Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 239 Bai Yuqing's plan

Chapter 239 Bai Yuqing's plan
As soon as Bai Yuqing went out, the cold wind hit her face, so cold that she sneezed twice in an instant, and her complexion became even uglier.

Zhou Niannian, she silently chewed the name between her lips and teeth, and stomped her feet fiercely.

She had an intuition that Zhou Niannian must have deliberately made her look ugly.

"Comrade Yuqing!" He Wencai chased him out from behind.

There was no one outside at the moment, Bai Yuqing was extremely impatient and didn't bother to pretend, so she frowned and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

He Wencai was stunned for a moment, then took off his cotton-padded coat, and handed it over, "It's too cold, you go back in my cotton-padded coat, don't catch a cold."

Bai Yuqing hesitated for a moment, then took the overcoat, put it on her body, turned and left.

Anyway, it was He Wen who splashed her wet, so she should wear his clothes.

Seeing that Bai Yuqing didn't refuse and left in her own clothes, He Wencai couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

Zhou Niannian got off the stage, Qi Jiayan secretly gave her a thumbs up, "Niannian, you are too good, teach me later, how did you conjure that cockroach?"

Zhou Niannian laughed dryly, don't ask her, she is also confused.

Her obvious setting is that what she conjures are flowers, and Bai Yuqing can't conjure anything, so Bai Yuqing standing on the stage will feel embarrassed, and the flame behind is the highlight of tonight.

Who knew that Bai Yuqing would actually conjure up a cockroach and a pile of cow dung.

Can anyone tell her what the hell is going on?

"I have time to teach you." She casually agreed to Qi Jiayan, but her eyes swept around the big cafeteria one by one.

Sure enough, when she swept to the window sill, she saw Ah Liang with one foot up, combing her hair leisurely.

Zhou Niannian narrowed his eyes, met Ah Liang's eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

It turned out that it was Ah Liang's fault, so she said how cockroaches and cow dung came out for no reason.

This kind of thing in the animal world, A Liang can be said to be able to handle it with her claws.

When Bai Yuqing returned to the educated youth dormitory, even though he was wearing He Wencai's cotton padded jacket, his face was livid from the cold and he lost consciousness.

She changed her clothes, and drank a full cup of hot water with her teacup in her arms. Looking at the pile of wet clothes thrown on the plate, she couldn't help but her eyes were red with grievance.

Why does everyone like Zhou Niannian? What's so good about her?

Zhou Niannian is obviously not as beautiful, gentle, or talkative without her, but why can she live like that? Is it because of the good living conditions in her family that she has developed her self-confidence and chicness?

On the other hand, what's the use of being beautiful and gentle? Don't you have to rely on your own careful calculations to get what you want?

She gritted her teeth unwillingly, feeling her body was warm and her hair was dry, so she put on her coat again and prepared to go back to the big cafeteria.

The road was pitch black, and there were faint sounds of insects coming from the woods not far away, which seemed deep and terrifying.

When Bai Yuqing came back, she was ashamed and annoyed, and she didn't take a flashlight, so she could only walk forward in the dark.

Suddenly hearing rustling sounds from the front right, and footsteps from far to near, she shivered and instinctively leaned against the corner.

Three or four figures walked up the path around the corner, their kicking sounds a little creepy in the dark night.

One of them was a woman, and she deliberately lowered her voice to look even more sneaky, "That girl lives in the south of the village, and there is another woman living with her, while they are all in the cafeteria, sneak into her house first wait."

"When she comes home, you have to strike while it's dark. Let me tell you, that girl has strength. If you don't strike while it's dark, you probably won't be her opponent."

A disdainful laugh sounded in the dark night, "It's just a little girl, how much strength can she have, the three of us go up at the same time, I don't believe we can't solve her."

Immediately afterwards, there was a frivolous low smile, "Sister, didn't you say that the little girl is very beautiful? How about we try something new?"

The woman who spoke at the beginning seemed to be a little hesitant, paused, and then said in a low voice: "I just want to scare her, ruin her reputation, and make her faceless in the future. Don't mess around, and hurt you again." Brother-in-law, I can't spare you, do you hear me?"

"I heard it, I heard it." The frivolous voice replied impatiently.

The four people said this and drifted away in the darkness.

As the cold wind blew, Bai Yuqing couldn't help shivering, before regaining consciousness.

I live at the foot of the mountain in the south of the village, live with another woman, and have strength.
All these conditions point to one person: Zhou Niannian.

Hearing what the men said just now with malicious intentions, he knew that these men wanted to sneak into Zhou Niannian's house tonight, and thinking of this, Bai Yuqing's heart beat faster involuntarily.

If Zhou Niannian is destroyed, if there is no Zhou Niannian in Mengjiang Village, if there is no Zhou Niannian in Rainbow Factory
Thinking of this, Bai Yuqing subconsciously tightened the padded coat on her body, making sure that the people who spoke just now had gone far away, so she quietly turned out of the darkness and walked towards the dining hall.

When she stepped into the big dining hall, the party was over, and everyone was eating and drinking lively.

Meng Sanqiu was pulling Li Yuanjia, Deng Junliang and others were drinking, and He Wencai accompanied him with a smiling face.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan were sitting next to each other whispering something, and the two laughed lowly from time to time.

Bai Yuqing rolled her eyes and returned to her seat.

She has been announcing the curtain tonight and has not eaten a few bites of food. Sitting next to her is Li Wenjing. When she saw her coming, she said with a bright smile: "Comrade Yuqing, I have finished hosting the second half of the party. You have worked hard for a long time. Hurry up and eat something."

These words were really harsh, the smile on Bai Yuqing's face froze, and then she twitched the corners of her mouth as if nothing had happened, "Thank you so much, Comrade Wen Jing."

Li Wenjing smiled, "Thank you, after all, the three of us hosted this party, and it's my job."

When she said this, she covered her mouth and smiled, "Speaking of which, I still want to thank the deputy factory manager Xiao Zhou. If she hadn't performed such a wonderful magic trick, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to go on stage to announce the curtain."

Bai Yuqing's face changed slightly, and the smile on her face almost couldn't hold on.

After shaking and shaking the hands under the table, she picked up the wine glass on the table and said, "In this case, you should really toast the deputy factory director Xiao Zhou with a glass of wine. Speaking of which, we should all thank the deputy factory director Xiao Zhou. Well, if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have our Rainbow Factory, don't you think?"

Everyone at the table had already drank a lot of wine, and when Bai Yuqing said this, they immediately felt very reasonable.

Li Wenjing picked up the wine glass and said first: "Then let's toast the deputy factory director Xiao Zhou together."

Bai Yuqing smiled lowly, hiding the gloom in her eyes, "How can we show our respect to Xiao Zhou, deputy director of the factory, by paying respects together, let's pay respects one by one."

(End of this chapter)

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