Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 226 Human and Physical Evidence

Chapter 226 Human and Physical Evidence
It was so loud that it could be heard even a mile away.

Zhou Niannian even heard the sound of panicked footsteps behind the door of He Dazhu's house, and the sound of things falling on the ground.

She winked at Yang Jiarui, then turned her head, and saw Zhang Lixian standing behind him, wearing a new padded jacket with his hands in his sleeves, looking at her with a smile.

"Oh, what kind of wind is this that blows Deputy Factory Manager Xiao Zhou to our village, why don't you go to the village committee to find me? Let's go to the village committee and sit down and drink two glasses of water?"

"Oh, why are you bringing the comrades from the investigation station with you? Let's go to drink water together." Zhang Lixian greeted Zhou Niannian enthusiastically, but his voice became higher and higher.

Zhou Niannian had already heard a scream from He Dazhu's house, and Yang Jiarui kicked the door open and rushed in.

"Oh, oh, what are you doing?" Zhang Lixian watched the door open, his face panicked, and he hurried forward to stop him, but Zhou Niannian grabbed his arm.

"Cun Zhang, what's the rush? Didn't you say you're going to the village committee for tea?"

Zhang Lixian didn't have the time to chat with her at this moment, so he rushed into the yard with a flick of his arms.

Zhou Niannian sneered, and stepped in. Suddenly, two figures appeared behind him, one on the left and the other on the right, and passed by Zhou Niannian's two sides.

Zhou Niannian looked up and saw Third Uncle Xiang, and Xiang Jingshan rushing into the yard with a rake and a shovel, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The style of painting of these uncles and nephews is really strange, it is impossible to say that they are running so fast, they came here on bicycles, but the speed of these uncles and nephews is only a little slower than them.

She stepped into the courtyard, the situation in the courtyard was under control, Zhou Niannian closed the door behind her.

Deng Junliang, Li Yuanjia, Yang Jiarui and Xiao Li held down a man alone, and even Qi Jiayan held back an old lady, who was He Dazhuniang who was going to blackmail her that day.

Three tables were set up in the yard, and there were three pots in which were marinated meat. There was also a pot with the lid open, and the pot was still steaming. The ham sausage just out of the pan has cooled down next to it, and the packaged ham sausage is in the packaging bag of Rainbow Factory.

"What are you doing, why are you arresting us?" Mother He Dazhu rolled her eyes and howled sharply, "Heaven, earth, is there any law for the king? You are fine in your own home, but you will still be arrested .”

He Dazhu, who was restrained, also continued to be unconvinced, "You are comrades of the investigation bureau, so you can't arrest people casually."

Yang Jiarui sneered, "You are now operating illegally, seeking personal gain, manufacturing counterfeit and shoddy products, operating under other people's brands, and almost killing people. If you add up to the three crimes, you are waiting to go to jail."

He Dazhu was not convinced, "We don't know what you're talking about, Chinese New Year is almost here, why is it breaking the law if we make some food at home?"

Zhang Lixian waved his hands to persuade Yang Jiarui, "Comrade, if we have something to say, I think there must be some misunderstanding, misunderstanding, why don't we go to the village committee to sit and talk."

"They make this stuff, I know, they just think it's expensive to sell outside, and they want to eat it at home, so they can make something casually, and if relatives and friends want it, they'll give it away. It's really not illegal, comrade."

Qi Jiayan sneered: "Why do we still use the packaging bags from our Rainbow Factory for our own food? The packaging is so good."

It was Zhang Laogen who was pinned down by Li Yuanjia. He stuck his neck and shouted: "Don't bully us because we don't understand the law. Let me tell you, there are my relatives in the court. I have asked them all. I eat this food myself. Is it okay to do it?" Illegal."

"Besides, isn't it packaged for easy storage? It's not easy to break. Isn't it illegal?"

Zhou Niannian glanced at Zhang Laogen with a calm expression, "The packaging itself is not illegal, but you are using special packaging paper for our Rainbow Factory. I have registered with the industry and commerce department. This kind of packaging bag is exclusively for our Rainbow Factory. "

"Didn't your relatives in court tell you about the patent?"

"Also, we made an agreement with the packaging bag factory that this bag only belongs to us. It happened that a batch of packaging bags were lost in our factory a while ago, and you happened to have them here. So, you may still be suspected of stealing, so talk to me carefully. Tell the two comrades."

He Dazhu Niang spat on the ground, "Hey, why are you so overbearing, why are you the only ones who can use this bag? Why can't we use it."

Zhou Niannian was too lazy to say anything to her, but in a blink of an eye, he saw that Third Uncle Xiang and Xiang Jingshan had torn apart the wrapped ham sausages, sniffed and tasted it, and frowned in disgust.

"Ah, that's the taste, that's what we ate last night." Xiang Jingshan threw the sausage on the ground angrily, raised his shovel and glared at He Dazhu angrily, "It's you who almost killed my dad , I hate you guys."

As he spoke, he held up the shovel and slapped He Dazhu. He Dazhu was pressed to the ground, unable to avoid it, and was slapped on the back by Xiang Jingshan with the shovel.

He Dazhu immediately shrank into a ball in pain, and cried out.

Xiang Jingshan wanted to shoot again, but was stopped by Yang Jiarui, "If you have anything to say, tell them to go to the investigation office and say that you are the ones suffering, and you can go to the investigation office together."

The young man who was pushed to the ground by Deng Junliang struggled desperately, shouting as he struggled: "You say we sold it, but you show evidence. If there is no evidence, how can you say that we are operating illegally?"

Zhang Lixian looked at the suppressed young man, with anxiety flashing across his face, "Yes, comrade, this arrest also pays attention to the presence of witnesses and evidence, I can testify for them, they really want to eat by themselves. "

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door outside, and Zhang Peilan, who was in a mess, covered in mud, and disheveled, rushed in, "Brother Dong, pack up your things quickly, Zhou Niannian is probably going to find me"

After she saw clearly the sobriety in the yard, the following words stopped abruptly.

The yard was quiet for a while, and for a moment, Mrs. He Dazhu pointed to Zhang Peilan and said, "Damn girl, we are making ham sausage for ourselves, and no one will be afraid to check."

Zhang Peilan turned her head with a pale face. Looking at Zhou Niannian's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Zhang Peilan screamed and rushed out subconsciously, but was grabbed by Zhou Niannian.

"Why are you leaving? Since you're here, let's go to the investigation office and have a chat."

Zhang Peilan wanted to struggle, but she felt that Zhou Niannian's hand was holding her arm like a stone was pressing her down, making her unable to move.

"I, I have nothing to talk about, I don't know anything, I don't know anything." She cried out in fright, and looked at the young man detained by Deng Junliang with a pale face, "Brother Dong, save me quickly , help me."

(End of this chapter)

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