Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 256 Bai Yuqing's Anxiety

Chapter 256 Bai Yuqing's Anxiety
For Zhou Niannian, Bai Yuqing had heard these words countless times in her previous life.

In the previous life, Zhou Niannian also really felt sorry for Bai Yuqing.

But now Zhou Niannian, when he heard these words again, his mood did not fluctuate at all, but his thoughts were surprisingly calm.

"So you can be sure that you are not their own?" She leaned back with a calm expression, relaxed on the back of the chair, and twirled the pen casually.

Bai Yuqing choked, the tears in her eyes paused for a moment, and then slowly flowed down again.

"I don't think so. When I went home this time, I asked the old people in the village. They all said that when my parents took me back to the village, I was already two or three years old, but my mother didn't look like that." It's like having a baby."

She spoke vaguely, but she really blamed Zhou Niannian in her heart, she had already said this, shouldn't Zhou Niannian show a surprised look?

The corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth curled up, and when he looked up, it was already past 06:30, and he didn't want to waste any more time, so a pleasant smile appeared on his face.

"So you really might be my sister."

She clapped her hands and said with a smile: "If this is the case, that would be great."

Bai Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at her with teary eyes, "If I can have a smart and beautiful sister like you, then... that would be my blessing."

Zhou Niannian sighed, "It's a pity that I haven't seen the little Jade Buddha my mother mentioned, so how about it, I'll write to my parents and let them find a way to come here and meet you, how about it?"

Bai Yuqing stood up in surprise and joy, this is really an unexpected harvest, she did not expect Zhou Niannian to agree to let her parents come here now.

Although she was not sure if she was the daughter of the Zhou family, she did find out one thing this time when she returned home, that is, she was indeed not the daughter of the Bai family.

Thinking of the process of returning home this time, Bai Yuqing's eyes drooped, covering the coldness and boredom in her eyes.

After she returned home, she didn't go directly to Little Jade Buddha, she found her grandma, and found out that Little Jade Buddha was hidden by her mother.

Regarding the place where her mother hid her things, Bai Yuqing deliberately took out 30 yuan of her three-month salary and gave it to her mother, saying that it was to honor her parents.

Thirty yuan is not a small amount, her mother put it away happily, got up to hide the money at night, and was spied on by her to the hiding place.

She stayed at home for a total of four days during the Chinese New Year, and she bought some good wine and meat every day. Her father, an alcoholic, was easy to get caught out when he drank too much.

She asked about the scene when she was just born, and her father was dizzy from drinking, and muttered: "I didn't see it, how do I know what you were like when you were born."

Bai Yuqing was almost certain that she was not their biological child, and a strong hatred surged in her heart. Taking advantage of the next day when the whole family went out to visit relatives, she quietly went back halfway, and set a small fire at home. , Burned down a place where her mother hid things.

She had already found out the money hidden by Little Jade Buddha and her mother before setting the fire on. When the Bai family came back, they found that the place where the things were hidden had been burned, and her mother collapsed on the ground, crying loudly.

She pretended to comfort them, gave them ten yuan, and then rushed back to Zezhou with her things.

She will never go back to Bai's house in this life.

"What's wrong? Don't you want my parents to come over?" Seeing Bai Yuqing's dazed expression, Zhou Niannian tapped on the table lightly.

Bai Yuqing looked at Zhou Niannian's puzzled eyes, her expression froze, and she smiled a little embarrassedly, "No, I thought that the new city is too far away, and it's not good for you two old people to work hard."

"I don't think I'm in a hurry anyway. The situation is changing very fast now. The two old people may return to Kyoto soon. I'll visit them in Kyoto then."

Zhou Niannian was a little amused by her understanding look.

It is possible to test her parents so quickly whether it is possible to be rehabilitated, and whether it is possible to return to the capital?

If her parents don't go back, does Bai Yuqing not plan to recognize her relatives anymore?

Zhou Niannian was quite curious, but a troubled expression appeared on his face, "The situation is changing ever-changingly, no one can say whether they can go back again, maybe they can only stay in the new city for the rest of their lives."

Bai Yuqing looked a little disappointed when she heard the words, but quickly adjusted her mood, "To be honest, knowing that I may not be the biological daughter of the Bai family, I feel very uncomfortable, and I especially want to know if I have any other relatives in this world."

"If there are other relatives alive, then at least I am not alone."

She said her eye circles were red again.

Zhou Niannian really couldn't empathize with her to comfort her, and was thinking about what to say when someone knocked on the door.

Qi Jiayan poked her head in from the outside, "Should you go home after get off work? Eh, Comrade Bai is here too?"

Bai Yuqing wiped her eyes in a little panic, and smiled, "I'm here to talk to Deputy Director Xiao Zhou about something."

Qi Jiayan knew that Zhou Niannian didn't like Bai Yuqing, so she looked at Zhou Niannian suspiciously.

Zhou Niannian said to Bai Yuqing: "Just follow my suggestion on this matter. If you have nothing to do, go back and have dinner."

Bai Yuqing bit her lip, seemed a little disappointed, then nodded lightly, "Alright then, I'll wait for your news."

After finishing speaking, she slowly walked out of Zhou Niannian's office.

As soon as she walked out of the office, the gentle and aggrieved expression on Bai Yuqing's face was completely restrained. She looked back blankly, and frowned.

She always felt that Zhou Niannian had a strange expression tonight.

When she told her that she had a birthmark and a little Jade Buddha, Zhou Niannian didn't seem surprised or particularly pleased, as if she knew about it a long time ago.

But how is it possible, how could she have known that she had a birthmark and a little Jade Buddha?

Bai Yuqing felt uneasy for no reason, not sure whether it was right or wrong for her to take this step.

Since she was a child, she has developed the habit of taking one step and seeing three steps. She will weigh the pros and cons of everything before making a decision.

She confessed this to Zhou Niannian because she thought that if she was the lost daughter of the Zhou family, then she would be Zhou Niannian's older sister.

Zhou Niannian is now the deputy director of the Rainbow Factory, and she is familiar with many leaders in the county and town. If she becomes Zhou Niannian's older sister, Zhou Niannian should not make things difficult for her anymore.

In this way, her life in Mengjiang Village will be like a fish in water, and her position in Rainbow Factory will be higher.

It's just that Zhou Niannian's parents are still in Xincheng, if they can't return to the capital, I don't know if it will implicate her in the future.

This is also the reason why Bai Yuqing didn't say categorically in front of Zhou Niannian that she was not the daughter of the Bai family. She had to leave a way out for herself so as not to be implicated in the future.

 Another update, it's eight thousand, I'll coax the child to sleep first, and after he's asleep, I'll try my best to write a chapter, and continue to ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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