback by her surprise.

Qi Jiayan clapped her hands in frustration, "When you mentioned shopping just now, I suddenly remembered that He Xiaozhuang came out of the supply and marketing agency with a luggage bag early in the morning, but the bag was empty and he didn't buy anything. It's normal."

"You said he came out with an empty bag?" Zhou Niannian pondered for a while, "I went to the supply and marketing cooperative with the bag not to buy things, but to deliver things. Since the bag was empty when he came out, then he."

"He was just there to deliver something," Qi Jiayan clapped her hands, and hurriedly said, "I remembered, when the two of us passed each other, I smelled a strong strange smell on him, oh, That’s right, it’s a big seasoning.”

She thumped her head in frustration, "My pig head, why didn't I realize it at the time, if I remembered at that time, I would follow that He Xiaozhuang, maybe I will gain something now."

Zhou Niannian patted her on the shoulder, "It's a good thing you didn't follow him. That He Xiaozhuang seems to be capable. It would be dangerous for you to follow him."

She said, picking up the packing bag on the table, "Your trip is not fruitless, at least we have obtained useful clues, and we have a clear object of suspicion."

(End of this chapter)

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