Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 231 Where is Comrade Xiao Zhou from?

Chapter 231 Where is Comrade Xiao Zhou from?

Guan Ping got up tremblingly and went to the inner room, took out the special paper for writing complaints, spread it out on the table, seemed to miss it, and sighed with emotion: "Oh, I haven't used this thing for a long time. .”

Zhou Niannian's eyes fell on the white paper on the table, and he understood that the policy was tight in the past few years, and many people who used to be lawyers were criticized. In the past ten years, the lawyer industry has almost stagnated.

But looking at Guan Ping's age, he should have become a lawyer very early.

It was the first time Zhou Niannian met Guan Ping, so she was too embarrassed to ask more questions.

Guan Ping thought for a while, and then started to write. After he started to write, he did not stop and completed it in one go.

Zhou Niannian took the complaint and looked at it. Guan Ping's handwriting was fluent and clear, and he clearly wrote the lawsuit requirements of the Rainbow Factory.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Guan. I will send this complaint to the court first. If I have any questions that I don't understand, I will come to trouble you." Zhou Niannian put away the complaint, stood up and prepared to leave.

Guan Ping sent her to the yard, and couldn't help but stop her, "May I ask, where is Comrade Xiao Zhou from?"

Zhou Niannian smiled and said, "I'm an educated youth who came from Kyoto to jump in line."

"Kyoto," Guan Ping murmured, his expression seemed to fluctuate slightly, his dry lips trembled, and he seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated for a moment and said nothing, his eyelids drooped, making it difficult to see clearly emotions.

Zhou Niannian did not notice Guan Ping's abnormality, and bid farewell to Guan Ping again.

The outer door was opened from the outside. Guan Pengtian came in pushing his bicycle. Seeing Zhou Niannian standing at the door, he raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Comrade Zhou is leaving now? So fast, have you finished writing the complaint?"

"I still have to go to the court, so there is no delay." Zhou Niannian smiled and waved his hands.

Guan Ping smiled and looked at Guan Pengtian, then at Zhou Niannian, "Pengtian, do you know Comrade Zhou?"

Guan Pengtian put down his bicycle and nodded, "I've met once before." Seeing that Zhou Niannian had crossed the threshold, he quickly handed over the vegetable basket in his hand to Guan Ping, "Comrade Zhou, wait a minute, I'll see you off."

Guan Pengtian insisted on sending Zhou Niannian out of the alley, but Zhou Niannian couldn't refuse, so he did as he wanted.

Guan Pengtian is a very talkative person. When he mentioned Kong Yuquan, "Director Kong and my father are close friends. If it weren't for Director Kong, I might have to jump in the queue far away. My father is old and there is no one around him." It’s very worrying to take care of me.”

"Now I am joining the team in Dongxiejiang Village in Yinchuan Township. The breeding industry in our village is booming. The village chief sees my hard work and asks me to go back to the city to see my dad from time to time."

Zhou Niannian listened with a smile, and asked Guan Ping's age: "Mr. Guan is almost 70 years old, right?"

Guan Pengtian laughed, "My father, he is 73 this year."

Zhou Niannian was taken aback, "Seeing how energetic he is, I didn't think he was seventy yet."

Guan Ping is already 73, and Guan Pengtian is only in his early twenties. Isn't it true that Guan Ping only had his son Guan Pengtian when he was in his 50s?

Guan Pengtian seemed to have guessed what Zhou Niannian was thinking, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "I am the old son of my parents, my father only had me when he was 53 years old."

Zhou Niannian was a little embarrassed, feeling that he and Guan Pengtian were not familiar, and it was not good to continue this topic, so he changed the subject and asked, "Have you reviewed the high school textbook recommended for you last time?"

Guan Pengtian paused for a moment, and laughed dryly when he thought of the book that he bought back and put it directly under the box.

I didn't understand what was going on that day, so I followed Zhou Niannian and bought a set of textbooks out of nowhere. The more I thought about it when I went back, the more I found it funny, so I put the books in the box.

Zhou Niannian rubbed the petition in his hand, curled his lips, and looked at Guan Pengtian with a smile, "Believe me, if you have time, take it out and have a look, it's always good to learn more."

Guan Pengtian was a little surprised, and the upward curve of the corner of his mouth became more obvious. This little girl surnamed Zhou seemed to have a soft spot for high school textbooks.

When we first met and persuaded him to buy a set, he followed suit and bought a set by mistake.

It was really interesting to persuade him to study the high school textbooks when we met for the second time.

"Well, I'll take it out and have a look when I get back." Facing her watery apricot eyes, Guan Pengtian couldn't say no, and nodded in agreement.

While the two of them were talking, they reached the entrance of the alley. Zhou Niannian thanked Guan Pengtian again, left the alley, and went straight to the court.

The court accepted the complaint and told Zhou Niannian after registering that the investigation mechanism would be activated and the trial would be held after two years.

Now it's the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, and soon the factory will be on holiday. Anyway, the ham sausage issue has already been published in the newspaper, so Zhou Niannian is not in a hurry.

After leaving the court, she went to the bus station to meet Meng Sanqiu.

On the way back, Meng Sanqiu was cheerful all the way, smiling from ear to ear.

Today, Rainbow Factory is making a big splash in the county. He was not only rated as an outstanding village cadre, but also the title of an advanced village-run enterprise worker. How could he be unhappy.

"Xiao Zhou, it's almost Chinese New Year. There is no big dining hall this year. You educated youths have to cook their own New Year's Eve dinner. I'm thinking of calling the educated youths together, as well as the workers in our factory, to have a lively New Year's Eve. You how do you feel?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, she felt stiff inside, she didn't really want to celebrate the New Year with these educated youths, she made an appointment with Qi Jiayan to celebrate the New Year together.

But Meng Sanqiu mentioned the employees in the factory. This is the first year in the true sense of the rainbow factory, and it is also the first gathering, which is very necessary for the development of the factory's cohesion.

She thought for a while and said: "After all, this year is the first year after the policy revision. Many people probably prefer to spend it with their families. How about this? Let's get together on the night of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month and hold a party. Everyone will have fun together." It's lively, you can arrange it yourself on New Year's Eve."

Meng Sanqiu agreed with her opinion, "Okay, this matter should be left to the personnel, but Lao Xing, I will talk to him when I go back, and He Wencai, it doesn't matter if I look at it." It's reliable, why don't you take on this matter?"

Zhou Niannian didn't agree, because she didn't want to take on everything for herself, and although she and Meng Sanqiu both hoped that Xing Dehai would resign on his own initiative, before he left, he was still the personnel director of Rainbow Factory, and Zhou Niannian was unwilling to take over the responsibility. This kind of work is not within the scope of his duties, and he doesn't want to argue with Xing Dehai.

"There are a lot of people who are good at singing and dancing in the factory. Why don't you put up a notice and let them recommend themselves. Someone will come out and organize these things."

Seeing that Zhou Niannian didn't agree, Meng Sanqiu was a little disappointed, but he didn't force it, "Okay, this matter will be settled tomorrow, and we will be on vacation."

The factory has set a holiday starting on the 27th of the twelfth lunar month.

Zhou Niannian nodded, without saying anything, returned to Mengjiang Village and went straight to her place of residence.

Meng Sanqiu hesitated for a moment, then went to Xing Dehai's house.

 Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, I wish all the little friends and cuties harvest their own sweetness!

(End of this chapter)

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