Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 228 Nian Nian's Plan

Chapter 228 Nian Nian's Plan

Everyone in Xiang's family looked at each other in blank dismay, a little unacceptable for a while.

Meng Sanqiu sat up in surprise, and stared at Zhou Niannian in disbelief: "What did you say? He Dazhu and the others are imitating our ham sausage?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, and told the story of the incident: "What happened specifically, we have to wait for the investigation office to come out with a statement."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Xiang's family and said, "If you don't believe me, you can go to the investigation office and ask first. Anyway, we are all in the factory and can't escape."

Xiang family, you look at me, I look at you, and finally the fourth uncle of the Xiang family decides that everyone will go to the town together to ask.

"If you find out that what you said is not true, we will come to your Rainbow Factory to settle the score." Uncle Xiang didn't forget to say harsh words before leaving.

Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, "I'm waiting anytime."

With a shout to his family, he took his fellows away, and the villagers who had been watching the fun also gradually dispersed. Only Meng Sanqiu, Xing Dehai, Zhou Niannian and others were left at the factory gate.

Xing Dehai glanced expressionlessly at the things placed at the factory gate, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Zhou Niannian would easily resolve such a big incident.

Zhou Niannian will probably be even more proud next time. When Xing Dehai thought that he was beaten up by his family in the morning, but Zhou Niannian frightened Xiang's family with a light move, he became even more depressed, and turned around silently and walked back quickly. factory.

If he walked too slowly, he was afraid that Zhou Niannian would call his name and taunt him.

Zhou Niannian glanced at Xing Dehai's hurried back, smiled mockingly at the corner of his mouth, and said nothing.

Meng Sanqiu didn't notice his movements, he was immersed in anger, "Well, you Zhang Lixian, He Dazhu, you dare to do such a conscienceless thing, it's really deceitful!"

"Xiao Zhou, this matter also involves the Xiang family, we can't just let it go, what do you think should be done next?"

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, and said: "This matter must not be left alone. I have thought about it. First, let's go to the newspaper office to make a statement in the newspaper, explaining that our Rainbow Factory currently only supplies to department stores in the county. The several factories in the county and the supply and marketing cooperatives in the towns have not yet distributed the goods, and it is expected that they will distribute the goods in the middle of next year. If you buy our products in the township supply and marketing cooperatives, it is purely fake and shoddy."

"Second, when the investigation report comes out, we will sue Zhang Lixian and He Dazhu for violating our rights."

Meng Sanqiu seemed to understand but half understood, "I don't understand this, please tell me about it later."

In this way, a turmoil was resolved by Zhou Niannian.

The next day, the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, Yang Jiarui came to the Rainbow Factory, and immediately went to find Zhou Niannian.

When Zhou Niannian saw him, she remembered what Ah Liang said yesterday, and was a little embarrassed for a moment. In order to avoid suspicion, she suggested going to Meng Sanqiu's office.

"Go to Director Meng's office, so you won't have to say the same thing twice."

Yang Jiarui's face darkened slightly, then he smiled nonchalantly, "Okay."

The two went to Meng Sanqiu's office together.

As soon as Meng Sanqiu saw Yang Jiarui coming in, he stood up immediately, "How is it? Have you finished recording the statement?"

He didn't sleep well last night because of what happened yesterday, and he felt scared after thinking about it. He didn't close his eyes until early in the morning, and came to the factory at dawn.

Yang Jiarui took out a thick stack of paper from his pocket, on which was the official seal of the investigation office, which was the confession of Zhang Lixian, He Dazhu and others.

"Ershengtou Village is jealous of the business of your Rainbow Factory, and secretly jealous, but the pigs in several villages near the Rainbow Factory are accepted, but they are not accepted from Ershengtou Village, so Zhang Lixian, He Dazhu, Zhang Laogen and others are very angry. hate."

"The policy has changed today, and every household prepares their own New Year's Eve dinner. In the first year, there was such a situation. Anyone with good conditions wanted to make a richer New Year's Eve dinner, so more and more people went to the city to buy ham. "

"Zhang Laogen saw it and was very jealous. He and He Dazhu pushed Zhang Lixian on. Zhang Lixian has a relative in the town supply and marketing cooperative, who is in charge of the purchase of the supply and marketing cooperative. His surname is Cheng. Zhang Lixian approached this Director Cheng."

"Wait," Zhou Niannian couldn't help but interrupted Yang Jiarui, "Isn't the director of the Township Supply and Marketing Cooperative responsible for the purchases a director surnamed Wang? When did the surname become Cheng?"

Meng Sanqiu put down his teacup and explained, "The original director Wang was transferred to the department store in the county last month, and this director Cheng was just mentioned."

Zhou Niannian let out an oh.

Yang Jiarui continued: "Zhang Lixian approached this Director Cheng, and Director Cheng agreed to sell the ham sausage they made in the supply and marketing cooperative. The sold ham sausage will be paid to Director Cheng at a fee of [-] cents per catty."

"Zhang Laogen, He Dazhu chose the yard of He Dazhu's house to make ham sausage. At the beginning, they made ham sausages that were not good and tasted bad. By chance, Zhang Dong met Zhang Peilan."

"Knowing that Zhang Peilan works in the ham sausage production line, Zhang Dong was moved, and coaxed Zhang Peilan with sweet words. It didn't take long for the two of them to fall in love."

"Zhang Dong asked Zhang Peilan to hand over the skill of making ham sausage to them. Zhang Peilan agreed without much hesitation."

Zhou Niannian frowned upon hearing this.

Zhang Peilan has been working on the ham sausage production line for more than three months, so she is naturally familiar with the steps of making ham sausage. Although Deng Junliang or Uncle Hongfu did most of the marinating meat, but Zhang Peilan saw this in the factory. After a long time, I am no stranger to the whole production process of ham sausage.

Yang Jiarui continued: "With the guidance of Zhang Peilan, and the help of He Dazhu's mother and nephew, they soon made the first batch of ham sausages that were fairly complete."

"Originally, they planned to find a random packaging bag for packaging. That Zhang Dong has a lot of thoughts, saying that many people now recognize the Rainbow brand ham sausage. If they can use the rainbow brand ham sausage packaging, the ham sausage will definitely sell well."

"Zhang Dong went to the packaging bag factory in the county to order your packaging bags, but the packaging bag factory refused to make the same bags for them. He had no choice but to come up with other ideas."

"He put his idea on Zhang Peilan, coaxed Zhang Peilan with sweet words, and asked her to find a way to steal more than 300 packaging bags from the Rainbow Factory, and then packed their ham sausage in the stolen packaging bags, and took them for sale. agency to sell."

"They made a total of 36 catties of ham sausage and sold [-] catties. We have asked Director Cheng to cooperate with the investigation at the supply and marketing cooperative."

Yang Jiarui finished all the situation in one breath.

Zhou Niannian probably guessed it too, but she didn't expect Zhang Peilan to be involved in it.

"What are you going to do?" Yang Jiarui pretended to be indifferent, not wanting Zhou Niannian to notice the concern in his heart.

Zhou Niannian repeated what he said to Meng Sanqiu before, and Yang Jiarui agreed with Zhou Niannian's idea, "This incident is just the beginning, your Rainbow Factory is famous in Zezhou, and many people will follow suit and imitate you. "

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Imitation is not terrible, but counterfeiting our brand is infringement."

 Continue to yell for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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