Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 255 I May Not Be Biological

Chapter 255 I May Not Be Biological
Xing Dehai went through the resignation procedures very quickly, and when he got off work, he packed up his things and left.

When he passed by Zhou Niannian's office with his things in his arms, Zhou Niannian just happened to open the door and come out.

After two face-to-face contact, Zhou Niannian was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded lightly.

Xing Dehai's hands holding the things tightened, and his pupils constricted subconsciously. After a moment, he couldn't hold back and said, "Deputy Director Zhou, I hope you can always go smoothly like this. There will be a period later."

After he bit down hard, there will be four words.

The corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth ticked, "Thank you for your blessings, I will work hard."

With a cold face, Xing Dehai walked past Zhou Niannian with something in his arms.

Zhou Niannian shrugged and left without any concern, not even the slightest bit of curiosity about where Xing Dehai was going.

Xing Dehai's departure made Meng Sanqiu really unhappy for two days. After all, they are people who have been together for more than ten years, so there is always love.

However, the Rainbow Factory soon became busy. Zhou Niannian went to various cities to sign the orders before and after, and the shipments will start one after another. The volume can be said to be expanded two to three times.

After being so busy, Meng Sanqiu's worries were quickly forgotten.

A year ago, Qi Jiayan and Li Yuanjia were appointed as managers, responsible for marketing and production respectively, but Xing Dehai left, and no one was in charge of personnel and logistics.

Meng Sanqiu discussed with Zhou Niannian that Zhou Niannian would take care of it first. Anyway, she is the deputy factory director, so she doesn't have to be in charge of sales and technology. She can take care of everything, and let her supervise the personnel and logistics first.

As soon as the order was announced, although He Wencai's expression was very bad, he had imagined that Xing Dehai had left, and Meng Sanqiu could raise him a little bit.

It turned out that Zhou Niannian took over directly.

But even if He Wencai had any objections, he hadn't forgotten the last time he was punished, so he was very attentive and honest in front of Zhou Niannian.

The Rainbow Factory was going to expand its production, and as soon as the news of the recruitment was released, the people who came to sign up were overwhelmed.

Zhou Niannian entrusted Li Yuanjia and Qi Jiayan with almost all the recruiting work. The factory needs to expand production and train backup cadres. In the future, everything cannot be left to her.

Zhou Niannian revised the organizational structure of the factory in the office, as well as the management issues of the factory after the expansion.

There are too many things that need to be prepared to expand production, not only the increase in manpower, but also the required equipment, venues, office resources, and even the scale of the restaurant.

After a busy day, it was almost time to get off work. Zhou Niannian put down his pen, stretched his sore neck, and missed his laptop more and more.

Writing everything by hand is exhausting now.

She raised her hand to check the time. It was almost six o'clock, and she would be off work soon.

There was a light knock on the door, she thought it was Qi Jiayan coming, and said casually, "Come in."

The door was pushed open from the outside, and Bai Yuqing walked in, her eyes were a little red, and she looked at her anxiously, "Deputy Factory Manager Xiao Zhou, do you have time? I have something I want to talk to you about."

Zhou Niannian lowered his eyes, covering the emotions in his eyes, and waved his hand to signal Bai Yuqing to sit down and chat.

It has been a week since Bai Yuqing came back to work, and during this week, every time she sees Zhou Niannian, she has a look of hesitation.

Zhou Niannian admired Bai Yuqing's composure for being able to persist until now before coming to her.

"On the night of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, I heard from Deputy Director Zhou that you had a lost sister. Do you still remember what you said that night?" Bai Yuqing hesitated for a moment before speaking slowly.

Zhou Niannian nodded, with a look of surprise on his face, "You still remember this incident, one day I drank a little too much, and my words were out of control, so I told you this incident."

"I was thinking of asking you to help find it. In fact, it has been almost 18 years. My parents have searched many places, but there is no news. How can you get any news?"

With one sentence, the words "I have a clue" that Bai Yuqing had already brought to his lips were blocked back.

She pursed her lips, reassembled her emotions, and then raised her head with a smile, "It's a coincidence, I have a butterfly birthmark on my shoulder, and I always carried a little Jade Buddha with me when I was a child."

Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up first, and she stood up pretending to be surprised and looked at Bai Yuqing, "You said you also have a butterfly birthmark on your shoulder, and you also have a little Jade Buddha?"

Bai Yuqing nodded with a smile, "After hearing you say this the other day, I was still in a trance, wondering how could such a coincidence happen in the world?"

Zhou Niannian's face darkened, and then she sat down slowly, "Yes, there is no such thing as a coincidence in the world."

"Last time I asked you if you ever thought about whether you were not born to your parents. You told me firmly that it was impossible."

"It seems that your butterfly birthmark and the little Jade Buddha are just a coincidence."

She said with a downcast expression.

The smile on Bai Yuqing's mouth was a little stiff, secretly regretting that she shouldn't have answered that sentence too much, and also complaining that Zhou Niannian was inflexible. She had already said it so clearly, so couldn't she ask for verification?

Do you want to have the cheek to say that she might be Zhou Niannian's lost sister?
Doesn't it seem that she is a little rushed.

In fact, her original idea was to let Zhou Niannian bump into a butterfly birthmark on her shoulder, and then she revealed from the side that she also had a little Jade Buddha.

But now it's February, and everyone is wearing sweaters and big padded jackets, it's hard for her to show the birthmark hidden under the thick clothes, and she has to let Zhou Niannian see it.

After thinking over and over for several days, she couldn't find a suitable opportunity. She couldn't hold back anymore, so she came to the door by herself and chose to get straight to the point.

It's just that she didn't expect that she gave out two clues that Zhou Niannian's sister had, but Zhou Niannian didn't show any special surprise.

Biting her lip, Bai Yuqing hesitated for a moment, with a look of sadness on her face, "Actually, I don't know if I'm their biological child. To be honest, they treat me very badly, and they beat me or scolded me."

She said, her face seemed a little embarrassed, she raised her head and glanced at Zhou Niannian, tears gradually rolled down her eyes, "To tell you the truth, I never had a full meal when I was young, and there was always endless work to do. There are endless clothes, and I have to take care of my younger brother."

"I have thought more than once that I am definitely not their biological daughter. How can there be such cruel parents who treat their daughter like this."

As Bai Yuqing spoke, tears streamed down, but they were not crying loudly, but flowing down quietly, like pearls with broken strings, which made people feel pity.

Unfortunately, it was Zhou Niannian who sat across from her and watched her cry.

 The mobile QQ PK was added to the editorial notice, and I was asked to add updates. I was so hard that I could only let the child’s grandma take the child out, and I was going to stay up late to code, so there will be an update tonight, not just one update, take this opportunity Ask everyone for a wave of monthly tickets, please!
(End of this chapter)

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