Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 247 Well Arranged

Chapter 247 Well Arranged

The muscles around Xing Dehai's mouth twitched, his hands clenched into fists beside him, and he looked at Li Mei with a gloomy expression.

Li Mei couldn't help crying: "Old Xing, I'm doing this to vent your anger on you, you can't just ignore me."

"Shut up!" Xing Dehai growled with a dark face, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yang Jiarui looked at Xing Dehai, "Please come back to the investigation office with us and cooperate with the investigation."

Xing Dehai frowned, and forced a smile to look at Yang Jiarui, "Comrade Yang, you see, it's unlucky to take someone away during the Chinese New Year. Can we cooperate with the investigation after the New Year?"

Yang Jiarui snorted coldly, "When your mother-in-law did such a shameful thing, why didn't she think that it would be the Chinese New Year? Now that she has done it, she has to bear the consequences."

Xing Dehai's face darkened, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket with shaking hands, took out two cigarettes and handed them to Lu Qingfeng and Yang Jiarui respectively.

The two looked indifferent and didn't answer.

Xing Dehaiqing's hand in mid-air was very awkward.

He gritted his teeth, turned to look at Zhou Niannian, with guilt on his face, "I really didn't know that my mother-in-law committed a crime and wanted to harm Comrade Xiao Zhou. Now that the incident happened, I have no face to face Comrade Xiao Zhou. I just resigned from the factory as an apology to Comrade Xiao Zhou."

"I also hope that Comrade Xiao Zhou can have a lot of adults, so don't pursue this matter, okay?"

After all, he bowed deeply to Zhou Niannian, his attitude seemed very frank.

Zhou Niannian folded her hands and sneered, "I don't understand what you mean, what happened today is that your mother-in-law wanted to harm me and find someone to destroy me. This is personal injury and has nothing to do with the factory."

"Let me say this, as if I was forcing you to leave your job. One size counts for another. Today's incident is certified. Your wife is called attempted harm, and she will be held legally responsible."

"As for the matter in the factory, whether you resign or not, I have no opinion, and please don't mix it up."

Xing Dehai lowered his eyelids to hide the gloom in his eyes, but he couldn't hide the gloom on his face, "Zhou Niannian, are you going to kill our husband and wife?"

Zhou Niannian sneered, "Don't accuse me of such harsh crimes. Everyone is watching what happened. How can you say that I will kill you all?"

Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian stood side by side, and said, "You guys deserve what you deserve."

Yang Jiarui waved his hand impatiently, "If you have anything to say, go back to our office and tell us, Comrade Xing Dehai, we all know people, I just asked you to go back to the office to cooperate with the investigation, please cooperate, don't make everyone face Not pretty."

Although Xing Dehai's face was very ugly, he knew that there was no other way.

Having been the director of the Revolutionary Committee all his life, he was the only one who caught others in those years. He never thought that he would be arrested one day.

Looking at the crowd of onlookers around him, during the years when he was the director of the Revolutionary Committee, he often arrested and criticized people in the village, and now these people must be gloating in their hearts.

Thinking of this, Xing Dehai felt hatred towards Li Mei in his heart. It wasn't this woman messing around, how could he get to where he is today.

With a gray face and head buried, he followed the people from the investigation office.

Yang Jiarui turned his head to look at Zhou Niannian, and finally his eyes fell on Lu Qingfeng, who was standing next to him in a guardian posture, and nodded slightly, "I'm leaving first, and I'll contact you when I have something to do."

Lu Qingfeng nodded, "I'll see you off."

"I'm sorry, Comrade Yang." Zhou Niannian smiled and waved at Yang Jiarui when he saw that Lu Qingfeng wanted to send him off.

Yang Jiarui hooked the corner of his mouth, concealed the bitterness in his eyes, turned and left.

There was no excitement to watch, and all the onlookers left.

What I saw today can be said to be the biggest talking point of the Chinese New Year.

Zhou Niannian looked at Bai Yuqing who quietly walked out with the crowd, his eyes sank, it turned out that Li Mei had hired someone to harm her, not Bai Yuqing.

But according to Bai Yuqing's performance last night, she must know the inside story, but she was deep in her thoughts and didn't show it particularly clearly.

The onlookers all left, and the yard became quiet for a moment, Qi Jiayan patted her heart, "It's finally resolved, I didn't expect it to be Li Mei, she is really vicious, if we hadn't met Comrade Lu last night, the two of us It's really dangerous."

Zhou Niannian's eyes warmed up. Indeed, although she didn't drink too much last night, if she had to deal with three men hiding in the dark with her bare hands, she might not be sure of victory.

"Niannian, where did you say that mouse came from?" Qi Jiayan pulled Zhou Niannian back to the house, suddenly remembered the mouse that was chasing Li Mei, and asked curiously, "I've grown up so big, I've never seen it before." A mouse as big as a cat."

Mentioning the mouse, Zhou Niannian was also very surprised.

After Lu Qingfeng left last night, she and Qi Jiayan slept in the same bedroom, and they were indeed awakened by Li Mei's knock on the door.

But as soon as they opened their eyes, the two of them saw the fat mouse lying on the side of the bed at the same time, staring at the two of them, the first reaction of anyone seeing them was to scream, right?
"I don't know where that mouse came from," she said for a while, her eyes suddenly widened, remembering that she hadn't seen Ah Liang since she came back last night.

Could it be Ah Liang who found it?
"What are you talking about?" She was dazed, and Lu Qingfeng walked in, and his slender figure stepped into the small living room, which immediately seemed a lot cramped.

Qi Jiayan stood up, "Today is New Year's Eve, let's have a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner together, the supply and marketing cooperative will be closed in the afternoon, I have to hurry up and buy some meat and vegetables."

After all, he got up and left, leaving room for Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian.

"How did you deal with those three people last night? Why were they so scared?" Zhou Niannian asked Lu Qingfeng curiously.

Lu Qingfeng pressed his lips back and coughed dryly, "It's nothing, I just took off their clothes, hung them in the woods to freeze for half the night, and then told them that if they can't expose the mastermind behind the scenes, they will be sent to the mountains A wild dog looking for a mate."

Zhou Niannian: "."

She imagined how those three people were shivering from the cold, and then they were so frightened that they were about to cry, and couldn't help but also laughed.

"It's a good thing you figured out this trick, but those three people said they were chased by wild beasts in the middle of the night, so what's going on?"

Lu Qingfeng blinked, "I wonder too. After the three of them compromised, I went to the investigation office in the town first, and planned to release them this morning. Who knew that when I went back in the morning, the three of them one is no longer there."

It turned out that Yang Jiarui was found by Lu Qingfeng, no wonder he came so timely.

Zhou Niannian gave a thumbs up with crooked eyebrows, "The arrangement is good."

"There's me, there's me." Ah Liang flew in from the door and landed on Zhou Niannian's shoulder with a smile.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and glanced at it, "Did you find the mouse?"

 Thank you for your monthly votes, thank you very much!Continue to update 50 today, and continue to ask everyone for a monthly pass. If the monthly pass exceeds [-], I will try my best to add another chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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