Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 230 Meet Again

Chapter 230 Meet Again

"However, if this kind of thing happens for the first time, there will be a second time. Comrade Xiao Zhou, have you ever thought about how to avoid it in the future?" Kong Yuquan asked with concern.

Zhou Niannian had already planned this point.

"I've thought about it. The reason why our products are copied by others this time, and then blamed by others is because our products lack a unique logo."

"So I thought about it. In the future, the products we produce will be printed with a unique production batch number, and then the production date will be printed, so that we can easily identify our products in the future."

When Zhou Niannian said this, he looked at Kong Yuquan with a smile, "But we need a marking machine, so I have to trouble Director Kong to contact you for a marking machine."

Kong Yuquan gave a thumbs up, "You have a good idea, but the marking machine needs electricity, and your village is not connected to electricity yet, how do you use it?"

Zhou Niannian also thought about this question.

"No matter where our products go, they have to be sent to the county first, so I plan to rent a small house in the county, and then I will send two people to do the marking."

In fact, Zhou Niannian had other ideas. For example, after the policy was relaxed, they could actually set up this marking place as one of the dealerships of Rainbow Factory.

Of course, it is not appropriate to tell Kong Yuquan these thoughts now.

Kong Yuquan nodded again and again, "Well, yes, this idea is feasible, how about it, I will contact you about the marking machine first, but I think we will have news in a few years."

It's only a few days before Chinese New Year, Zhou Niannian is not in a hurry.

"However, there is someone I can introduce to you first, maybe he can help you with your matter this time." Kong Yuquan mysteriously wrote a note to Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian took it and saw that it said Huimin Street Guan Ping.

Kong Yuquan introduced them to an old lawyer who lived in a very remote alley on Huimin Street in the south of the county seat.

Meng Sanqiu and Zhou Niannian acted separately because they had to go to the newspaper office to make an explanation. Meng Sanqiu went to the newspaper office, and Zhou Niannian went to find the old lawyer named Guan Ping introduced to her by Kong Yuquan.

She found Huimin Street according to the note on it. As soon as she turned into the alley, she turned a bicycle out of the alley and almost hit Zhou Niannian.

She reacted quickly and quickly dodged to the side, avoiding the bicycle.

The person on the bicycle was startled, and quickly jumped off the bicycle to apologize, "I'm sorry, I lost my mind just now and couldn't control it. It's you, Comrade Zhou!"

The voice of the visitor apologizing suddenly turned into a loud voice of surprise.

Zhou Niannian raised her head and met a pair of clear and gentle eyes, handsome eyebrows, and naturally raised corners of her mouth. She felt a little familiar for no reason, and frowned involuntarily, "You are."

The man smiled, and didn't feel embarrassed because Zhou Niannian didn't remember him, he pointed to himself and said, "We met in the bookstore last time, and you persuaded me to buy a set of high school textbooks, don't you remember? "

"Oh, it's you," Zhou Niannian remembered for a moment. Before a business trip last month, she went to a bookstore to buy law books, but saw many high school textbooks left unattended in the corner, so she bought two sets. Seeing this man, he also carried the book for himself.

"You are an educated youth who jumped in line in Yinchuan Town, right?"

The corner of the man's mouth raised even higher, "Yes, yes, my name is Guan Pengtian, what a coincidence, I met Comrade Zhou here, are you here for something?"

Guan Pengtian, Zhou Niannian glanced at the name of Guan Ping written on the note, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, Guan Ping, Guan Pengtian, these two people don't have any relationship, do they?

"Do you know the comrade here named Guan Ping? I'm here to find him."

The smile on Guan Pengtian's mouth faded, and he looked at Zhou Niannian thoughtfully, "What are you looking for Comrade Guan Ping for?"

Zhou Niannian blinked and said in a low voice, "I want to ask him for help with something. You know Comrade Guan Ping."

Not a question, but an affirmative tone.

Guan Pengtian paused, then nodded slightly, "Well, he is my father."

This time it was Zhou Niannian's turn to be shocked, unexpectedly Guan Pengtian was Guan Ping's son.

She explained her reason for coming, "...Director Kong introduced Comrade Guan Ping to me. I came here hoping to ask Mr. Guan to help write a complaint."

Hearing that it was introduced by Kong Yuquan, the vigilance in Guan Pengtian's eyes faded, and he pointed to the innermost house in the alley, "My dad is at home alone, you go over there, I'll go buy some food."

Zhou Niannian thanked him, and Guan Pengtian left on his bicycle.

Looking at his back, Zhou Niannian frowned again. He always felt that Guan Pengtian gave her a somewhat familiar feeling, as if he had seen him in other places.

But where she saw it, she couldn't tell for a while.

Shaking her head, she went straight to the innermost house in the alley.

She knocked lightly on the door, and an old voice sounded from inside, "Is Peng Tian back? Didn't you bring the key?"

There were slow footsteps in the yard, and after a while it was opened from the inside, revealing an old man with white hair.

"Are you...?" The old man narrowed his eyes and looked at Niannian next week.

Zhou Niannian was a little surprised, seeing that Peng Tian was just in his early twenties, she thought Guan Ping was in his early fifties at most, but the old man in front of her had white hair and age spots on his cheeks, so he must be seventy years old, right?
"Are you Guan Lao?" She introduced herself with a smile, "My name is Zhou Niannian, and Director Kong Yuquan introduced me to you."

As she spoke, she gave the note in her hand to Guan Ping.

Guan Ping squinted to read the words on the note, and then opened the door, "It was introduced by Yuquan, come in quickly."

Zhou Niannian followed into the small courtyard. The courtyard was small, but it was kept very clean.

The furnishings in the room are very simple, a dilapidated square table, and a bookshelf made of wooden boards against the wall is full of books, which immediately adds a bit of elegance to the whole room.

Zhou Niannian explained his situation, "...I need Mr. Guan to help me write a complaint, can you help me?"

Guan Ping poured a cup of hot water for Zhou Niannian, and said with a smile: "Chongqing Factory, I saw it in the newspaper, but I didn't expect the deputy factory manager to be a young girl like you, young people are capable!"

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips and smiled.

Guan Ping thought it was interesting, the average little girl would show a bit of shyness when being praised so much, say a few words of humility in embarrassment, or maintain a bit of arrogance pretending to be reserved.

But the little girl in front of her looked calm and at ease, neither proud boasting nor shy humility, as if everything was very natural.

What an interesting little girl, Guan Ping put on the reading glasses with a smile, saw Zhou Niannian's features clearly, a surprise flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared into nothingness.

"Since it was introduced by Yuquan, I will naturally help, little girl, just wait, I will write you a complaint right away."

(End of this chapter)

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