Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 222 I Disagree

Chapter 222 I Disagree
An emergency meeting was held in the factory, attended by Meng Sanqiu, Zhou Niannian, Xing Dehai, and the two managers Li Yuanjia and Qi Jiayan who were just brought up. Since the accident happened on the ham sausage production line, Deng Junliang was also called over.

In this short period of time, Meng Sanqiu's anxious mouth was blistered, "Seeing that the Chinese New Year is only a few days away, why did this happen?"

After all, he is getting old. Originally, Mengjiang Village opened a meat processing factory this year, which is the first in the county. Many people in the village have become workers and receive wages. Their lives are better than those of the surrounding villages. some.

The town leader read the income statement sent to the town two days ago, and said that Mengjiang Village is the village with the highest income in Jinchuan Town, even in the county, it ranks first.

This year, their Mengjiang Village has become very famous in Zezhou County.

I originally thought that this year's advanced village collective honor was a certainty, so I didn't run away.

If something like this happened at this time, if it brought trouble to the county, it would have a bad impact, let alone the honor of the advanced village collective.

The most important point is that if Xiang's family makes trouble in the county, their business at Rainbow Factory will definitely be greatly affected. If the business plummets, the factory will be over.

Thinking of this, Meng Sanqiu suddenly felt that the blister on his mouth was even more painful.

"You all talk about what to do?" He waved his hand, couldn't help but took out a cigarette and smoked it.

Xing Dehai leaned back on the chair in frustration, "What else can I do? These people come to make trouble, and it is clear that they want money. As long as we are willing to pay the money and say a few words of comfort, the matter can be suppressed."

Meng Sanqiu frowned, "Isn't paying the money the same as recognizing that the ham sausage is ours? Isn't that good?"

Xing Dehai had the opposite opinion, "The most urgent thing now is to slow down Xiang's family members and not let them go to the county to make trouble. Let's send a representative to visit the patients with them in the health center and express our sincerity in solving the problem. Their emotions will change." Be soothed."

"As long as their emotions are calmed down and they are willing to talk to us, then everything will be easy to handle."

"Let's pay more, and they will keep it secret after taking the money. If this matter is suppressed, no one will know. This is good for our factory."

"Otherwise, letting them make trouble will only affect the reputation of our factory."

Meng Sanqiu took a deep drag on his cigarette, but didn't speak.

Li Yuanjia glanced at Meng Sanqiu, then at Zhou Niannian, and said in a low voice, "What if, I mean, what if Xiang's family wants money at all?"

Xing Dehai glared at him displeasedly, "How could someone not like money? If they don't agree, it means they want more, and the terms we offer are not enough to impress them."

"I don't agree!" Zhou Niannian's crisp voice sounded in the conference room, "I disagree with Manager Xing's proposal. This matter has not even been investigated, and the compensation will be paid directly. This is equivalent to us pleading guilty directly, which is inappropriate. , not to mention what Comrade Li Yuanjia said is right, what if the other party really doesn't want money, just to vent their anger, how about an explanation?"

"That's right," Li Yuanjia muttered softly, "The Xiang family is a big family in our town. There are so many brothers and sisters in the family, and they are very united, so their life is one of the best in our town."

The implication is that people really don't care about money.

Xing Dehai's face darkened, and he looked at Zhou Niannian with a strange look: "If I remember correctly, Xiao Zhou, the deputy factory director, is mainly in charge of sales and technology. Such customer complaints and disputes should be handled by our personnel department, right?"

"Isn't it inappropriate for Deputy Factory Director Xiao Zhou to interfere in our department's affairs like this?"

Meng Sanqiu suddenly raised his head to look at Xing Dehai, with an unconcealable disappointment in his eyes.

At this time, Xing Dehai still didn't forget to attack Zhou Niannian.

"Old Xing, it's this time, we should be more united and external."

Xing Dehai snorted, and said in a strange way: "I already have a mature way of dealing with it. Comrade Xiao Zhou insisted on objecting. She just confidently promised him that she would investigate the truth of the matter in the morning."

"If we can't find out in the morning, what should we do? Should we discuss it with others? At that time, I'm afraid that Xiang's family will not be so comforted."

"If this matter is not handled properly at the time, is it our personnel department's dereliction of duty, or your Zhou Niannian's dereliction of duty?"

Zhou Niannian was a little disappointed, "Manager Xing is not thinking about solving the problem at this time, but about not being able to solve it. Who will take responsibility?"

Xing Dehai snorted, "Although this is not very pleasant to say, we'd better say something ugly first, lest someone say that I, Xing Dehai, was dereliction of duty at work. I can't bear such a big responsibility."

As he said that, he looked at Meng Sanqiu and asked Meng Sanqiu to make a statement: "If I want to deal with this matter, then follow my plan, pay money to appease, and investigate after the event. Also, if I take the lead in handling it, she Zhou Niannian will take care of it." Don't interfere, do what you have to do."

Zhou Niannian didn't speak, just looked at Meng Sanqiu calmly, waiting for Meng Sanqiu to make a decision.

If Meng Sanqiu really agreed with Xing Dehai's opinion, she would be really disappointed.

Meng Sanqiu was a little irritable, took two puffs of dry cigarettes, and frowned at Zhou Niannian: "Didn't you say that the results of the investigation were found in the morning? What have you found now? Don't waste time."

Xing Dehai was stunned, he didn't expect Meng Sanqiu to choose Zhou Niannian's side, "Old Meng, you."

Meng Sanqiu took down Hanyan with a calm expression, "If Xiao Zhou can't find out in the morning, my old man will show his face and come forward to appease them. When something happens, my old man is solely responsible, Lao Xing, you don't have to worry. "

In one sentence, Xing Dehai's face swelled like a purple eggplant, "Old Meng, you know I didn't mean that, I just..."

Meng Sanqiu waved his hand, "It doesn't matter what you mean now, the most important thing now is to listen to Comrade Xiao Zhou's discovery."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhou Niannian and ignored Xing Dehai at all.

Xing Dehai clenched his fists, barely suppressing the anger surging in his heart.

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, then calmly tore open the ham sausage that the bearded beard had just given her on the table, and gave a few pieces to the people attending the meeting.

"Try it, although the packaging of this ham sausage is exactly the same as ours, it is not the ham sausage produced by us at all, and the taste is not the same at all."

Several people tasted it separately, and it was Deng Junliang who spoke first, "That's right, the aniseed taste in this ham sausage is too strong, instead it loses the flavor of meat, our ham sausage won't be marinated with so much ingredients at all. .”

Deng Junliang is most familiar with the details of ham sausage production. Meng Sanqiu naturally believed what he said, "So, this ham sausage is indeed not produced by us, but the packaging is exactly the same as ours."

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(End of this chapter)

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