Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 236 A Deputy Factory Director Comes

Chapter 236

Li Mei raised her head to meet Zhou Niannian's cold eyes, her neck shrank subconsciously.

Zhou Niannian looked at her expressionlessly, and said in an extremely cold voice, "If I were you, I would never come here to embarrass myself, and when I can't speak, I don't want to say anything."

"Before I respected Xing Dehai for working in the village for more than ten years, and I was patient everywhere, but now I find that he is not worthy of my respect at all."

"What he did, we didn't say anything to save him. We hope that he can take the initiative to resign, but if he refuses, then don't blame me, Zhou Niannian, for being too terrific."

Having said that, she paused, and looked at Li Mei with a sneer on her face, "As a worker in the factory, Xing Dehai does not put the interests of the factory first in his work, but only cares about fighting for power and profit, which almost ruined the reputation of the factory. , I dare to deduct his benefits."

"And you, as a family member of the factory's employees, why come to the factory to make trouble? I put it harshly, you broke into our factory without permission, and the accusation of illegal trespass is justified."

Li Mei's face turned pale with fright. She was originally a woman with little education. Xing Dehai has been working in the Revolutionary Committee for more than ten years. domineering.

Now being reprimanded and threatened by Zhou Niannian, she was so frightened that she suddenly lost her mind and shouted, "Who are you scaring? I was not scared to grow up. Wait, I will come to settle accounts with you sooner or later."

As he said that, he broke away from Zhou Niannian and ran away in a hurry.

The workers in the factory burst into laughter, and Zhou Niannian waved his hands: "Tomorrow is a holiday, everyone, check your safety, and get off work early if you have nothing to do."

The workers were all talking and laughing, and Meng Sanqiu sighed, "Lao Xing's work is getting more and more innumerable."

When he went to Xing's house yesterday, Xing Dehai was still smoking as usual, but he was sick today, how could it be such a coincidence, but he just wanted to delay it until the next year.

Zhou Niannian sneered, "He is a smart man, he knows how to choose in his favor."

She was not worried that Xing Dehai would not take the initiative to resign. If he could take the initiative to resign, he would still be able to retain two points of face. If he really wanted to tear his face apart, Xing Dehai probably couldn't afford to lose that person.

Soon on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the first staff gala of Rainbow Factory was held in the big cafeteria.

The party was hosted by Bai Yuqing, Li Wenjing, and He Wencai. These days, Bai Yuqing was very active, mobilizing and organizing the workers in the factory to rehearse the show every day.

Since the punishment of the three of them was announced that day, the three of them have been very honest in the past few days, especially Bai Yuqing. Every time they meet Zhou Niannian, they will say a few words in a friendly and polite manner, as if what happened before never existed. generally.

The party was scheduled to start at six o'clock. In the big cafeteria, Meng Laosan brought many people from the village who had invited to help, and prepared a total of five tables of dishes. The banquet started at six o'clock, and he watched the party while eating.

Bai Yuqing was the host. She wore a red sweater and a cotton skirt. The skirt should have been made by herself. It was slim and slender.

When she came on stage, He Wencai's eyes lit up in the audience.

After a simple opening speech, Bai Yuqing invited Meng Sanqiu to speak, and then the party began.

The programs of the party are all produced by the workers in the factory. Some go up to sing a play, some go up to tell a story, and some go up to a group of people to sing a song together.

In short, the atmosphere of the party was lively and warm.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan sat quietly at the first table below the stage, eating and drinking, and suddenly heard Bai Yuqing on the stage say: "I heard that our deputy factory director Xiao Zhou has a good voice, why don't we invite Xiao Zhou as the deputy factory director?" Give us a song, okay?"

As soon as Bai Yuqing's words fell, the dining hall was quiet for a moment, and then there was an enthusiastic response.

Especially He Wencai, who looked at Zhou Niannian's direction with a smile, took the lead and shouted: "Deputy factory director, come here!"

"Come one, deputy director!"

"Deputy director, come one!"

A lot of responses gradually sounded in the big cafeteria, and more and more people smiled and looked at Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian raised her eyes to Bai Yuqing who was on the stage.

Bai Yuqing was gentle and dignified, looked at her with a generous smile, and made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile: "Deputy director, please."

Zhou Niannian narrowed her eyes slightly, and if she did this, Bai Yuqing was determined to embarrass her?
Qi Jiayan grabbed Zhou Niannian's hand and asked in a low voice, "Niannian, how about I sing a song for you?"

Although she sang so-so, compared to Nian Nian, at least she wasn't at the scene of a car accident.

Speaking of it, Nian Nian is pretty, smart, and capable in everything, but she doesn't have any literary talent. She can't find a good song without opening her mouth.

It was only after she lived with Zhou Niannian that she discovered that Zhou Niannian was tone deaf, but how did Bai Yuqing know?
Zhou Niannian was stunned for such a moment, and the audience shouted for her to come one more loudly.

Zhou Niannian giggled, patted Qi Jiayan's hand, and signaled her to be calm, then slowly stood up and walked onto the small temporary stage.

"Just now everyone's performance was very exciting. Comrade Bai notified me to come up, and I was not prepared, so I could only come up to show my shame. I hope everyone will wait a while and don't laugh at me." She stood in the middle of the stage with a smile on her face. Said playfully.

There was laughter at the bottom, and someone familiar with Zhou Niannian shouted at the top of his voice, "Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director, what song are you going to perform?"

Zhou Niannian tilted her head, "Who said that you have to perform songs on stage? Everyone has listened to so many songs just now, let's play a different way."

Different way of playing?

The audience booed one after another: "What different program does the deputy director want to perform?"

Zhou Niannian slowly swept across the crowd, with eyebrows frowned, and said with a smile: "I, today I will perform a magic trick with everyone."

magic?This is really a rare thing, and everyone whispered to each other.

"What is magic?"

"I do not know either."

A well-informed person followed up and explained: "It's just a trick."

Everyone suddenly realized: "Oh, it turned out to be juggling, this is fun, and this is much more interesting than singing."

Zhou Niannian looked at Bai Yuqing with a smile on his face, "Comrade Bai, I need the cooperation of one person for this magic show. Since Comrade Bai is on the stage, I won't bother others. Please cooperate with me, okay? "

Bai Yuqing's expression froze for a moment, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Okay."

Zhou Niannian raised her hand with a smile, and the bustling noise suddenly stopped, "The magic trick I want to perform is called Huahuo, and it takes 5 minutes to prepare. Please come on stage to perform for everyone in the next show, okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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