Chapter 257

Seeing Bai Yuqing go out, Qi Jiayan walked up to Zhou Niannian, put her arms around her shoulders, and asked puzzledly: "What did she want to tell you? Could it be that she wants you to give her a promotion?"

Zhou Niannian smiled and pulled her out, "No, she said she might be the lost daughter of my parents."

What?Qi Jiayan was so shocked that she almost didn't hit the door, she barely stopped her footsteps, and grabbed Zhou Niannian, "Is it true? How could it be such a coincidence? Didn't she want to lie to you?"

Zhou Niannian dragged her out, locked the door of the office, and the two left the factory side by side.

The night was dark, with no wind or moon. She turned on the flashlight to illuminate the path under her feet, and said in a low voice: "She shouldn't be lying to me, because it is easy to be exposed."

Qi Jiayan was completely surprised and didn't speak for a long time.

She had never associated Bai Yuqing and Zhou Niannian together, but now she told her that Bai Yuqing might be the lost daughter of the Zhou family, or Zhou Niannian's sister.
Oh, it's Zhou Chang'an's younger sister
At this moment, Qi Jiayan was in a trance, and her thoughts turned to Zhou Changan, and she suddenly felt that Zhou Changan and Bai Yuqing seemed to have a little similarity in their faces.

This thought terrified her instantly, and she asked Zhou Niannian in a daze, "What are you going to do?"

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "Nothing to do, write to my parents and see if they can come over."

She revealed Bai Yuqing's affairs to Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu purely out of gratitude and filial piety.

In her new life, she hopes that her parents can live a happy life and doesn't want them to leave too many regrets.

If recognizing Bai Yuqing can save her parents a lot of regret, she is willing to help them recognize each other.

Therefore, Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu should decide this matter in the end. When Nian Nian sent Lu Qingfeng away in the third week of the new year, he had already mentioned this matter in the letter he wrote to his parents.

Counting the time, Lu Qingfeng has already returned to Xincheng, maybe her parents are already on their way to Zezhou.

Qi Jiayan looked at Niannian next week suspiciously, and always felt that her expression was a little strange, as if she was too calm.

Shouldn't you be happy to find your sister?

It suddenly occurred to her that what Zhou Niannian said just now was that Bai Yuqing might be her parents' lost daughter, not that Bai Yuqing might be her sister.

Qi Jiayan shook her head, thinking that Zhou Niannian really didn't want to see Bai Yuqing, so she didn't want to call her sister.

"Well, it's good to ask uncle and aunt to come over." She patted Zhou Niannian on the shoulder, "Just talk about something, don't be bored by yourself."

Zhou Niannian smiled, "Let's go, let's cook, I'm going to starve to death."

Zhou Niannian didn't take this matter very seriously. Two days later, Kong Yuquan came to Mengjiang Village and said two things.

One was that she had contacted Kong Yuquan to buy the marking machine, and the supplier was in the next county. Kong Yuquan asked her when she would send the goods over.

Zhou Niannian was very happy to hear this. This is a big event. With the marking machine, all products can be printed with batch numbers and production dates in the future.

Mengjiang Village has not yet been connected to electricity, so the marking machine can only be placed in the county town.

"I'm going to the city tomorrow. I'll find a place to rent as an office for us. When I choose a place, you can ask the supplier to deliver the marking machine directly." Zhou Niannian said after thinking about it.

Kong Yuquan nodded, and talked about another matter, "The case of Ershengtou village manufacturing fake and shoddy ham sausages, the court informed that it will be heard next Wednesday, I happened to go to the court today, and brought you the court's notice .”

As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper from his bag and handed it to Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian took it over to take a look. The time was set at ten o'clock in the morning next Wednesday. She got up early and rushed there just in time.

Early the next morning, Zhou Niannian packed up and went directly to the county seat instead of going to work.

After spending a day, she finally found a front house on an avenue in the south of the city.

The house has two floors above and below. The marking machine can be placed underneath. The products are shipped and marked on the first floor. There are two rooms on the second floor, one can be used as a warehouse, and the other is used as accommodation for the staff guarding here. Just right.

Zhou Niannian had another plan to choose the road. She thought that after another year at most, the policy would be relaxed and self-employment would be allowed.

At that time, we could renovate the first floor and build a product distribution point of Rainbow Factory, which is really suitable.

After deciding on the location, Zhou Niannian asked, and learned that the location belonged to the area designated by the county to build a supply and marketing cooperative.

She went to Kong Yuquan and applied for the front room for her.

Kong Yuquan hesitated for a while, and said: "That area is the place where the new county magistrate Cheng decided to build a supply and marketing cooperative. I dare not make the decision to promise you. How about this, I will go and ask for instructions."

Only then did Zhou Niannian realize that the county magistrate Chen had been transferred, and the new county magistrate Cheng had also taken office.

Kong Yuquan came back soon, and told her happily, "The magistrate Cheng agreed, and he also said that he would go to your Rainbow Factory to investigate and investigate some other day."

"However, the magistrate Cheng said that that place can only be used by your Rainbow Factory for two years at most."

Although Zhou Niannian felt a little regretful when he heard it, two years is not too short a time. After the policy is relaxed by then, it is estimated that the facade houses in this place will be rented out soon.

I followed Kong Yuquan to sign the contract, and the place was settled, and then I needed to clean it up.

Zhou Niannian asked the logistics staff to come and clean it up for a day, and then contacted Kong Yuquan the next day to ask the supplier to deliver the marking machine.

After everything was arranged properly, the marking machine was put into use, and the batch number and production date of the food in the Rainbow Factory were printed, and the time came on Wednesday.

Zhou Niannian packed up early in the morning and set off to the court with Meng Sanqiu.

Yang Jiarui also came, he escorted He Dazhu and others, along with Zhang Peilan.

She has been pregnant for more than two months, her face is fatter than before, but her expression is a little dull, and her eyes are a little dull.

Seeing Zhou Niannian, she blinked and quickly turned her head away.

Sitting in the auditorium are Xiang Sanshu and Xiang Jingshan. As the family members of the victim, they will appeal immediately after the trial of the case, suing He Dazhu and others for manufacturing counterfeit and shoddy goods, which almost killed Xiang Jingshan's father.

The court hearing will soon begin. The previous series of statements and evidence have been handed over to the court by the investigation institute. Today is just the trial and judgment.

Zhou Niannian felt that if there were no accidents, it would be over in one morning, but things turned out to be contrary to expectations, and an accident occurred halfway through what he thought would be smooth.

He Dazhu, Zhang Laogen, and He Xiaozhuang all temporarily turned over their confessions!
 It's the last chapter, I'm really sleepy, I'm going to sleep, continue tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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