Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 237 Bai Yuqing's Embarrassment

Chapter 237 Bai Yuqing's Embarrassment

Zhou Niannian didn't keep everyone waiting too long. After she sang a song, she walked onto the humble stage again.

She held a red ribbon in her hand. The ribbon was very narrow, about two fingers wide and two meters long.

After taking the stage and smiling slightly at the audience below, Zhou Niannian gently wrapped the ribbon between her two arms. Under the dim light of the dining hall, it was like wearing a ribbon, making her look slim and graceful.

Zhou Niannian stretched out her two white fingers, and showed the audience that her palm was empty, then she snapped her fingers in the air, and a flower appeared on her left hand.

The audience below couldn't help but see the gods. My brother stared at Zhou Niannian with wide eyes.

But Zhou Niannian giggled, tore off a petal, and blew gently on the petal, and the petal turned into a red handkerchief.

She tore off the petals one by one, and instantly transformed into five handkerchiefs. The audience applauded and applauded excitedly.

Pass the five handkerchiefs to Bai Yuqing, and ask Bai Yuqing to tie the handkerchiefs together to form a handkerchief ribbon.

Bai Yuqing hesitated, took the handkerchief, bowed her head and tied it up.

Zhou Niannian pulled out the ribbon on his arm, waved it lightly in the air, and the ribbon turned into five or six thin colorful ribbons. As Zhou Niannian turned around, the colorful ribbons drew a beautiful arc in the air.

The audience below were stunned for a moment, then let out a cry of surprise, and then applauded loudly.

Because every time Zhou Niannian turns around, a ribbon will turn into a flower of the same color, and as she turns, the flower will turn into a ribbon again, and another ribbon will stick out and turn into a flower of the same color.

The audience was dazzled.

Bai Yuqing tied the handkerchiefs together and stood on the stage in embarrassment, watching the audience applaud Zhou Niannian desperately, a faint haze flashed in his eyes.

Before Zhou Niannian went on a business trip, she went to Zhou Niannian's office to express her willingness to go on a business trip with her. That was the time when she accidentally heard Zhou Niannian humming a song by herself in the office, and found that Zhou Niannian's singing was incomplete.

At tonight's party, she deliberately led the staff to make a fuss, seemingly to enhance the atmosphere of the party, but in fact she wanted to make Zhou Niannian look ugly.

She even prepared for Zhou Niannian to sing out of tune when she came on stage, and then she was ready to sing with Zhou Niannian, so that she could not only show her wonderful singing voice, but also make Zhou Niannian make a joke.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Niannian didn't sing on stage and insisted on performing magic tricks.

She didn't try her best to make Zhou Niannian come to the party to show off.

Bai Yuqing narrowed her eyes slightly, glanced at Zhou Niannian who was concentrating on spinning, and gradually approached Zhou Niannian with the handkerchief she tied.

In the eyes of outsiders, she just wanted to hand the tied handkerchief to Zhou Niannian.

Two steps away from Zhou Niannian, she intentionally put on a bad look, letting the tied handkerchief ribbon fall to the ground, right at Zhou Niannian's feet, and the other end of the handkerchief ribbon was still in Bai Yuqing's hand .

Zhou Niannian, who was spinning, didn't seem to see the handkerchief ribbon. He stretched out his foot steadily and hooked the handkerchief ribbon.

As she turned around, the handkerchief ribbon was wrapped around her calf.

As long as Bai Yuqing exerted a little force, Zhou Niannian would fall all over the stage.

A subconscious smile appeared on the corner of Bai Yuqing's mouth, and when he exerted strength on his hand, he felt a strong force pulling him forward.

She staggered and fell on the stage all of a sudden, falling in a big shape at Zhou Niannian's feet.

In the panic, before Bai Yuqing even had time to support the ground with his hands, he fell out in an extremely embarrassing situation.

It hurt so much, the pain of hitting the ground caused her face to twist and deform in an instant.

This sudden turn of events made the audience stunned for a moment, and then they saw Zhou Niannian turn around, finally conjure up a green camellia, and stretched out his hand to Bai Yuqing.

As soon as Bai Yuqing raised her head, she saw Zhou Niannian squatting in front of her with a smile, holding up a green camellia, and said with a smile: "Comrade Bai, you don't need to pay such a grand ceremony for my New Year's greetings."

One sentence caused the audience below to roar with laughter.

She didn't want to wish Zhou Niannian New Year's greetings. Bai Yuqing's face turned red in an instant, and she stood up from the ground in a hurry, patting the dirt on her body, but she didn't understand in her heart. She was obviously trying to pull Zhou Niannian down, but why did she fall to the ground? Own.

Zhou Niannian stood up straight and waved her hands with a calm expression. The green camellia turned into a green ribbon and returned to her body.

"The technique of changing flowers just now is actually very simple." Zhou Niannian picked up the handkerchief ribbon on the ground with a smile, shook it in his hand, and handed it to Bai Yuqing, "Comrade Bai, I need your cooperation here, thank you Let's go."

Bai Yuqing pursed her lips, remembering that she had agreed to Zhou Niannian just now, and she would be a bit speechless if she refused now, so she took the handkerchief ribbon sullenly.

"Comrade Bai, you and I spin together, and every time you spin, throw a handkerchief into the air." Zhou Niannian wrapped the ribbon of the handkerchief around Bai Yuqing's waist, demonstrated it, and turned into a red flower again.

The audience below were all excited, their eyes widened to see if Bai Yuqing could also conjure flowers like Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian and Bai Yuqing both started spinning at the same time.

Zhou Niannian threw out a yellow ribbon, which turned into a yellow chrysanthemum, and Bai Yuqing threw out a yellow handkerchief. The yellow handkerchief floated down in the air, and a bug flew out, humming and flying towards Bai Yuqing.

It's a cockroach! Bai Yuqing found a cockroach flying towards her, and subconsciously screamed, "Ah, ah, there are cockroaches!"

When Zhou Niannian saw the cockroach, he was stunned for a moment, then he returned to normal in an instant, and waved the cockroach away, "Stop screaming, Comrade Bai, it has already flown away."

There was a roar of laughter from below.

"How come Xiao Zhou, the deputy director of the factory, turns into a flower, but when he comes to Comrade Bai, he turns into a cockroach."

When Bai Yuqing heard this, her whole body froze and her face turned pale.

Zhou Niannian's expression returned to normal, and he said with a smile: "Don't worry, let's try again."

After all, he threw out a red ribbon again, turning into a red rose.

Bai Yuqing stiffened and threw the red handkerchief into the air, but with a snap, the red ribbon disappeared, and a heavy lump fell on the stage, which turned out to be a pile of dried cow dung.

Zhou Niannian: "."

Bai Yuqing's face darkened suddenly, and she looked at Zhou Niannian like a bayonet.

The people in the audience staggered from side to side laughing, and there was a lot of excitement, "What Comrade Bai conjures is cow dung."

"Haha, a flower stuck in cow dung, this is just right."

 Isn't it funny, and the funniest is yet to come...

(End of this chapter)

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