Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 246 Dog bites dog

Chapter 246 Dog bites dog

The three men rushed into the yard and complained when they saw Li Mei sitting on the ground.

The slender man said: "Li Mei, you have made the three of us suffer so much."

The shorter man pointed at Li Mei: "We agreed to meet in the woods on the mountain, how could you leave us behind in the cold wind that blew most of the night on the mountain, but you didn't go by yourself."

The man who finally came in and bumped against the door sighed and stomped his feet: "Sister Mei, do you have a crush on another man again and don't want to be with the three of us?"

"If this is the case, tell me, some old women are willing to come to us, but you are good, you put us together on the mountain to blow the cold wind, and were almost chased by wild animals. If the three of us hadn't bumped into each other, I still don't know you. Vicious."

The words of the three men shocked everyone in the yard.

Everyone stared at Li Mei in astonishment, and then at the three men, a thought flashed in their hearts at the same time: the grassland above Xing Dehai's head can run horses.

Li Mei actually dated three men at the same time, this, this is exciting enough.

Li Mei stared blankly at the three people, and when she realized the meaning of their words, she immediately got up from the ground screaming, "Da Hai, Xiao Jiang, Xiao Hu, what are you three talking nonsense? you"

Before she finished speaking, someone slapped her face. With a crisp sound, her face turned to the left, and five finger prints appeared on her cheek.

Li Mei was completely dumbfounded. She subconsciously covered her cheeks, and turned to look at Xing Dehai who was still holding her hands together, "You dare to hit me, Xing Dehai, you dare to hit me, I will fight with you."

She rushed towards Xing Dehai screaming, hitting and scratching at Xing Dehai.

While tearing at her, Xing Dehai said with a dark face: "You are flirtatious and disorderly, and you still think I beat you. It would be easy for me to kill you."

Li Mei scratched him while crying, "When did I behave indiscriminately, Xing Dehai, please tell me clearly."

In such a short time, Xing Dehai already had three or four scratches on his face. He was embarrassed and scratched more than Li Mei, and pointed at the three men next to him angrily, "Let me explain clearly to you? Then you talk about it first." Who are these three men and what is their relationship to you?"

Li Mei wiped away tears, "The three of them are from my mother's village. You have seen this sea before."

Xing Dehai snorted heavily, staring at her with disgust.

Li Mei glared at the three men fiercely, "You three, tell my man clearly that I have no such relationship with you at all, so don't be silly."

The tall and thin man is called Dahai, and he curled his lips, "How can you turn your face and deny anyone? We haven't known each other for a day or two. It was obviously you who asked us out last night."

Xiao Jiang also muttered: "That's right, Sister Mei, you can't just dump us when you run out."

Xing Dehai grabbed Li Mei, "What else do you want to say? People have admitted it themselves, good Li Mei, I treat you well on weekdays, I didn't expect you to be so unruly."

Li Mei fell back angrily, "What kind of dung are you spraying all over your mouth, and you throw it away after you use it up, it's all nonsense, nonsense."

The man named Xiao Hu looked aggrieved, "Sister Mei, it was you who asked us to meet in the woods on the mountain last night, it's not like we haven't met there before."

Li Mei was so angry that her body trembled, she jumped up and said without thinking: "Nonsense, I didn't ask you to meet in the woods, I asked the three of you to come here to ruin Zhou Niannian."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she immediately realized what she had said, and covered her mouth in panic, but it was too late.

Zhou Niannian looked at her coldly: "I said yes, why did you knock on my door so early in the morning? It turned out that it was a play directed and acted by myself."

The onlookers also condemned Li Mei one after another, "It's just that the method was a little bit bad. I used my concubine to do things, but I didn't catch it all at once."

"Yeah, Li Mei's move is too damaging."

"To find three men, if this succeeds, Comrade Xiao Zhou's life will be ruined."

"Li Mei is really cruel."

Among the condemning people, Li Wenjing thought that she also ran over early in the morning, and quietly moved aside, fearing that she would be implicated.

Bai Yuqing's eyes drooped, and a flash of disdain flashed in her eyes.

This Li Mei is too stupid to find three people who are so easy to betray. How can you ruin Zhou Niannian with just this IQ?It's ridiculous.

Xing Dehai, on the other hand, was dumbfounded, and stared at Li Mei in a daze, then made a look of shock, pointed at Li Mei and said, "How could you do such a thing?"

Lu Qingfeng, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Li Mei with a cold gaze filled with undisguised anger, and looked at Xing Dehai with a half-smile: "As a man, it's not in the slightest for the person next to you to do such a thing. I can't even notice it, what you, a man, has done is too much of a failure, right?"

"You..." Xing Dehai's face suddenly sank, but he didn't know how to refute.

If you say you know, he is an accomplice, if you say you don't know, you will lose your face.

"Whether you know it or not, this matter involves a crime. Go to the investigation office and talk about it." Lu Qingfeng coldly glanced at Li Mei, who had shrunk into a ball, and Xing Dehai, who had a gloomy expression.

Xing Dehai was taken aback for a moment, and several people came in at the gate again, their uniforms were very dazzling in the winter sun.

It was Yang Jiarui who walked in the front. As soon as he entered the door, he subconsciously glanced at Zhou Niannian, and then his frowning relaxed slightly.

Dahai, Xiaojiang, and Xiaohu rushed to Yang Jiarui at the same time, crying, "Comrade, comrade, the three of us surrendered."

"It was this woman named Li Mei who came to us and wanted us to destroy the two lesbians here."

"Yes, yes, it's all instigated by this woman, comrade, we thought twice and didn't dare to do this, but fortunately we didn't make a mistake, we have to turn ourselves in, comrade, you have to see it for the sake of our frankness and leniency Come on, don't catch us."

Li Mei spat at the three of them fiercely: "Fuck, you three black-hearted people, I just want you to scare Zhou Niannian, it was your own evil intentions first."

"Don't pretend to be a wolf with a big tail here. I clearly saw the three of you sneaking into Zhou Niannian's room last night before I left."

The yard was full of noise, and the three men and Li Mei blamed each other like a dog biting a dog.

Yang Jiarui coughed twice and interrupted them, "You are suspected of murdering others, follow me back to the institute for investigation."

After finishing speaking, he motioned to the two colleagues behind to step up and twist the three men and Li Mei together.

Li Mei looked at Xing Dehai in panic, "Old Xing, you can't leave me alone, save me, Lao Xing."

 Today I changed [-], ask everyone for a monthly pass, and continue to work hard to increase [-] tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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