Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 224 Please Shut Up

Chapter 224 Please Shut Up
The meeting room was very quiet for a while, except for Bai Yuqing's low sobbing.

She herself belonged to that kind of weak and boneless person. At this moment, there were two lines of tears quietly hanging on her fair face. She was soft and sad, which made people feel unbearable for a while.

Xing Dehai waved her to sit down, "Is what you said true? Someone stole the packaging bag, do you know who stole it?"

Bai Yuqing timidly sat on the chair at the far end, and shook her head sadly, "It's all my fault, I didn't manage the packaging bags well, there were a lot of people who went to our packaging section in those few days, I don't know why Who took the opportunity to take the bag."

Zhou Niannian frowned slightly, she did not expect this to happen.

She watched Bai Yuqing carefully for a long time just now, and the fear and panic in Bai Yuqing's eyes dissipated a lot after she finished speaking.

She instinctively concluded that Bai Yuqing should not have lied.

Someone went to the packaging section and stole the packaging bags, so Bai Yuqing went to buy a new batch and added them in.

"The person who stole the bag must be the insider who colluded with others." Xing Dehai patted the table angrily, "It's really too much. He even blatantly stole things from the factory. I think this matter should be handed over to the comrades in the investigation office." Let's investigate, they should catch the thief soon."

As he said that, he glanced at Zhou Niannian, "Didn't the deputy director report the case here, let the comrades from the investigation office investigate."

Zhou Niannian couldn't say that Qi Jiayan said it just to scare Bai Yuqing, so she could only secretly wink at Qi Jiayan.

Before Qi Jiayan stood up, Li Yuanjia stood up with a groan, "Let me go out and have a look, there are so many people outside, Comrade Qi is a lesbian, it's not safe."

After all, with a gesture to reassure Zhou Niannian, he has already opened the door of the meeting room and ran out.

"Just now, Comrade Xiao Zhou swore that he would be able to investigate the truth of the matter in the morning. I thought you were so sure. It has been an hour, but it was only found that there is an insider in our company. As for who the insider is I don’t know anything about it.” Xing Dehai looked at Zhou Niannian angrily, “Is Comrade Xiao Zhou planning to explain this to his family?”

Zhou Niannian ignored his cynicism. She raised her hand and looked at the watch on her wrist. It was already 09:30, and it was only two and a half hours before she got off work at twelve o'clock.

She said earlier that she wasn't just talking nonsense all morning, she had already found evidence of Bai Yuqing's problem, and she was confident that she could pry Bai Yuqing's mouth open, but she didn't expect that the insider was not Bai Yuqing.

It's a pity that there is no monitoring in the factory now, so it is impossible to determine who stole the packaging bags. In addition, their factory does not have a marking machine. The production date and batch number are not printed on the packaging of the ham sausage, so they have no way to directly prove that the ham sausage is not Made in their factory.

The date of the bag is printed on the bag, but that is the bag from their factory, so it doesn't mean anything at all.

"Think about it carefully, who went to the packing section the day the packing bag was stolen?" Zhou Niannian asked, staring at Bai Yuqing.

Bai Yuqing shook her head with an aggrieved face, "I really can't remember."

"On weekdays, the packaging section is mainly staffed by your packaging staff. Only when the goods are shipped will someone pass by. There are at most six people in the three sections. Think carefully and see if you can think of one or two people." Zhou Niannian was patient. ask her.

When shipping, people in each section go to the packaging section to deliver the goods in their section.

Bai Yuqing thumped her head sadly, "My brain, why can't I remember anything when it's critical, I"

Xing Dehai stared at Zhou Niannian in displeasure: "No matter how good a person's memory is, it is impossible to remember everything, let alone what happened ten days ago. You are deliberately embarrassing Comrade Bai Yuqing."

"Since Manager Xing has said to ignore this matter and not take responsibility, please shut up." The veins on Zhou Niannian's forehead twitched. If she hadn't been worried about Meng Sanqiu, she really wanted to slap Xing Dehai. Fei, "You are too noisy, which affects my thinking of analyzing the problem."

Xing Dehai didn't expect Zhou Niannian to come over so directly, his angry face turned dark all of a sudden, "You"

Zhou Niannian ignored him, and asked Bai Yuqing directly, "Then do you remember when you lost the packing bag? Or when did you find out that the packing bag was lost?"

Bai Yuqing pursed her lips, with an uncertain expression on her face: "It seems that it was discovered on January No. 18, or it was No. 17. I don't remember exactly."

Deng Junliang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up, "I'll go get the schedule. The ham sausage production line always has a schedule. You can find out who delivered the goods in those two days."

Deng Junliang moved very quickly, and he brought the schedule in a short while, "I've seen it. I, Uncle Hongfu, Li Wenjing and Zhang Peilan are the ones who will ship on January 17th and 18th. personal."

After that, he looked at Zhou Niannian frankly, "I went with Li Wenjing on the day of No. 17. I took the packaged ham sausage and sent it to the tractor, and then went back to the workshop."

"Has Li Wenjing been with you all this time?" Zhou Niannian asked.

Deng Junliang nodded, "We came out together and returned to the workshop together."

Then Li Wenjing's suspicion didn't seem too great.

"I asked Uncle Hongfu by the way when I went back just now. He went with Zhang Peilan, but when I went back, Zhang Peilan said there was something else to do, so she left first."

"Uncle Hongfu said that Zhang Peilan returned to the workshop after about half an hour."

Zhang Peilan!
Zhou Niannian was a little surprised, she never thought that Zhang Peilan would be asked at the end of the question.

She really didn't think about this person.

"Where's Zhang Peilan? Call her over and ask." Meng Sanqiu asked Deng Junliang with a sullen face.

Deng Junliang turned around and went out, and came back with an anxious face after a while, "I searched all over the factory, but I couldn't find Zhang Peilan."

Zhang Peilan is gone?

Zhou Niannian stood up.

"When Xiang Jia blocked the door in the morning, I saw Zhang Peilan in a daze." Qi Jiayan frowned and thought about it.

It seems that the problem most likely lies with Zhang Peilan.

Suddenly there was a banging sound on the window, Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw Ah Liang anxiously scratching the window with her claws.

Zhou Niannian opened the window, and Ah Liang slipped in, "Quick, Niannian, He Dazhu and the others made the ham sausage, and they are busy making it right now. Go over now, just in time to catch it."

Zhou Niannian's doubts were immediately resolved. It turned out that it was He Dazhu and the others. No wonder they blocked her from coming back that day. After she exposed them, their attitude was so strange. It turned out that they were guilty!

"Zhang Peilan ran to notify them, and asked me to find a way to get stuck on the road. Hurry up, if you slow down, I won't be able to catch it."

 Keep shouting for a monthly pass...

(End of this chapter)

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