Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 227 The Stupid

Chapter 227 The Stupid
Yang Jiarui winked at Xiao Li, "Bring these people back to the office first, and investigate carefully. In addition, inform the county's industrial and commercial department that this matter involves illegal business operations, which is not only a matter within our scope of responsibility. .”

Xiao Li understood, and everyone escorted a few people and went out. Zhang Peilan's legs were weak from fright, and she cried and refused to go out. Seeing that the young man she called Dong Ge had been escorted out, she desperately picked Looking at the door frame, he looked at Zhang Lixian who was at a loss at the door.

"Mr. Zhang, you don't care about others, don't you care about Brother Dong? He is your own son."

Surprised by this sentence, everyone turned their heads to look at Zhang Lixian.

Zhang Lixian, who was already anxious and at a loss, heard Zhang Peilan's words, and immediately wanted to kick Zhang Peilan out. This idiot, Dongzi didn't dare to call him dad just now, because he was afraid that he would be involved.

If Dongzi really went in, he could still use his contacts outside to quickly develop relationships, maybe he could get Dongzi out.

It's good for this idiot, she missed everything when she came.

How could Dongzi fall in love with this idiot back then!

Zhou Niannian looked at Zhang Lixian with a half-smile, "Oh, there is actually the son of Village Chief Zhang in here. We thought you were really focused on defending the villagers with the appearance of Village Chief Zhang just now, for a long time , so we misunderstood you, you are trying to kill relatives righteously."

"I, I..." Zhang Lixian's dark face turned into a purple eggplant, and he was speechless.

Yang Jiarui waved his hand, "Since we are also responsible, let Village Chief Zhang go back with us to investigate."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Xiang Jingshan and Uncle Xiang, "Since you two are the family members of the victim, let's go back together."

Naturally, Xiang Jingshan and Uncle Xiang had no objection. According to Yang Jiarui's request, the uncle and nephew packed up the things in the yard as physical evidence, and a group of people left Ershengtou Village in a mighty manner, attracting many people to come out to watch the fun.

Zhou Niannian did not follow to the town. After leaving the village, she said to Yang Jiarui: "If the result of the inquiry is found, please send someone to inform me when the time comes. I will go and listen to the conclusion."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the bicycles parked at the entrance of the village, "Jiayan and I will help you get these bicycles back to our village first, and then we will find the workers in the factory to help you return them to your work unit."

Yang Jiarui glanced at the bicycle, nodded, and led a group of people away.

Only Qi Jiayan and Zhou Niannian were left, oh no, there was also Ah Liang who was standing proudly on Zhou Niannian's shoulder.

Qi Jiayan said with a sullen face: "These people are so hateful, they even made fake and shoddy products in our name, they made ham sausage directly in the yard, without gloves, and the meat in the pot just now, I can't smell it It's changed."

"The ham sausage made in such an environment, it's no wonder people don't have diarrhea after eating it."

Zhou Niannian thought it was right. When she was building the factory, she repeatedly emphasized hygiene issues, just because she was afraid that people would get sick if they ate something bad.

"This matter is not over yet. When their confessions come out, we can go to court to sue them for infringement."

Qi Jiayan said indignantly: "Yes, you should sue them. These people have too bad hearts, and that Zhang Lixian is still the head of a village. How could he do such a thing."

Speaking of this, she patted her heart with some gratitude, "Fortunately, we caught the current situation and cleared our suspicion, otherwise it would have caused a lot of damage to the reputation of our factory."

Zhou Niannian didn't speak, but patted her, "Let's go, the two of us, three bicycles, we can only push them back to the village."

Fortunately, Ershengtou Village is not far from Mengjiang Village.

The two pushed their bicycles and walked one after the other on the road. Zhou Niannian had great strength in his hands and supported a bicycle with one hand.

Qi Jiayan turned her head, blinked suspiciously, and asked Zhou Niannian: "Niannian, how do you know that the ham sausage was made by He Dazhu and the others from Ershengtou Village?"

Zhou Niannian paused for a moment before realizing that the matter was too urgent. After Ah Liang told her the matter, she brought someone here directly, but now she couldn't explain it.

"He Dazhu and Zhang Lixian had very strange attitudes towards us that day, so I was a little suspicious of them. For the past two days, Ah Liang kept watching for me. When I asked about Zhang Peilan today, Ah Liang happened to be back. Guess there must be something, "

Zhou Niannian spoke half-truth, stuck out his tongue, and said a little slyly: "Actually, I'm also betting, and I'm not completely sure."

Qi Jiayan's eyes widened, and she gave Zhou Niannian a thumbs up for a while, "You are really good, but Ah Liang is also very good, and can actually help you with things."

Ah Liang raised her head proudly, with a petty expression on her face.

Qi Jiayan was amused by it and laughed, "Niannian, sometimes I really think that Ah Liang can understand the conversation between the two of us, why do you think you are so good at picking it up, just pick it up, and you will find such a cute one." pet, you two are really destined."

Zhou Niannian hehe, it's not fate, it's resentment, resentment of enmity.

Ah Liang didn't pick it up casually, but this guy did his best to find it.

Probably sensing Zhou Niannian's thoughts, Ah Liang's expression froze.

Zhou Niannian thought of Zhang Peilan's embarrassment, and asked Ah Liang curiously: "How did you stop Zhang Peilan from arriving so long after us? And what's with her embarrassment?"

Ah Liang smiled, "If I can't do this little thing well, what kind of bird will I be called?"

He said, pretending to be indifferent: "Actually, it's nothing, but a few wild boars, wild sheep, etc. were transferred from the mountains, and circled around her a few times, wanting to get closer to her, but she was surrounded by pigs and sheep. Naturally, I can't get away for a long time."

Zhou Niannian: "."

She made up the picture in her head, and silently sympathized with Zhang Peilan for a second.

It was almost twelve o'clock when the two returned to the gate of Rainbow Factory.

The Xiang family members who were surrounding the factory gate were already restless, they stood up one after another, and some even picked up the things in their hands.

Meng Sanqiu sat motionless, and Xing Dehai next to him watched coldly with his hands folded.

Seeing Zhou Niannian approaching, she shouted at her family and surrounded her.

"Where is our Jingshan, why didn't you come back?" Xiang Jingshan's mother pulled Zhou Niannian, and asked anxiously with a pale face, "Did you trick Jingshan and his third uncle away with bad intentions?"

"Yes, what about our family? Hurry up and hand over Jingshan and his third uncle."

Zhou Niannian parked his bicycle and said in a loud voice: "Everyone, be quiet, listen to me, it is He Dazhu, Zhang Laogen, Zhang Dong, He Xiaozhuang and others from Ershengtou Village who are making counterfeit and shoddy ham sausage products. Now they have been arrested. Stop, Xiang Jingshan and Uncle Xiang followed to investigate the results of the investigation."

 There is another update in the afternoon, continue to ask for the monthly pass, the monthly pass is so little, crying...

(End of this chapter)

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