Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 244 Someone is knocking on the door

Chapter 244 Someone is knocking on the door

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan were woken up early in the morning by the knock on the door.

"Is Deputy Factory Manager Xiao Zhou at home? Is there anyone at home?" There was a continuous high-pitched cry from outside the door.

There was no sound from inside the door.

Some people who got up early and wandered around the village came over curiously and asked: "Aunt Xing, you came to knock on the door early this morning, can you find something to do with Deputy Factory Director Xiao Zhou?"

Li Mei was holding a bag of brown sugar and a bag of snacks in her hand, with a somewhat embarrassed expression on her face, "I didn't know what to do in the factory that day, so I went to the factory to make trouble. Come early in the morning to apologize to Xiao Zhou, the deputy director of the factory."

She said and shook the things in her hands, "It's thirty today, and I have to go home to make dumplings and clean up the house later, so I came to see the deputy factory manager Xiao Zhou early in the morning."

Li Mei went to the factory to make trouble a few days ago. Many people in the village knew about it, and teased her, "I don't think you are busy, Aunt Xing. Are you afraid that you will be embarrassed if you come across it later?"

"Go, go!" Li Mei spat on purpose with a straight face, "I know auntie, I'm afraid of embarrassment, so why don't you hurry up, be careful I'll scold you."

The visitor took a step back with a smile, but refused to walk away, "I have to give you courage, Auntie. If Xiao Zhou, the deputy director of the factory, is still angry later, I will also say a few words of intercession for you."

Li Mei just pretended to drive people away, muttered a few words pretending to be dissatisfied, then turned her head and continued to knock on the door.

It took a while before there was a scream from inside the door, "Ah, ah."

When Li Mei heard it, a clear smile flashed in his eyes, and it was done.

But her face was full of anxiety, and she said to the onlookers: "I heard Comrade Xiao Zhou screaming, my God, there won't be burglars in the house, right?"

"Quick, open the door and go in."

He hesitated with the people who came to watch the fun, "Is this not good? There are two lesbians living in it."

"What's not good?" After hesitating, people living not far away came from their homes one after another, "What happened?"

"I seem to hear the scream of Xiao Zhou, the deputy director of the factory. I don't know what's wrong?"

Li Mei stomped her feet anxiously, "What else can there be? There must be a thief in the house. Let's rush in and have a look. Don't go in late, and the deputy factory manager Xiao Zhou will suffer again."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, "Can there be a thief who is the opponent of Xiao Zhou's deputy factory director?"

The anxious expression on Li Mei's face paused, and then she heard sharper screams from inside, one after another, like a duet.

"Oh, there's Comrade Qi's cry, don't hesitate, open the door and have a look." Li Mei urged anxiously, with faint excitement in her eyes, as if she had already seen Zhou Niannian's distressed appearance.

Li Wenjing also arrived at this time. Hearing the screams inside, she asked a series of questions curiously: "What's the matter? What happened?"

Someone answered casually: "It seems that a thief has broken into the house of Deputy Director Xiao Zhou."

Li Wenjing groaned, looking very shocked, but feeling a little gloating in her heart.

I don't know if the thief stole all of Zhou Niannian's things.

Meng Laosan hurried over, and when he heard that a thief had broken into the house, he gave a anxious look, "What are you waiting for, go in and have a look."

Hearing the continuous shouts inside, everyone stopped hesitating and rushed to open the door with all their strength.

As soon as the door opened, Li Mei squeezed into the courtyard first, and was about to rush into the main room.

The door of the main room opened, and two people rushed out, bumping into Li Mei.

With a sound of ouch, Li Mei staggered from being hit, and fell directly to the ground, throwing her legs upside down.

The brown sugar and snacks in her hand rolled on the ground and were picked up by those who came to watch the excitement.

"Xiao Zhou, deputy factory manager, Comrade Qi, are you all right? What happened to the house just now? Did a thief enter?" Meng Laosan asked Zhou Niannian with concern.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan rushed out in a hurry. Although they were wearing sweaters, they had overcoats on their bodies. They didn't even lift their shoes, so they rushed out.

"No thief, no." Zhou Niannian waved his hands, his expression seemed to be flustered for a moment.

Li Mei, who got up from the ground, didn't care to slap the dirt on her body, rolled her eyes, and grabbed Qi Jiayan pretending to be concerned, "Comrade Qi, don't be afraid, there are so many of us here, even if we entered Three or two thieves, we can also get rid of her."

As he said that, he was about to rush to the back room first, but Zhou Niannian grabbed his arm, "Isn't this Aunt Xing? Why are you here?"

Li Mei wanted to rush into the house, but couldn't break free from Zhou Niannian's grip, so she could only pretend to be concerned: "Oh, Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director, it's not important, the important thing is that we have to catch the thief quickly."

"What kind of thief? There was no thief in my house." Zhou Niannian said pretending to be puzzled.

The look in Li Mei's eyes became more eager, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the smile on her lips, "You didn't get into the thief, why did you scream in fright just now? Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director, don't be afraid. Two thieves, with so many of us, can we be afraid of them?"

As he said that, he stamped his feet at those watching the excitement, "What are you still doing in a daze, go in and catch the thief."

The spectators didn't move at all, and Meng Laosan looked puzzled and said: "Deputy Director Zhou and Comrade Qi are all fine, and they also said that there was no thief in the house. How can you be so sure that there is a thief in the house?"

Zhou Niannian also looked at Li Mei with a half-smile: "Yeah, I'm also curious why you are so sure that a thief broke into my house?"

Li Mei froze for a moment, realizing that she had acted too hastily, she quickly restrained her expression, and said pretending to be jointed: "I didn't offend Xiao Zhou, the deputy director of the factory a few days ago, and I am here today to make amends. When I heard your scream, I trembled in fear."

"It's the Chinese New Year, and many places are not peaceful recently. I'm not afraid that thieves have entered the house. Are you and Comrade Qi at a disadvantage?"

"Look at you and Comrade Qi are so beautiful, if the thief has bad thoughts together, what can you do?"

She changed the matter in a few words, and some older people echoed: "Yes, when the end of the year comes, thieves will be rampant, and if you have other thoughts, what can you two girls do?"

Li Mei took the opportunity to climb up the pole, "That's right, Deputy Director Zhou, maybe there is a little thief hiding in your house right now. My natal brother came to deliver things last night and said he saw two The man is sneaking towards you."

"I didn't think much about it at the time. The more I think about it this morning, the more something is wrong. Maybe the thief has already entered your house, hiding in the house and waiting to harm you."

As Li Mei spoke, she greeted Meng Laosan, "What are you still doing in a daze, Comrade Xiao Zhou lives in your house, and if something happens to your house, your house will also be responsible."

(End of this chapter)

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