Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 238 I'm Really Sorry

Chapter 238 I'm Really Sorry

Bai Yuqing clutched the remaining handkerchief in her hand, her nails almost tore through the flesh, and then she stabilized her expression, looked at the audience pretending to be wronged, and said softly, "I don't have Deputy Zhou. The factory director has great skills, if any of you are willing, you can come on stage to cooperate, and I won't make a fool of myself."

No one spoke at the bottom, and I don't know who yelled in the corner, "Comrade Bai should cooperate. You two girls look like a painting when you are on the stage."

Zhou Niannian clapped his hands with a smile, "That's right, Comrade Bai, don't bother the two masters with one thing, and the next important thing is still up to you."

After she finished speaking, she signaled Bai Yuqing to continue spinning.

With the experience of conjuring cockroaches and cow dung just now, Bai Yuqing did not dare to spin this time no matter what, and asked with a dry smile, "Didn't the deputy factory director Xiao Zhou want to call this magic magic fire? Why are there only flowers and no fire?" .”

Zhou Niannian smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, the fire will come soon."

After all, he stopped urging Bai Yuqing to spin, and spun on the stage by himself with a colorful ribbon.

Her figure is slender and slender, holding a colorful ribbon and spinning like a forest elf jumping in from the darkness, so agile and beautiful that people can't take their eyes off it.

Zhou Niannian turned faster and faster, and suddenly the white ribbon was ignited by her, and the flame burned instantly and spread to the entire ribbon.

The audience watching from below all stood up in shock. Deng Junliang and Qi Jiayan even rushed to the stage in a hurry, but were grabbed by Li Yuanjia.

"Don't worry, look, Xiao Zhou is fine." Li Yuanjia pointed in the direction of the stage.

Qi Jiayan and Deng Junliang looked up, and saw red flames entwined around the girl's body under the dim light, but it didn't burn her clothes at all, and the red flames were still spinning with her rotation , turned into a graceful fire dragon.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including Bai Yuqing on stage.

Zhou Niannian turned faster and faster, and soon turned to Bai Yuqing. With a flick of her fingertips, a ray of flame hit the handkerchief ribbon wrapped around Bai Yuqing's body.

The colorful handkerchief ribbon also instantly turned into a fire dragon.

Bai Yuqing was stunned, red flames were burning around her, so close to her, she seemed to feel the hot temperature of the flames.

The suffocating fear overwhelmed her in an instant, Bai Yuqing closed her eyes and let out a sharp cry, she jumped up on the stage like a headless chicken.

"Help, help!" she yelled, flicking down the burning handkerchief ribbon desperately.

However, the more nervous she became, the harder it was to shake off the handkerchief ribbon, Bai Yuqing's face turned pale with fright, "Help, help me quickly."

A basin of cold water fell from the sky and splashed Bai Yuqing from head to toe. He Wencai threw the basin away excitedly and jumped up: "Comrade Yuqing, don't be afraid, I'll save you."

As he spoke, he found that the fire on the handkerchief ribbon had been extinguished, and Bai Yuqing was standing on the stage wet, as if he had been frightened out of his wits.

Zhou Niannian chuckled, picked up the undamaged alcohol ribbon on the ground, and shook the ribbon wrapped around his waist, "Didn't Comrade Bai ask me where the fire was, promise, it's here."

The audience below all rushed over in amazement, looking at the unburned ribbon in Zhou Niannian's hand.

"My God, it's really not burned at all."

"Xiao Zhou, deputy director of the factory, what is going on?"

"Is the fire just now fake?"

Zhou Niannian gave the ribbons to the audience for them to check, and she smiled slightly and looked at Bai Yuqing: "I didn't mention it to Comrade Bai beforehand, did it scare you? I'm really sorry."

After finishing speaking, she sighed, "Speaking of which, Comrade Bai really doesn't believe me. Since I dare to perform here, there will be no danger at all. That's why I have the confidence to perform here. I think Comrade Bai should do the same." You will think of this, just like you pulled me up temporarily, don't you also believe that I can perform a show without prior preparation, right?"

Bai Yuqing was splashed with cold water, and she was shivering from the cold at the moment, but she couldn't say a word of rebuttal to Zhou Niannian's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

She complained that Zhou Niannian didn't tell her in advance, she asked Zhou Niannian to perform on stage, didn't she also tell her in advance?

He said that he was not frightened, but at the moment his face was pale and his whole body was trembling, no one would believe him.

Saying that he believes in Zhou Niannian is even more bullshit.

So Bai Yuqing had no choice but to hold back his anger, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth stiffly, and he said through gritted teeth: "I'm fine."

Zhou Niannian pretended to be guilty and said: "Your clothes are all wet, why don't you go back and change your clothes first, it's not good if you catch a cold in such a cold day."

Bai Yuqing hesitated for a while, and He Wencai who was next to him persuaded him, "Yes, Comrade Bai, go back and change your clothes, otherwise you will catch a cold easily."

It's all because of He Wencai's meddling, and she poured a basin of water on herself. Bai Yuqing secretly blamed He Wencai in her heart, but she didn't show any emotion on her face. She just lowered her head slightly and nodded weakly: "Okay, I'll go back and change it first." Put on your clothes and come back."

As he said, he hurried off the stage, He Wen was stunned for a moment, and followed after him.

Li Wenjing, who had been standing under the stage, took the opportunity to step onto the stage and began to host the following show, with a smug smile on her face.

She, He Wencai, and Bai Yuqing were all preparing for the party tomorrow, but Bai Yuqing had to be the host by herself, taking away almost all the limelight.

It's all right now, Bai Yuqing is gone, and finally he has a chance to perform on stage.

Li Wenjing reported the next show with a smile on her face, but unfortunately, the audience was still immersed in the shock just now, whispering about the principle of magic just now, and no one noticed what Li Wenjing said.

Zhou Niannian walked off the stage with a smile on her face.

As soon as she came down, Qi Jiayan came up to meet her and looked at her with bright eyes: "Nian Nian, you are so amazing, you don't know, I was dumbfounded just now, oh, and Deng Junliang, who was on fire just now At that time, the two of us almost rushed to the stage to save you."

Qi Jiayan said, and couldn't help but patted her heart with lingering fear, "You said you can do everything, and you can even perform magic tricks."

Zhou Niannian haha, she is not good at everything, at least she is tone deaf when singing.

I know this magic because when I was a teacher in the mountains in my previous life, magic was very popular for a while, and children big and small still played it and were keen to crack it.

She accidentally saw this firework on the Internet, and then practiced hard for a while to cope with the graduation ceremony of elementary school students in the town, but she did not expect to use it in this life.

Thinking of Bai Yuqing's embarrassment just now, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

 Wake up early, catch an evening set, arrive at the hospital after six o'clock, and register until after ten o'clock. There are so many people in the hospital. Every time I come to the hospital, I feel very emotional!

(End of this chapter)

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