Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 243 Do we know each other?

Chapter 243 Do we know each other?
Zhou Niannian tossed and turned, but Bai Yuqing had a dream all night.

The last words that Niannian said last week at the party played in her ears repeatedly, and she dreamed that she was really the daughter of Zhou Niannian's parents.

She recognized her real parents and returned to Kyoto with her parents, living in a luxurious big house, eating, living, and wearing clothes that she had envied countless times before.

Then she was admitted to the university and successfully obtained her graduation certificate, but Zhou Niannian was in a particularly miserable situation. She stole Zhou Niannian's fiancé.

She married Lu Qingfeng, and the two of them lived happily ever after, while Zhou Niannian was just a hopeless primary school teacher.

Bai Yuqing woke up with a smile in her dream. When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw the bare bed board above. It took her a while to realize that she was in the educated youth dormitory.

Everything just now was a dream.

Li Wenjing was sleeping on her upper bunk, and when she turned her head to look, the two beds on the right were both vacant.

Zhang Peilan, who used to live in the lower bunk, is now taken to the investigation station, and Qi Jiayan, who lives in the upper bunk, has moved out to live with Zhou Niannian.

Bai Yuqing was stunned for a moment.

It would be great if that dream last night was real.

If she is really the lost daughter of Zhou Niannian's parents, then she is the daughter of a high-ranking official in Kyoto, and she can have a superior life in the future.

And the most important point, if she is Zhou Niannian's older sister, does that mean she will be able to see Lu Qingfeng often in the future?

Thinking of Lu Qingfeng's handsome face, Bai Yuqing's heart beat a lot faster.

If Zhou Niannian was ruined by those people, would Lu Qingfeng still want her?

At that time, can Zhou and Lu's marriage contract be replaced by her?

If these many things are connected at once, Bai Yuqing's heart will beat even faster.

There was a rustling sound from the upper bunk, Bai Yuqing came back to her senses, turned her head and looked out the window, the sky was already dark.

Not knowing what was going on with Zhou Niannian, she sat up from the bed, hesitating whether she should go and have a look.

Li Wenjing climbed down from the lower bunk, glanced at her, and went to wash up with a towel and toothbrush indifferently.

Now there are only the two of them living in the dormitory, and Li Wenjing doesn't even bother to do superficial things, talking to her is either ridiculing or ridiculing.

Bai Yuqing also went to wash up absent-mindedly, but her eyes couldn't help but drift towards the south of the village. After washing her face, she couldn't help but said to Li Wenjing, "Did you hear anything? It seems that there is some noise in the south. .”

Li Wenjing pricked up her ears to listen, and then looked at her inexplicably: "That's Uncle Meng Jiu's donkey braying in the village, and his donkey braying at this time every day, so why make a fuss about it."

Bai Yuqing's face was a little embarrassing, and she wanted to say something, but Li Wenjing wiped her face, shook off the towel and left.

She also quickly wiped her face, and took two quick steps to catch up to Li Wenjing with a basin in her hand, "No, it's not a donkey braying. I heard someone crying. Listen carefully. Someone is really crying. It seems to be Zhou Niannian." It came from the direction where I live."

Li Wenjing wanted to continue to mock her, but when she heard Zhou Niannian's name, she paused for a moment.

She listened carefully with her ears upright, and there was indeed a faint commotion coming from the southwest, and Li Wenjing suddenly excitedly stuffed the towel and basin to Bai Yuqing, "Oh, it really is, I'll go and have a look. "

After all, he trotted away and left.

Bai Yuqing looked at the basin stuffed into her hands, and slowly raised her head to look at the place where Li Wenjing disappeared, with a look of disdain in her eyes.

She took the basin back to the dormitory in an unhurried manner, changed into a clean padded jacket with no patches, and then walked slowly towards the south of the village.

After leaving the educated youth dormitory, I walked along the main road of the village for a while, and was about to turn south when I saw a tall figure walking towards the entrance of the village.

The person who came was wearing a light gray cotton coat, with a slender figure, he walked in a hurry but still did not conceal his handsome and unrestrained temperament. When he got closer, Bai Yuqing was surprised to find that it was Lu Qingfeng.

She subconsciously clenched the hand hanging by her side, pulled off her clothes nervously, even glanced at the slightly worn-out padded jacket on her body with some dissatisfaction, pulled the skirt uncomfortably, and walked forward two Stepping forward, I put on what I think is the most beautiful standing posture and the most appropriate smile, "Hello, Comrade Lu, are you here to see Deputy Factory Director Xiao Zhou?"

Lu Qingfeng didn't seem to expect to meet someone when he entered the village so early. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, stopped, and asked hesitantly, "Hi, do we know each other?"

"Don't you remember me?" Bai Yuqing looked disappointed, and pointed to herself eagerly, "In October last year, in the county town, my money was robbed, and you were the one who helped me recover it, Comrade Lu."

"Oh," Lu Qingfeng suddenly realized, and nodded, "I remember, you are an employee in Niannian factory."

Does he only have the impression of himself as an employee in Zhou Niannian's factory?Bai Yuqing's face froze, the disappointment in his eyes flashed, and then he smiled again, "Comrade Lu is here to visit the deputy director of the factory, isn't he? I'm also going to look for her, let's go together on the same road." .”

Lu Qingfeng looked indifferent, "I know the way, you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, he turned south with big strides and walked towards the place where Zhou Niannian lived.

Bai Yuqing's expression froze for a moment, and when she realized that Lu Qingfeng had already left, she trotted to catch up with Lu Qingfeng, hesitated for a while, and then said: "I heard some crying just now, from Deputy Factory Manager Zhou I don’t worry about it coming from over there, so come and have a look.”

"What's wrong with Nian Nian?" Lu Qingfeng paused slightly, looking over with deep eyes.

Bai Yuqing clenched her hands to ease her emotions, and then he hesitated and said: "I don't know, Xiao Zhou, the deputy director of the factory, is capable, talented, and beautiful. Many boys are I secretly admire her, and at the party last night, I saw a man come to her."

She spoke vaguely and speciously, and Lu Qingfeng frowned, seeming a little displeased.

However, Bai Yuqing seemed to have just realized that what she said was inappropriate. She panicked and covered her mouth, "Ah, Comrade Lu, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that."

Lu Qingfeng sized her up, as if he was getting to know her again, "It seems that you are not Niannian's friend."

After all, he turned his head and left.

Bai Yuqing was stunned, not understanding what his sudden words meant.

"Why?" She couldn't help but raise her voice and shouted.

"Because Niannian never makes friends with those who are behind the scenes." Lu Qingfeng's voice was flat, and he had already walked away.

Bai Yuqing stood there for a moment in embarrassment, gritted her teeth, and chased after her again.

She didn't believe that Lu Qingfeng could treat Zhou Niannian like this when he saw Zhou Niannian being...

(End of this chapter)

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