Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 229 Let Xing Dehai resign voluntarily

Chapter 229 Let Xing Dehai resign voluntarily

Zhou Niannian has been studying law books by herself recently, and has more self-awareness in protecting rights and interests.

Seeing that they already had an idea, Yang Jiarui didn't say much.

Zhou Niannian remembered how He Dazhuniang and He Xiaozhuang stopped her and Qi Jiayan on the road that day, and asked, "By the way, did they say whose idea it was to stop me that day?"

Yang Jiarui was also present at that day, his memory was still fresh, and he nodded, "I specifically asked about this matter yesterday, He Dazhuniang and He Xiaozhuang both said that Zhang Dong and Zhang Peilan first mentioned this matter, and a group of them thought it was feasible, After discussion, arrange for He Dazhuniang and He Xiaozhuang to do it."

"However, I specifically asked Zhang Dong, but Zhang Dong said that it was all Zhang Peilan's idea and had nothing to do with him."

Zhou Niannian was stunned, Zhang Peilan probably focused all her attention on Zhang Dong, unexpectedly at this time, Zhang Dong pushed Zhang Peilan out without hesitation.

"What did Zhang Peilan say?"

Yang Jiarui paused, glanced at Meng Sanqiu, and said, "Zhang Peilan said she didn't think so at first, but a man named He Wencai from your Rainbow Factory murmured twice in front of her, saying that Comrade Xiao Zhou would be back soon." Well, Comrade Xiao Zhou made a written statement in front of the town leaders, and if he didn’t make enough money, he would take the blame and resign.”

"At first, Zhang Peilan didn't care, but when He Wencai said the second time, Zhang Peilan became concerned, thinking that as long as you can't come back before paying the bill, you will take the blame and resign, and then you won't be the vice president of Rainbow Factory. Now that the factory manager is here, what she did will not be revealed."

Zhou Niannian was speechless, "If I don't become the deputy factory manager, there will naturally be others. How can she hide what she did?"

Yang Jiarui spread his hands, expressing that he also couldn't understand Zhang Peilan's brain circuit.

"No, that's not right," Zhou Niannian realized, "How does Zhang Peilan know when the accounts will be settled? Did He Wen tell her?"

Yang Jiarui nodded.

Zhou Niannian frowned, "But He Wen didn't have any reason to target me, why would he do this?"

Meng Sanqiu, who was silent all the time, took a puff of dry cigarettes, silently spit out eye circles, and then said in a hoarse voice: "This matter probably has something to do with Lao Xing. He Wen was the one who was brought up by Lao Xing alone. With Xing's instruction, He Wen should not dare to do so."

Zhou Niannian didn't speak, she also guessed Xing Dehai.

Just being able to use Zhang Peilan to do this shows that He Wencai and Xing Dehai should know what Zhang Peilan did. They knew that what she did would endanger the interests of Rainbow Factory, but they turned a blind eye and used Zhang Peilan to deal with themselves , Xing Dehai's approach is really chilling.

This matter involved the internal management of Rainbow Factory, and it was inconvenient for Yang Jiarui to intervene, so he left after finishing the matter.

Meng Sanqiu was silent for a moment, sighed heavily, and his voice became even hoarse, "I will talk to Lao Xing at night, if this is really the case, then give him a face and let him resign on his own."

Zhou Niannian didn't speak, but nodded lightly, agreeing to Meng Sanqiu's proposal.

If it wasn't for her decisive decision and Ah Liang's help in what happened yesterday, the Rainbow Factory might be in a very bad situation today. They wouldn't have time to sit in the office and discuss these things.

Xing Dehai knew that Zhang Peilan had a problem but did not stop it. It was not just a negligence in management. He didn't want to take care of it, but wanted to use Zhang Peilan to solve himself first, and then solve Zhang Peilan's affairs.

It's a pity that things backfired, first she broke the He family's blackmail scheme, and then solved the Xiang family's matter.

I'm afraid Xing Dehai felt very regretful.

Zhou Niannian knew that Meng Sanqiu and Xing Dehai had worked together for more than ten years, and they still had a relationship. He didn't want to make things too embarrassing, so he wanted to let Xing Dehai resign voluntarily, so that everyone would look good.

For Meng Sanqiu's sake, she did not object to the proposal.

Seeing that she didn't object, Meng Sanqiu breathed a sigh of relief, showing a slight smile: "Xiao Zhou, there is a commendation meeting in the county this afternoon, you and I will go to it, and the county will specially praise you."

Zhou Niannian smiled, thinking that he would take this opportunity to find Kong Yuquan, talk about what happened in the factory, and ask his opinion.

After lunch, she and Meng Sanqiu rode to the town, and then drove to the county seat.

The county held an annual summary and commendation meeting, focusing on affirming the achievements in promoting the development of the village's collective economy this year. As the first village-run factory established in Mengjiang Village, Rainbow Factory was naturally mentioned by the leaders many times.

Moreover, after the Rainbow Factory was established, it led to the development of the breeding industry in several surrounding villages. With the Rainbow Factory as an example, other towns in Zezhou County have also started to set up some village-run factories one after another. Zhou Niannian and Meng Sanqiu are the leaders of the Rainbow Factory. The host has received a key commendation.

Both Meng Sanqiu and Zhou Niannian were awarded the honorary title of outstanding village-run enterprise leaders.

After the commendation meeting, Kong Yuquan specially stayed with Meng Sanqiu and Zhou Niannian and asked them about their work plans for next year.

The rainbow factory has already held a work summary meeting, and the work plan for next year is naturally at hand. Meng Sanqiu answered a few questions smoothly. Looking at Zhou Niannian, who was talking eloquently next to him, he felt that the young people nowadays are really not to be underestimated.

If Zhou Niannian hadn't had the foresight to hold an internal work summary meeting, how could he answer Kong Yuquan's question today.

Meng Sanqiu couldn't help feeling in his heart that each generation is better than the next generation, the management of Rainbow Factory, he should listen to Zhou Niannian's thoughts more in the future.

Kong Yuquan was very satisfied and excited when he heard their work plan, "You have signed so many orders, and you will launch new products next year and expand the scale. The development prospects of Rainbow Factory are limitless. By the way, has the work progressed smoothly recently? ? Have you encountered any problems?"

Zhou Niannian recounted what happened in the past few days.

Kong Yuquan was very angry when he heard this, "How could such a thing happen? Ershengtou Village is too much, this is a malicious fraud!"

He said and wandered around the room a few times angrily, and waved his hand, "Comrade Xiao Zhou, this kind of thing can't be tolerated, go to court, you don't know, don't you know, the Trademark Law and the Product Quality Law have been revised and released Yes, I have now registered your trademark."

"They manufacture and sell counterfeit and shoddy products in your name. The evidence is solid and they will be sentenced. You can follow the normal legal channels."

Zhou Niannian was overjoyed. She really didn't know about the revision of the Trademark Law and the Product Quality Law. In January, she was busy traveling around the city, so she didn't even read the newspaper.

"That's really great, Director Kong, I'll take your advice on this matter." She said with a smile.

 There is another one in the afternoon!Please read the little cutie, if you have a monthly pass, please vote for the fog.hee hee~
(End of this chapter)

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