Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 240 Talk About Me

Chapter 240 Talk About Me
Bai Yuqing pretended to be anxious, picked up the wine glass and was about to walk in the direction of Zhou Niannian.

Li Wenjing was afraid that she would snatch her first, so she quickly stood up with a wine glass and greeted the others at the table, "Let's go, let's toast to Deputy Director Xiao Zhou."

A table of people stood up with a whoosh. Bai Yuqing cast a glance at Li Wenjing who was walking in the front, with a mocking arc on her lips, and followed slowly at the back.

Zhou Niannian was talking happily with Qi Jiayan, when suddenly a group of people stood in front of him, clamoring for a toast.

She froze for a moment, stood up and glanced at Li Wenjing, who was standing at the front, and Bai Yuqing, who was at the back, raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile, "We are all of the same age, toasting is so boring, let's play a game, Whoever loses drinks, how about that?"

Li Wenjing was stunned for a moment, but the employees following behind shouted excitedly, "What game?"

"Is it an interesting game like the magic trick just now?"

Zhou Niannian squinted at Bai Yuqing who was standing at the back, and raised the corner of his mouth, "Of course."

When Bai Yuqing heard this, she couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Meng Sanqiu, Li Yuanjia and Deng Junliang who were drinking beside him also looked over.

"What an interesting game, tell me, let's play a couple of games too. It's really boring to drink like this." Meng Sanqiu was really happy tonight, and his tongue was a little too big for drinking, "Isn't it punching?"

Zhou Niannian shook his head, "No, this game is much more interesting than punching. It's called wishing things come true."

May all your wishes come true?Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at Zhou Niannian with a masked face, waiting for her to clarify.

"Who has cards, bring over two decks of cards, we will play with cards." Zhou Niannian looked at the crowd and asked.

Meng Sanqiu answered with a smile: "My house, my house has it. My son brought it back a few days ago. Yuan Jia, you go to my house to get it."

Li Yuanjia quickly brought two decks of cards and gave them to Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian shuffled the cards, and then distributed a card to everyone, "The rule is very simple, the number of cards represents the number of points, stick your own card on the forehead, and you can see the points on everyone's forehead, except Your own, you estimate the sum from the sum of everyone's points, and you name it a random number."

"After the previous person finishes talking about the points, the next person can choose to open if they don't believe it. If the points are less than the points guessed by the previous person, the person who opened the drink will drink. If it is larger, all the members will drink."

Everyone listened with a confused face, tried to play twice, and finally found the feeling, and all shouted that it was fun.

The atmosphere became unprecedentedly heated, and more and more people joined the battle of playing cards.

Every time it was Zhou Niannian's turn to guess the points, she guessed very accurately. Those who didn't believe in evil and chose to order, all the staff drank. points.

Li Wenjing was miserable, she sat at the bottom of Zhou Niannian, every time Zhou Niannian's points had reached the limit, when she came to her place, even if she only added a little in fear, she would be given a point.

After playing for a while, Li Wenjing drank five or six glasses of wine.

Even Bai Yuqing drank a lot of wine, her face was already flushed.

On the other hand, Zhou Niannian, the glass of wine poured at the beginning is still there, and he only drank half of it.

Because every time the cards are dealt, Ah Liang will immediately tell herself what time the card is on top of her head, so Zhou Niannian knows all the points clearly, and then guesses the closest point.

This kind of feeling is simply not too cool, it is not too beautiful to have a bird that can only understand human words and understand human entertainment methods.

Sitting opposite Zhou Niannian, Bai Yuqing looked at the wine in her glass, her eyes flickered, and she pointed to Ah Liang who was parked on Zhou Niannian's shoulder with a smile, "How is Xiao Zhou, the deputy director, so good here? When it comes to the approximate number of points, I am a little curious if this bird has told you the number."

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Ah Liang.

Zhou Niannian sneered, "Comrade Bai just drank a few glasses of wine, are you drunk? How can a bird tell me the count?"

With a card on Li Wenjing's forehead, she curled her lips and squeezed Bai Yuqing, "That's right, you're talking nonsense before you're drunk, or you can let this bird stand on your shoulder and try it out, and see how it works." Will I tell you what time it is?"

She has suffered a lot from eating this bird, and she really wants Bai Yuqing to taste it too.

Bai Yuqing's smile froze, and a trace of anger and boredom flashed in her eyes.

This Li Wenjing, since she did not agree to join forces with her last time, Li Wenjing has always run on her again and again.

Zhou Niannian held Ah Liang in her arms, and looked at Bai Yuqing with a half-smile: "Comrade Bai, why don't you let Ah Liang stand on your shoulder?"

Bai Yuqing quickly waved her hands, with a bit of embarrassment on her face, she stood up and held up her wine glass, and said, "Let's stop playing games all the time, let's talk about it, Deputy Factory Manager Xiao Zhou, I've made some mistakes these days." Thanks for your guidance, I will express my thanks with a glass of beer."

As she spoke, she raised the wine in the glass and drank it down, "I'll do it first as a respect."

After drinking, he showed the wine glass around, and there was a burst of applause immediately.

Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass and drank it slowly.

Bai Yuqing took the lead in applauding, "Speaking of the good times we have now, we have to thank Deputy Director Zhou and Director Meng. Just now Comrade Li Wenjing said that we would like to toast the Director and Deputy Director."

Her words instantly reminded Li Wenjing that she came here to toast. She had already been punished in the factory, and she wanted to express her remorse when she came to toast. She actually forgot to play a game, and Bai Yuqing took the lead.

She immediately stood up and looked at Meng Sanqiu and Zhou Niannian with a glass of wine in her hand, "Director, Deputy Factory Director Xiao Zhou, I respect you and thank you for letting the past go."

With Li Wenjing taking the lead, the workers in the factory took turns to toast.

Bai Yuqing stood aside with a smile, inserting a few words from time to time to brighten the atmosphere.

Zhou Niannian saw it, thoughtful, Bai Yuqing was a little strange tonight, she seemed to always want to drink more alcohol, this is the posture of trying to get herself drunk.

She squinted her eyes, and heard Ah Liang sneer behind her, "Stupid, after eating my saliva for so long, you are not drunk now, and she still wants to get you drunk."

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, and he looked at the crowd with a smile on his chin, his face showing a hint of drunkenness, "Let's talk about me."

Talk about me?Okay, why are you talking about this all of a sudden?
Everyone looked at Zhou Niannian in puzzlement.

Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Niannian with concern, "Niannian, are you drunk? How about we go home and rest?"

(End of this chapter)

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