Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 253 I suspect you are gloating

Chapter 253 I suspect you are gloating
Early the next morning, when Lu Qingfeng opened his eyes, he was dazed, and the sweet smell of jasmine filled his nostrils, reminding him that he lived in Zhou Niannian's room last night.

He couldn't help but raised the corner of his mouth, turned his head and looked out the window, there was a blue sky, the sky was just getting bright, and there were faint sounds of firecrackers coming from outside.

Rural people pay attention to the earlier the New Year, the more auspicious they are. When they get up, they have to go through the whole village and go door to door to pay New Year's greetings, especially those with elderly people.

Not knowing that Zhou Niannian opened the door, Lu Qingfeng thought for a while, and the strange silence made him realize: that noisy Ah Liang was no longer in the room.

He flew away so early, could it be that he didn't sleep last night?

When he was wondering, he suddenly heard chattering from the window sill again.

Turning his head and taking a look, he found a fat bird standing on the window sill. The bird was snow-white, with a round head, round neck, and round belly. It looked at Lu Qingfeng with a pair of eyes that seemed to have aura, and then began to look at Lu Qingfeng. He chirped at Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng couldn't understand what a bird was saying. He thought to himself that Zhou Niannian was really a bird's favorite girl. Another bird came to join him early in the morning. Is this the rhythm of New Year's greetings?
The snow-white and chubby bird chirped at Lu Qingfeng for a while. Seeing that Lu Qingfeng didn't respond, he couldn't help but flew over in a hurry, tugged at the corner of Lu Qingfeng's clothes, and then flew back to the window sill, circling around Ah Liang's nest turned around, and her two paws kept scratching the branches on Ah Liang's nest.

Seeing that it had something to say, Lu Qingfeng frowned, sat up from the bed, and guessed, "You're not here to find Ah Liang, are you?"

The snow-white, chubby bird's eyes lit up, and it turned around like garlic.

Lu Qingfeng had never seen a bird that could nod so fast, and he couldn't help being amused, "I don't know where it went early in the morning, but it likes to play in the valley behind the woods on the mountain, you can Go find it."

He remembered that Zhou Niannian had said that A Liang loved to go, and Lu Qingfeng betrayed A Liang without any guilt.

The fat bird's eyes became brighter, and it flew away with a babble.

Zhou Niannian knocked on the door, Lu Qingfeng opened it, she looked into the room suspiciously, "Who are you talking to early in the morning?"

Lu Qingfeng blinked without changing his expression, "No, I didn't see Ah Liang when I got up, and I was talking to myself."

Zhou Niannian was already used to A Liang's style of seeing things like a dragon, so he said indifferently: "I don't know where it went again, it is hiding from the second princess of the Bird Clan recently, it is said that the second princess has taken a fancy to him, We must let it be the son-in-law of the village."

The corner of Lu Qingfeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch when he pressed the son-in-law, guessing in his heart that the chubby bird he saw just now was probably the second princess of the Bird Clan, "What a wonderful son-in-law, Ah Liang is so lucky."

"Why do I feel that you are gloating about your misfortune?" Zhou Niannian looked at Lu Qingfeng suspiciously.

The corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth were slightly retracted, with a serious expression on his face, "No, I'm really happy for Ah Liang." No wonder.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing when she thought of Ah Liang running around these days, "Ah Liang doesn't think it's a good thing."

Lu Qingfeng secretly cheered for the second princess of the Niao clan who was chasing after him just now, and hoped that she could capture Ah Liang in one fell swoop.

He changed the subject in a good mood, "Are you ready to go out to pay New Year's greetings? We have to go to the county town in the afternoon, and go to the home of County Chief Chen to pay New Year's greetings."

Zhou Niannian nodded and urged him to wash up.

After packing up and going out, the sky was already bright, and workers from the factory had already come to pay New Year's greetings. Zhou Niannian followed a group of people around the village to pay New Year's greetings one by one.

After a simple meal at noon, the two of them went to the county by car.

The county magistrate's house had a lot of people who came to pay New Year's greetings. The two of them ate something outside before going to the magistrate Chen's house in the afternoon.

The county magistrate Chen and his wife were very happy to see the two of them coming to celebrate the New Year together. They pulled Lu Qingfeng to ask a lot about Lu Wenhan's recent situation.

"Sister-in-law, are you planning to move?" Zhou Niannian saw that the furnishings in the house were much simpler than when he came last time. cardboard box, and asked Zheng Qiuli, the wife of County Magistrate Chen.

Zheng Qiuli nodded, "Old Chen is going to be transferred to the provincial capital, and we will be there on the sixth day of the new year. If we don't pack up the things at home first, we will leave after the third day of the new year."

"Fortunately, you are here today. In two days, you may be gone."

Lu Qingfeng looked at the county magistrate Chen in surprise, "Senior, is this promoted? Then congratulations, senior."

County Magistrate Chen waved his hand with a smile, "It's not a high promotion, let's get a flat transfer, go to a subordinate county over the provincial capital, and the job will still be the same as now."

Zhou Niannian smiled, "That's the provincial capital, it's different from Zezhou."

County Magistrate Chen smiled cheerfully, "Comrade Xiao Zhou, the new county magistrate is named Feng. Before I leave, I will specifically tell him to focus on the development of your Rainbow Factory. Don't relax."

Zhou Niannian smiled, "Thank you so much, don't worry, our Rainbow Factory will not let you down."

Two days passed in a flash, and soon it was the third day of junior high school. Lu Qingfeng left Mengjiang Village early in the morning with his bag.

Zhou Niannian drove him to the bus station in the town through the morning fog, from where he took a bus to the railway station in the county seat.

"You go back to Xincheng to meet my parents and deliver this letter to them." Zhou Niannian took out a letter from his bag and handed it to Lu Qingfeng.

That was the letter she wrote overnight last night, mainly talking about Bai Yuqing in her heart, saying that she had verified that Bai Yuqing did have a butterfly-shaped birthmark on her left shoulder.

As for Little Jade Buddha, she wrote that it is not yet confirmed whether Bai Yuqing exists.

Lu Qingfeng put the letter into his satchel, looked at her deeply for a moment, and couldn't help but reach out and rub her hair.

Zhou Niannian's hair was thick and dense, tied into a black ponytail, very soft and smooth.

"Take care of yourself, don't think about those messy problems." He whispered to Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian nodded, feeling Lu Qingfeng's hand resting on the top of her head, the hot palm almost made her scalp burn, she couldn't help but pouted, "Got it."

There was a trace of impatience faintly in this sentence, and the ending sound was long, giving off a hint of coquettishness.

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but smiled softly, "Okay, I'm leaving, remember to write to me."

After finishing speaking, she rubbed Zhou Niannian's hair again, turned around and strode towards the station.

Zhou Niannian waited until his car started to leave before quietly returning to Mengjiang Village.

When entering the village, Zhou Niannian saw many women in the village sitting together winking and discussing something quietly. She didn't care and went home, but Qi Jiayan told him, "Zhang Peilan is back."

 The second is a little later, there are three days left, and the summer vacation of the child is over. It has been a long month, and all my patience and manuscripts have been exhausted. I collapsed. These three days are more than [-] ha. When the child starts school , as much as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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