Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 223 Who should be in it?

Chapter 223 Who should be in it?

Xing Dehai looked at Zhou Niannian and sneered, "Yes, this packaging bag is from our Rainbow Factory. We can't argue with each other. Is Comrade Xiao Zhou planning to convince people to believe it only by the taste?"

Zhou Niannian ignored her, turned her head and whispered something to Qi Jiayan, Qi Jiayan turned and went out.

"When I came back a few days ago, on the bus back to Jinchuan Town, I met Xiang Jingshan's mother. She said at the time that the supply and marketing cooperatives in the town also started selling ham. The current production capacity can't meet the needs of the city, so how can the department stores in the city sell bulk goods to the town supply and marketing cooperative first."

When Zhou Niannian mentioned that the supply and marketing cooperative in the town was also selling ham sausages, he deliberately observed Xing Dehai's expression.

Seeing that he was only slightly stunned, his expression seemed a little surprised, but there was no other expression, Zhou Niannian's eyes flickered, he shook the half sausage left in his hand, and continued: "I kept an eye out and let Jiayan I went out to investigate for two days, and found that the supply and marketing agency in the town sells this kind of ham sausage, and Jiayan bought two back, which are exactly the same as this one."

"This ham sausage is indeed exactly the same as ours on the outside. Outsiders can't tell the difference, and the packaging is also exactly the same. This can only show one thing, that is, there are traitors in the company, there are insiders, some people cooperate with outsiders, and manufacture together with outsiders. Fake and shoddy products, sold under our brand."

Upon hearing that there was an internal response, the expressions of several people in the conference room changed and they looked at each other.

"Then who do you say is the internal response?" Xing Dehai's face was full of suspicion.

Zhou Niannian didn't answer, when the door of the conference room opened, Qi Jiayan came in, followed by Bai Yuqing with a calm and gentle expression.

As soon as he entered the door, Bai Yuqing looked at Zhou Niannian with a confused face, his expression seemed a little uneasy, "Xiao Zhou, deputy director of the factory, what's the matter for calling me here?"

Everyone in the room was also a little puzzled, not knowing what kind of medicine Zhou Niannian was selling in the gourd.

Li Yuanjia rolled his eyes, thinking of what Zhou Niannian said about internal response, and looking at Bai Yuqing, something was wrong.

Zhou Niannian took the asset inventory list of the packaging section that Qi Jiayan took out from Accountant Wang, and smiled at Bai Yuqing. No more and no less bags."

She paused here, and looked at Bai Yuqing with a half-smile, "Should I praise you for your careful management, or should I praise you for doing a good job on the surface?"

Bai Yuqing was stunned, why did she think that these two compliments by Zhou Niannian were derogatory?

"This is my job, I dare not let the deputy factory manager praise me." She thought for a while, and said a modest word.

Zhou Niannian sneered, and threw the list of assets in his hand on the conference table.

With a strong hand, she threw out the two pieces of paper with a crisp sound.

Bai Yuqing was suddenly frightened by the crisp sound and trembled.

"Then can you explain to me? On January 23th you went to buy [-] packaging bags, and on January [-]rd you went to buy another batch of packaging bags. Why is there no record of this purchase on the asset list?" Woolen cloth?"

Bai Yuqing's face changed slightly, and panic flashed across his eyes, but he and she quickly stabilized his emotions, and looked at Zhou Niannian in feigned surprise.

"Xiao Zhou, deputy factory manager, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

Zhou Niannian hehe, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, Jiayan, report it to the police. I suspect that someone in our factory is cheating and cooperating with outsiders to manufacture fake and shoddy products outside."

"I reported the crime when I came out of the packaging bag factory yesterday. Comrade Yang Jiarui said that he would come over as soon as he got to work this morning. He is probably on his way now." Qi Jiayan winked at Zhou Niannian.

Bai Yuqing's face turned pale. She had seen Yang Jiarui before and knew that he and Zhou Niannian had a good relationship.

If Yang Jiarui came and interrogated himself as a comrade of the investigation institute, his reputation would be ruined.

Thinking of this, Bai Yuqing smiled, and acted as if she just remembered, "I just remembered, I did order a batch of bags on January 23rd, not many, just three hundred, I'll be busy when I get back, I just forgot to record it on the account, shouldn’t this be considered a violation of the company’s regulations?”

"Really?" Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows, "You ordered [-] at the beginning of January, and then ordered [-] at the end of January, a total of [-]."

"According to the production capacity of our factory, there are at most [-] packaging bags a month, so there should be at least [-] bags left in the factory now."

She snapped and slapped the list of assets on the conference table, "But yesterday, after an inventory, there were only 200 bags left in the factory. Can you explain to me where those [-]-odd bags went?"

Bai Yuqing shuddered, bit her lips tightly, unable to speak.

By this time, there was still something she didn't understand.

Zhou Niannian is taking her word for it step by step.

Zhou Niannian can find flaws in everything she says.

Zhou Niannian walked up to her and looked at her with cold eyes, "You said you forgot to put the later batch of bags on the account, but you have to pay for everything, right? Why didn't Accountant Wang even ask you to apply for the second batch of bags?" Batch bag records?"

"The factory never paid this money at all, or did you pay for these bags yourself?"

Bai Yuqing's face turned even paler, but on such a cold day, fine sweat oozes from her forehead.

Meng Sanqiu looked at Bai Yuqing with shock in his eyes, "Comrade Bai Yuqing, are you really out there partnering with others to manufacture fake and shoddy products?"

Bai Yuqing shook her head in a panic, tears were about to come out, "I didn't, I didn't, it wasn't me."

"Then what happened to the extra batch of packaging bags you bought? If you didn't collude with others, where did those bags go?" Meng Sanqiu couldn't help but darken his face, very displeased that Bai Yuqing was still defending at this time.

Bai Yuqing gritted her teeth tightly and did not speak.

Zhou Niannian frowned and persuaded her: "People outside are making trouble now, and you have seen it. We all know that the ham sausage bought by Xiang's family is not from our family, but Xiang's family is not sure. It seems that you, Bai Yuqing, are the most suspicious. , if our investigation is unclear, we can only hand you over."

"Do you know how much this incident will affect our factory? If the factory goes bad, it won't do you any good, right?"

"We are giving you a chance now, otherwise you would have been handed over to the comrades in the investigation office."

Bai Yuqing broke down a bit, and tears flowed out all at once, "It's not me, it's really not me, I only used less than [-] of the bags I bought back in early January, and the remaining [-] suddenly disappeared. .”

"I was a little panicked at the time, and I was afraid that others would find out that I was not strict in management, I spent my own money to buy [-] packaging bags to fill in."

 There is another one in the afternoon!
(End of this chapter)

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