Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 245 Li Mei's tragedy

Chapter 245 Li Mei's tragedy

When Meng Laosan heard this, he hesitated for a while, and asked Zhou Niannian: "Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director, why don't we go in and have a look together? Don't really be a thief."

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "No need, there really wasn't a thief in the house."

Li Mei yelled in disbelief, "Why did you get so scared just now when the thief didn't break in?"

"Comrade Qi, why did you say you were so scared just now?"

Qi Jiayan's eyes flickered, she took a look at Zhou Niannian, and then said falteringly: "A big mouse came into my house, we were so frightened that we couldn't help screaming."

Li Mei looked at them suspiciously, "A mouse scared the two of you like that?"

"It's a big mouse." Zhou Niannian corrected seriously.

Li Mei looked at her expression, seeing that Zhou Niannian looked a little uncomfortable, she felt more and more that the matter might really happen.

"I said Xiao Zhou, deputy factory manager, isn't he a big mouse who can speak human language?" She covered her mouth with a fake smile.

Li Wenjing's eyes flickered, and she screamed as if suddenly remembering something, and stared at Zhou Niannian in disbelief: "No way, those two men that others saw last night were not thieves, but yours."

Qi Jiayan blushed angrily, "What are you talking about?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, and looked at Li Wenjing coldly: "Why don't you talk about it, what about us?"

Her eyes were icy cold, and one hand moved in the air, making a clicking sound, as if she could step forward to pick up Li Wenjing at any time.

Li Wenjing took two steps back in fright, shrunk her neck and dared not speak, secretly regretting her talkativeness.

How could she offend Zhou Niannian just to show off her quick tongue, Zhou Niannian had already remembered her last time, if she offends Zhou Niannian again, who knows how Zhou Niannian will take revenge on her.

Although the job at Rainbow Factory was a bit boring, it was much more enjoyable than working in the fields, and it didn't need to be feng shui or exposed to the sun. Besides, it was a decent job to be a paid worker.

She'd better not offend Zhou Niannian in the future.

Li Mei didn't have Li Wenjing's sense of fear. She pouted her lips and looked at Zhou Niannian disdainfully, "Maybe it's your lover. If it's true, you can just say it directly. We won't go into the room to watch, so that everyone I'm worried that you've got thieves here."

Meng Laosan's face darkened, "Li Mei, what nonsense are you talking about, deputy factory director Xiao Zhou and Comrade Qi are not such people."

Li Mei snorted, "Then who knows? Some people know people and faces but don't know their hearts. If she is not guilty, let us go in and take a look."

"Go in and see what?" A deep voice sounded from the courtyard door.

Li Mei turned her head and saw a tall figure in a gray overcoat standing at the gate of the yard, with clear features and bright eyes.

This person seems to be Zhou Niannian's fiancé, and his surname seems to be Lu.

She rolled her eyes and waved quickly, "Comrade Lu, you came just in time. We heard Xiao Zhou, the deputy director of the factory, screaming in fright at home early in the morning. We thought it was a thief, so we came over anxiously to see Look."

"Who knew that when we got here, the deputy factory manager Xiao Zhou firmly refused to let us in, saying that we were frightened by mice and there was no one in the house."

"Someone said that it seems that Xiao Zhou, the deputy director of the factory, hid his lover in the house."

Lu Qingfeng's face seemed very gloomy, he strode into the yard, walked to Zhou Niannian's side, frowned and looked at her: "A thief entered your room?"

Zhou Niannian raised his head and blinked, then shook his head pretending to be panicked, "Lu Qingfeng, why are you here? Ah? A thief? No?"

After all, he stared at Lu Qingfeng with some displeasure: "Lu Qingfeng, what do you mean? Don't you believe me, do you suspect that I have someone else?"

Lu Qingfeng's face became even more gloomy.

Bai Yuqing walked over slowly and saw Zhou Niannian standing intact in the yard, she was stunned for a moment, concealed the disappointment in her eyes, looked at Zhou Niannian tenderly, with the appearance of a caring sister, "Deputy Director Zhou, If you have something to say to Comrade Lu, even if a thief really entered your house, it didn't cause any loss, and Comrade Lu doesn't despise you."

Lu Qingfeng turned his head and looked at her with displeasure: "Why are you still here? There is no need for outsiders to intervene in the affairs between the two of us. This comrade can go back if he has nothing to do."

Bai Yuqing froze in place.

Zhou Niannian looked at the expression on her face, a smile flashed in his eyes, he poked Lu Qingfeng with his finger, "What do you mean, do you really doubt me?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled softly, "I'm kidding, how could I doubt you, I'm not a fool."

It means that whoever doubts Zhou Niannian is a fool?

Li Mei, Li Wenjing, and Bai Yuqing's faces all turned black when they said a word.

The onlookers burst out laughing.

Zhou Niannian snorted with crooked eyebrows, "You're smart."

"However, I said that there were mice in my room, but there are always people who suspect that there is a lover hidden in my room. Aunt Xing, if you don't believe me, go and see for yourself." She looked at Li Mei with a half-smile.

Li Mei hesitated for a moment, suspecting that Zhou Niannian was playing tricks, she gritted her teeth and took a step forward, and walked into the room.

As soon as the door was opened, a huge mouse rushed out, only rushing towards Li Mei's face.

"Ah!" Li Mei was so frightened that the whole person was dumbfounded, the scream almost knocked over the roof, and seeing the mouse land on her shoulder, she ran out desperately shaking her legs, "Ah, ah help Ah, help."

Everyone in the yard stared dumbfounded at Li Mei being chased all over the yard by a mouse. The mouse was so strange that no one chased it, but it only chased Li Mei.

The mouse seemed to be conscious, and didn't catch up with Li Mei immediately, but kept a step away from Li Mei, as if it was about to jump on Li Mei's feet, Li Mei was so frightened that he spun around in the yard desperately. After a few laps, the mouse jumped on her all at once.

Li Mei met the mouse's mung bean-like eyes, and couldn't help but fainted.

Seeing that Li Mei fainted from fright, the mouse seemed a little sorry, shook its head and ran out without a trace.

Only then did the onlookers come to their senses, and one after another went to watch Li Mei's condition, and some turned around and ran out, preparing to call Xing Dehai.

Li Mei was pinched in the middle of the person, and she just woke up faintly. She looked over her shoulder in horror, and when she saw that there was no mouse on her shoulder, she breathed a sigh of relief, and her whole body collapsed on the ground.

It's terrible, she has never seen a mouse as big as a cat in her life, how could there be such a big mouse here in Zhou Niannian.

The more Li Mei thought about it, the more frightened she became. Just as she was about to get up and go out, an angry voice suddenly sounded from outside the door, "Well, Li Mei, so you are here."

Everyone turned their heads, only to see three disheveled men rushing in at the same time, because the speed was too fast, another one hit the door.

 The typhoon made a turn around Bohai Bay and came back~ I have to take my child to the hospital in the afternoon, and there will be another update in the evening!

(End of this chapter)

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