Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 218 I Can Be Wronged Once

Chapter 218 I Can Be Wronged
Qi Jiayan's eyes fell on the packaging bag, "This packaging bag is exactly the same as ours, if it wasn't for the owner of the packaging bag printing factory who sold the patterned bag we designed without permission, then there must be a ghost in our factory. "

When they ordered the packaging bags, they had an agreement with the owner of the packaging bag printing factory. The design of this bag has been registered in the county, and it is their unique packaging. It constitutes an infringement, and they can sue the packaging bag printing factory.

Zhou Niannian suddenly remembered what Xing Dehai blurted out during the meeting this morning, and his eyes narrowed.

I don't know if Xing Dehai is involved in this matter?If so, what role did he play in it?
"Go to the packaging bag printing factory tomorrow to inquire about it. I'll be in charge of the investigation here in the factory." Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan discussed it, washed the dishes and chopsticks, and then went back to their rooms to sleep.

Zhou Niannian returned to the bedroom and when she was about to change clothes, she saw Ah Liang blinking at her on the window sill.

She smiled and pointed to the outside, Ah Liang drooped her head aggrieved and flew out.

After learning about her and Ah Liang's past, Zhou Niannian suddenly realized that Ah Liang is a male bird. From then on, every time she changed clothes, Zhou Niannian never allowed Ah Liang to appear in the bedroom.

Ah Liang sneered at this, "I'm a bird, even if I see it, I can't do anything to you."

Zhou Niannian sneered: "What else do you want to do, you should pick your eyes when you see it."

Since she picked her eyes, Ah Liang swallowed silently, and weighed the situation. It still has to beg Zhou Niannian to hatch its eggs. Forget it, the bird is under the eaves, so it has to bow its head.

As soon as Zhou Niannian changed her clothes and lay down, Ah Liang flew in.

"You don't like that Bai Yuqing who came today?" Zhou Niannian asked it with a smile when he suddenly heard about it flying out and startled Bai Yuqing.

She can guarantee that Ah Liang definitely rushed out to scare Bai Yuqing on purpose.

Seeing that Zhou Niannian was not angry, Ah Liang knew that she had done nothing wrong, she squinted her eyes in a sly manner, and spoke disapprovingly of Bai Yuqing: "That woman is full of bad taste, you have to be more careful in the future."

With a stomach full of bad water, Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing at the description, "Don't worry, I will be careful."

Thinking of what Qi Jiayan said about He Xiaozhuang, Zhou Niannian waved to Ah Liang.

Ah Liang flew over, floating in the air and looking down at her, "What's wrong? Can't sleep? Do you want me to accompany you? If necessary, I can feel wronged."

Beautiful you!Zhou Niannian gave it a supercilious look and let it know for itself, "Go to Ershengtou Village for the past two days and keep an eye on those named He Dazhu and He Xiaozhuang to see if they have any shady activities."

Ah Liang rolled her eyes, "Okay, but only for tomorrow. I have an ominous premonition that the second princess of the Bird Clan is coming soon. I have to find a place to hide."

Thinking of Ah Liang's peach blossom debt, Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, "Okay, one day at a time, but having said that, it's also very good to be a son-in-law for the princess of the bird tribe, you don't have to go back to the ninth level genius, okay?"

Ah Liang's hair exploded immediately, and the feather crown on the top of her head stood up, "I don't want it, I am a phoenix bird from the Nine Heavens, how can I be married to a bird clan member in the mere human world."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhou Niannian with hatred, "You are worthless, you have been in the Jiuchongtian for hundreds of years and you are just a maid for the Queen of Heaven to guard the Lingdan Palace. The maid who is with you is not married to Shangshen , become a wife, that is, you will ascend to the immortal, and you will stick to the cold palace of elixir."

Zhou Niannian sneered: "Let me remind you, who destroyed my peaceful and comfortable life, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to be relegated to the world to be punished, and if I'm worthless, I'd betray your whereabouts to the bird princess. "

"How dare you!" Ah Liang stared at Zhou Niannian angrily. Seeing Zhou Niannian's cool eyes, her head drooped, "Okay, I was wrong."

Zhou Niannian snorted, satisfied.

After such a fuss, she became less sleepy. She put on her clothes and got up, found the letter paper, and wrote a letter to Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu. It's been two days since she came back, and she hasn't written a letter to her parents yet.

The letter was not long, and it briefly talked about his return. At the end, Zhou Niannian pursed his lips and added a sentence: "I know what the old man is worried about, and I will try my best to deal with it. Please wait patiently."

Folding the letter and stuffing it into the envelope, Zhou Niannian thought for a while, then pulled out another piece of letter paper and buried himself in writing to Lu Qingfeng.

This time when she went to the new city, she had different thoughts about Lu Qingfeng than before, and she had different expectations for the marriage between the two of them.

She is not a hypocritical person, since she thinks that Lu Qingfeng is a good person, she should actively get along with him.

In the letter, Zhou Niannian wrote about what he had seen and heard in Lancheng and Ningcheng, briefly mentioned a few things about the factory, and talked about the adjustments he was making.

It was past ten o'clock after writing the letter, and Zhou Niannian turned off the lights and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Qi Jiayan got up to go to the city, Zhou Niannian gave her the letter he wrote last night and asked her to deliver it for him along the way.

Qi Jiayan saw Lu Qingfeng's name written on one of the letters, and couldn't help but teased her: "Oh, it's only been a few days since we separated, so I hurried to write a letter? Oh, I'm so sour. .”

Zhou Niannian bumped her with his arm, "Wait until the day you have a date, and see how I treat you."

The two laughed and made a fuss, and each acted separately.

Zhou Niannian entered the factory and went directly to the accounting office to find Accountant Wang.

Accountant Wang was shocked by Zhou Niannian yesterday. When he saw her today, he unconsciously showed a respectful attitude: "Xiao Zhou, deputy director of the factory, why are you here? Is there any arrangement?"

"That's right, the Chinese New Year holiday is coming soon, I'll come here and ask if you have any plans for asset inventory?" Zhou Niannian said.

Accountant Wang has been an accountant for more than ten years, so he is no stranger to such things as asset inventory. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "I'm going to do an inventory today. I don't know if Xiao Zhou, the deputy factory director, has any other requirements?"

Zhou Niannian thought for a while and said: "Although our factory has only been open for three months, we have bought a lot of ingredients and auxiliary materials. I hope you can focus on the consumption of some ingredients and auxiliary materials, and take stock of the theoretical inventory. Whether it is consistent with the actual inventory, and whether the re-count theory is consistent with the actual production quantity."

Accountant Wang restrained his expression slightly, and nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director."

After going to work, Accountant Wang issued a notice of asset inventory, and took another accountant to start the inventory of various departments.

PS: The noun in the manufacturing industry refers to the quantity that is currently being manufactured on the production line and has not yet been stored in the warehouse.

The inconsistency of accounts refers to the inconsistency between the accounts and the actual number of items stored in the warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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