Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 235 Clean up Li Mei

Chapter 235 Clean up Li Mei
Zhou Niannian frowned slightly, grabbed Li Mei's hand with one hand, and with a light push, Li Mei felt her arm hurt, and instinctively let go of her hand with a groan.

"As I said, go to the back and line up." She shook Li Mei's hand in a flat voice.

"Oh, my arm," Li Mei yelled in pain while hugging her arm, and the people behind sneered disdainfully, "Come on, old Xing's, there is no sign of blue on your arm, you yelled what?"

"Oh, did you take this opportunity to blackmail our deputy factory manager Xiao Zhou?"

Li Mei shrunk her neck in pain, and instinctively glanced at her arm. It was still so fat and thick, but there was no trace of it.

Impossible, her skin is thin and prone to accidents, usually if you accidentally touch her, you will get bruises, just now Zhou Niannian grabbed her arm so hard, how could there be no bruises at all?

She shook her arm resentfully, and just about to open her mouth to speak, Zhou Niannian threw out two words coldly: "Line up."

Li Mei curled her lips and went to the back of the queue with a dark face.

In less than 2 minutes, the things were distributed. When Li Mei walked up to Zhou Niannian for the last time, she stretched out her hand with a dark face: "Give me all the things."

Zhou Niannian calmly put the pack of ham sausage back into the box, and looked at Li Mei with a half-smile, "Who did you say you were going to get the things for?"

Li Mei rolled her eyes impatiently, "Of course it's my old Xing."

"Oh." Zhou Niannian grumbled, "I'm sorry, but when we distribute things in our factory, you have to pick them up in person and sign for confirmation. You cannot pick them up on your behalf."

What?Li Mei's face was distorted in anger, and she pointed at Zhou Niannian and said, "Zhou, did you do it on purpose? Why can't you take it on your behalf? This is my old Xing's stuff, so it's mine. I'll take my own." What, why isn't it working?"

Zhou Niannian took the things down with a calm expression, "These things are distributed to the employees of our factory. You are not an employee of our factory, so naturally you can't give them to you. As for whether your husband's things belong to you or not, they belong to your family." You don't need to tell me about it."

She didn't mean to embarrass Li Mei, but Li Mei broke in regardless, made trouble on purpose, and even accused Sang and Huai of scolding her, Zhou Niannian was a little unhappy.

She is not a temperament that people can bully at will, and she will fight back without hesitation when it touches something she dislikes.

"Then you asked me to line up just now? You clearly meant to trick me, didn't you?" Li Mei pointed at Zhou Niannian and yelled.

Zhou Niannian handed the things to Qi Jiayan, turned around and looked at Li Mei coldly, "Everyone is queuing here, shouldn't you be asked to line up?"

"Who are you accusing Sang and Huai of scolding as soon as you come in? Who is going to detain your property on purpose? Come on, let's make it clear."

The girl's face darkened slightly, and she looked at Li Mei with a cold expression.

Li Mei suddenly remembered that the last time when Old Zheng's daughter-in-law was looking for death and life, Zhou Niannian raised one hand and swayed around. She instinctively shrank her neck, her eyes flickered, and she turned her head away.

Seeing Qi Jiayan holding the box and preparing to walk in, she quickly stretched out her arms to stop Qi Jiayan, "I think you are deliberately trying to detain our old Xing's things, god damn it, who dare to detain us For Lao Xing's things, I will fight with anyone."

"I dare to buckle!"

"I dare to buckle!"

The same content, different voices sounded at the same time.

Li Mei looked at Zhou Niannian and Meng Sanqiu who were downcast at the same time, and was taken aback for a moment, then sat down on the ground, patted the ground and cried, "Oh my God, don't bring such bullies, you are bullying us, Lao Xing didn't come today , making things difficult for me, a woman, on purpose."

With a dark face, Meng Sanqiu pointed at Li Mei with a cigarette stick, "Mother of the Xing family, don't look for trouble here, Xiao Zhou gave me the things that belonged to Lao Xing long ago, and told me to give them to Lao Xing." Xing, you just came here to make trouble, accusing Sang and scolding Huai, who are you showing it to?"

"If you make such a fuss, as the director of the factory, I have the right to deduct Xing Dehai's things. You should go home quickly and stop making trouble here."

As soon as Li Mei was crying, she patted the ground and shouted: "Are you bullying people like this because you are the director of the factory? Lao Meng, you have no conscience. In those years, my old Xing helped you a lot. Now you are in power. If you want to bully our old Xing like this, you have no conscience."

Meng Sanqiu obviously had no experience in dealing with such sloppy and lazy women, and Li Mei's beard trembled after two or three sentences, "I've become heartless, you."

Zhou Niannian grabs Meng Sanqiu, shakes his head, then walks forward, stretches out a hand and lifts Li Mei up.

Li Mei's fat body looked like a paper figure in Zhou Niannian's hands, she moved her hands lightly, and Li Mei stood up.

"Stand up straight!" she sternly shouted with a cold face.

Li Mei originally wanted to sit down on the ground again, but when she heard the stern voice, she instinctively shook her body, and suddenly stood up straight.

Zhou Niannian looked at her and sneered, "I'm not a person who likes to argue with others, but since you're looking for trouble on purpose, let's talk about it."

"You accuse Sang and scold Huai when you enter the door, do you think I can't hear it? You say that Xing Dehai has worked hard to build the factory, so tell me what he has worked and what he has done."

Zhou Niannian raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the factory building, "Did he help build the factory building, move bricks and tiles? Or help plant flowers and trees?"

"Did he help the workers make products, or did he help deliver the goods?"

"But when it comes to suffering, your old Xing is indeed tired. He is busy making calculations every day to be the deputy director of the factory. Can he not be tired?"

Li Mei shrank her neck, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "My old Xing is... the manager, so...why do you need to do those rough jobs?"

There was a roar of laughter from the workers.

Qi Jiayan curled her lips, "Nian Nian is still the deputy factory manager, and they can stay up late with us to make products and deliver goods, what? Your old Xing is a manager, so Jingui doesn't have to do any work?"

Dongmei's sister-in-law has a hot personality and speaks sharply, "Li Mei, is everyone equal in society now? Your man is the manager, so he doesn't have to work?"

"Do you dare to go out and tell others? Let me tell you, you are bureaucratic."

Li Mei was frightened by a sentence of bureaucracy, and wanted to jump up and scold Dongmei's sister-in-law, but found that Zhou Niannian's hand was on her shoulder, and she couldn't move at all.

"What are you talking about, let me tell you, if someone outside says that my family Lao Xing is bureaucratic, I will tear your mouth to pieces." Li Mei scolded Dongmei's sister-in-law by scratching her neck.

Dongmei's sister-in-law snorted coldly, "If you are afraid of being scolded, don't do it, and if you do it, don't be afraid of being stabbed in the back."

Li Mei blushed instantly, her neck was thick, and she wanted to say something, but her shoulder was lightly patted.

 I have to take the elderly to the hospital these few days, and there is no time code, so in the last three or four days, I can only change [-] a day. I will adjust it as soon as possible and work hard to make more changes!
(End of this chapter)

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