Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 219 Bai Yuqing Has a Problem

Chapter 219 Bai Yuqing Has a Problem
When it was time to get off work in the afternoon, the inventory was completed. Accountant Wang came to report to Zhou Niannian and Meng Sanqiu with the inventory list, looking a little embarrassed.

"We distribute gloves, hats, some big ingredients, and even some of the pork we bought back."

He said and handed the inventory list to Meng Sanqiu.

Meng Sanqiu narrowed his eyes and looked at it for a while, then handed it to Zhou Niannian, with an ugly expression on his face: "It seems that we are a little too loose, and it's okay to steal gloves and hats back, but even dare to take home meat and aniseed ingredients." , it seems that we have to talk about work discipline."

Zhou Niannian was not surprised by the lack of things. In her previous life, before her rebirth, the development of enterprise management had reached a very advanced level. Every time she took inventory, inconsistent accounts still abound.

Zhou Niannian didn't focus on this point, she raised her eyebrows unexpectedly when she saw the inventory list in the packaging section.

The result of the inventory of the packaging bags turned out to be the same, not bad at all.

If the packaging bags used for the counterfeit ham sausages did not flow out of their factory, then it can only be from the packaging factory. I don't know if Jiayan has any investigation results.

"Things are lost, it means that the supervisors of each section have supervisory omissions, so let the supervisors of each section write an improvement report." Zhou Niannian put the list of assets on the table, and said to Meng Sanqiu, "This kind of thing, even if the management No matter how strict it is, it is inevitable that there will be omissions, and it should be supervised by all supervisors."

Meng Sanqiu agreed with her point of view, "Our factory's management system also needs to be revised."

Zhou Niannian paused for a moment, then said: "Revising the management system is a matter of personnel affairs. You should ask Manager Xing to do this."

Meng Sanqiu glanced at Zhou Niannian, remembered the one-month agreement with Zhou Niannian, finally nodded, "Okay, I will go to Lao Xing later and talk to him about it."

When Zhou Niannian came home from get off work, Qi Jiayan had already cooked porridge.

She washed her hands and fried two dishes, and the two sat opposite each other to eat, and talked about today's investigation respectively.

"There is nothing unusual in the inventory at the factory, how is your investigation going?" Zhou Niannian asked.

Qi Jiayan bit her chopsticks and talked about her investigation in the packaging bag factory.

"The contact between the packaging bag factory and our factory was a young man surnamed Li. I didn't say that I was from the Rainbow Meat Food Processing Factory, but made up an identity, found Xiao Li, and said that we wanted to make such packaging bags. .”

"Smart!" Zhou Niannian gave Qi Jiayan a thumbs up.

Don't directly explain your identity, so as not to startle the snake.

Qi Jiayan smiled, and continued: "As soon as Xiao Li saw the shape of the packaging bag I took out, he rejected me, saying that this is a bag specially made by our Rainbow Meat Food Processing Factory, and they cannot sell it to the outside world. On weekdays, the patterns are managed by a special person.”

"Xiao Li and I talked about everything, but he didn't agree. He only said that they would only sell this type of packaging bag to Comrade Bai Yuqing of the Rainbow Meat Food Processing Factory."

"I think his attitude is firm, and he doesn't seem to be fake. It can be inferred that the packaging bag factory should not have sold the packaging bags to outsiders."

Zhou Niannian held his chopsticks and propped his forehead, looking puzzled: "That's strange, the packing factory didn't sell the bags to outsiders, and our factory also has a lot of packing bags, so where did the people who made the fake ham get the packing bags?"

Qi Jiayan was also puzzled.

"No, there must be a part of it that we missed." Zhou Niannian separated the chopsticks, "One side is the packaging bag factory, and the other side is our factory."

She pointed to the middle with her finger, "The only contact in the middle is"

"Bai Yuqing!" Qi Jiayan said suddenly, sitting up straight, "Nian Nian, do you suspect that Bai Yuqing has a problem?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "It's hard to say, but I always feel that she will not be innocent."

Qi Jiayan rested her chin and stared at the bags on the table, "The packaging bag factory only recognizes her, this Bai Yuqing, even the old man at the gate knows her, saying that she is gentle and good-natured, every time she goes to get the packaging bag, will give her a warm greeting."

Speaking of this, she curled her lips, "The old man said that Bai Yuqing is very dedicated, and it snowed so much last week, she even went to the city to get the bag, saying that she was afraid that Xiao Li would be in a hurry."

"Let me tell you, Nian Nian, I always think that Bai Yuqing is fake."

Zhou Niannian nodded in agreement, "She's quite fake," she suddenly realized in the middle of speaking, "What did you just say? You said that Qi Jiayan went into the packing bag once last week?"

Qi Jiayan nodded in confusion, "Yeah, because it snowed that day, the gatekeeper was very impressed, and even praised Bai Yuqing to me."

Zhou Niannian slowly sat up straight, "You're right, she does have a problem, I just looked at the asset inventory list in the factory today, and the asset list of the packaging section only recorded the purchase of packaging bags once, um, it seems to be January fifth."

Qi Jiayan frowned, "The old man at the door said that Qi Jiayan went there last week, which was around January 23rd, which means that Qi Jiayan has entered the packing bag twice this month."

Zhou Niannian nodded.

The purchase list in the packaging section only recorded an inventory list in early January, because Zhou Niannian focused on the list of the packaging section, so she remembered it very clearly.

It is recorded on the list that on January [-]th, [-] pieces went into the packaging bag.

Bai Yuqing bought another batch of packaging bags last week, but they didn't record them in the account. So where did this batch of packaging bags go?

"No matter what, I can be sure that there must be something wrong with Bai Yuqing." Zhou Niannian said with certainty, "Tomorrow you can go to work normally, and there is no need to investigate any more. You are the marketing manager now, and Bai Yuqing happens to be working under you. Keep an eye on her, Manager Qi."

Manager Qi's last sentence was full of jokes.

Qi Jiayan packed the dishes with a smile, and waved her hands as if wrapping her around me, "The task must be completed, Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director."

The two girls laughed and went to wash the dishes.

The next morning, Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan had dinner and went to work together. Before they reached the gate of the factory, they saw a group of people surrounded by the gate, and the sound of crying came indistinctly.

"What's going on?" The two quickened their pace and walked forward quickly.

As soon as I walked to the gate of the factory, I heard a sharp cry from the surrounding crowd, "It's the ham sausage from your factory, which almost killed my head. What kind of ham sausage are you guys? The poison of human life."

"My head is still lying in the health center. If something goes wrong, I will crash and die at the gate of your factory, you black-hearted people!"

Zhou Niannian frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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