Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 254 Girls have to take care of themselves

Chapter 254 Girls have to take care of themselves
Hearing Zhang Peilan's name, Qi Jiayan was stunned for a moment before she realized, "Isn't she at the investigation office? Why are you back now?"

Last time when the He family produced fake and shoddy ham sausages, the investigation office had already investigated their confessions, but because Zhou Niannian insisted on taking this matter to the court, the verdict would have to wait until the court heard it in the next year, so Zhang Peilan, Zhang Dong, He Dazhu, He Xiaozhuang and others are all locked up in the investigation center now.

How could Zhang Peilan be released at this time?

Qi Jiayan curled her lips, "Yang Jiarui sent it back. He came to see you just now. You were not here. He said that Zhang Peilan was pregnant, and it has been more than a month. He reacted badly, so he had to send her back first."

Zhang Peilan is pregnant?

Zhou Niannian's eyes widened in surprise, she never thought that Zhang Peilan would be pregnant, "Is the child Zhang Dong's?"

"Probably." Qi Jiayan nodded hesitantly, "I haven't seen her getting too close to that man before, and even the matter with Zhang Dong was discovered after we broke through, and she came back today When I heard that it was Zhang Dongma who came back with her."

Zhou Niannian was dumbfounded.

This era is still very conservative. Many couples only met a few times before getting married, and they didn’t even hold hands. Even if freedom of love and marriage are advocated now, they still pay great attention to their relationship before marriage and dare not overdo it. half a step.

How could Zhang Peilan be so bold that she even took the last step.

Thinking of the women gossiping together when they entered the village, Zhou Niannian instantly understood what they were talking about, "Does everyone in the village know?"

Qi Jiayan nodded, "When she came back, it was the time when each family had breakfast and went out to visit relatives, but not many people knew about it."

Zhou Niannian is silent, Zhang Peilan is a pregnant woman, according to the current law in Huaguo, a pregnant woman can be released on bail pending trial, but it depends on the wishes of the family members.

However, Zhang Peilan also has to face the rumors and gossips outside, and life will not be easy. Anyway, this is Zhang Peilan's own choice, and she has to live her own life in the future.

Zhang Peilan packed up some clothes, took her luggage bag, followed Zhang Dongma to Meng Sanqiu's place, and then went to Ershengtou Village.

The story of Zhang Peilan quickly spread in the village. When women in the village mentioned Zhang Peilan, they would spit on the ground first, curse shamelessly, and then go home and tell their daughters what to do.

Mengjiang Village is adjacent to Ershengtou Village, things about Zhang Peilan are often spread, and they are used as gossip.

Zhang Dong's father, Zhang Lixian, had been a village cadre in Ershengtou Village for more than ten years. This time, he was taken back by the investigation office for investigation because he was involved in the manufacture of fake and shoddy ham sausages.

Ershengtou Village is a big village with many factions. Some people have long been dissatisfied with Zhang Lixian.

Zhang Lixian was taken back by the investigation office, but someone stabbed the incident into the town.

Zhang Lixian was very eloquent at the investigation station, repeatedly assuring that he did not know about his son's involvement in this matter beforehand. After finally getting out of the investigation station, he was notified by the town the next day that he was dismissed from his post as village chief.

Zhang Lixian was very annoyed that the village chief who had been working for more than ten years was suddenly slapped, and the Zhang family became the object of ridicule and ridicule in the village.

The Zhang family, who had been walking sideways in the village for more than ten years, died down for a while. This year, the Zhang family lived a very low-key and aggrieved life. Even when they went out to visit relatives, they always went out late and came back early, for fear of running into people in the village.

Just after the second day of junior high school, people from the investigation office came to the door and informed Zhang Peilan that she was pregnant and the child belonged to Zhang Dong. Zhang Peilan reacted very strongly in the investigation office and asked them if they would like to be released on bail. to go through formalities.

Strictly speaking, Zhang's family is not Zhang Peilan's family, but Zhang Peilan is an educated youth who jumped in the line, and her family is out of town, so she couldn't be contacted. After seeking Zhang Dong's consent, the investigation office contacted Zhang's family.

As soon as the people from the investigation office left, Zhang Dongma immediately scolded Zhang Peilan: "This shameless person must have seduced my son. She ruined my good son. Now my son is in trouble. Let me Get her out, serve her well, eat and drink well, and if she thinks well, she should accompany my son to suffer in it."

Zhang Lixian frowned, squatted in the corner smoking a cigarette and did not speak.

Grandma Zhang Dong paused with her cane, and said with a dark face: "She has my great-grandson in her stomach, how can my great-grandson be born in it, no, go and pick her up, no matter what, it's us The seed of the Zhang family cannot be allowed to wander outside."

Zhang Dong's mother was a little displeased, but Zhang Lixian also agreed with his mother's opinion. Zhang Lixian had other considerations in his heart. His son Zhang Dong didn't know how many years he would be sentenced to prison. No girl would marry him.

If the son can't marry a wife, the old Zhang family can't carry on the family line. The one in Zhang Peilan's stomach must stay first.

So after comprehensive consideration, Zhang Lixian urged his wife to go to the investigation office to get Zhang Peilan out.

The ins and outs of this incident spread to Mengjiang Village within two days.

"The Zhang family is a bit too ruthless," Qi Jiayan sighed, "Isn't it obvious that Zhang Peilan is being used as a machine to give birth to children? They didn't think about Zhang Peilan at all."

Zhou Niannian patted her on the shoulder, and said calmly, "So, girls must take care of themselves, love and respect themselves, and can't pin their hopes of caring for themselves on others."

In Zhou Niannian's view, girls don't love themselves, how can they expect others to love you.

Zhang Peilan's current life is not the most difficult, at least before the child in her womb, the Zhang family will not do anything to her, the difficulty is after the child is born.

Sure enough, later I heard that Zhang Peilan was in the Zhang family. Although Zhang Dongma often made things difficult for her, she would always scold her and eat and drink carefully.

The short vacation passed very quickly, and it was the sixth day of the sixth day in a blink of an eye. When the rainbow factory officially went to work, Bai Yuqing hurried back.

On the first day of work at Rainbow Factory, the HR checkup reported the number of people present in each section.

Zhang Peilan had already been fired from the factory, and Xing Dehai didn't come except her.

Since being taken away by the investigation office that day, Zhou Niannian has never seen Xing Dehai and his wife again. I heard that Xing Dehai came out of the investigation office and went directly to his son in the city, but Li Mei was sentenced to half a year in prison for attempted injury.

Xing Dehai only entered the factory when he was about to get off work in the afternoon. When he entered the factory, he went to find Meng Sanqiu and proposed to go through the resignation procedures.

Meng Sanqiu sighed with a complex expression, took two puffs of cigarettes silently, and then nodded, "Let's do it, do you have any plans in the future?"

With a gloomy expression on his face, Xing Dehai stared at Meng Sanqiu for a moment, then he chuckled, "Whatever you plan, as long as someone feeds you."

Meng Sanqiu frowned and fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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