Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 258 Find Guan Ping Again

Chapter 258 Find Guan Ping Again
Except for Zhang Dong, Zhang Laogen, He Dazhu, He Xiaozhuang, and He Dazhuniang, everyone pointed to Zhang Peilan as the mastermind of counterfeit and shoddy products.

Zhang Peilan, who was standing together on the dock, looked at the four people in disbelief, trembling with anger.

"Why are you so shameless? What do you mean I am the mastermind? I didn't even know you before, how could I conspire with you?" Zhang Peilan pointed at the four people with a pale face and couldn't help but yelled.

He Dazhuniang squinted at Zhang Peilan, "It's you, after you got to know Zhang Dong, you persuaded Zhang Dong to come find us, you are the mastermind."

The judge couldn't bear it anymore and knocked on the table, and asked Zhang Dong, "Is that so? Was it Zhang Peilan who urged you to find them in the first place?"

Zhang Dong shook his head, "No, the judge, it was Zhang Laogen. He suggested it first. The few of us decided to make ham sausage. Later I met Zhang Peilan. Zhang Peilan only provided us with packaging bags."

Zhang Peilan is pregnant with his child, Zhang Dong stared at Zhang Laogen angrily, "You... You guys are working together to cheat Peilan and me."

When Zhang Peilan heard that Zhang Dong was still standing by his side, the expression on Zhang Peilan's face softened a lot.

Zhang Laohe looked at Zhang Dong strangely and said, "This woman is still pregnant with your child, so you naturally have to speak to him, Your Honor, Zhang Dong's words are emotionally inclined and not trustworthy."

"You..." Zhang Dong stood up angrily, staring at Zhang Laogen angrily.

Because of the sudden quarrel and temporary reversal of the confession, the chief judge had to announce a temporary adjournment for another day.

Coming out of the court, Meng Sanqiu couldn't help but took out the dry cigarette and took a sip. Smoking was not allowed in the court just now, but he was suffocated.

After taking two puffs and exhaling a puff of smoke ring, Meng Sanqiu said quietly: "Zhang Laogen has a relative who works in the court, so he must have given advice to his family in advance, otherwise Zhang Laogen would not have temporarily retracted the confession."

Zhou Niannian frowned, "It seems that this case cannot be concluded for a while."

The suspect temporarily retracted his confession and overturned the evidence handed over by the previous investigation. The court will have to collect evidence again and re-enter the investigation process.

Yang Jiarui and his colleagues escorted Zhang Dong, Zhang Laogen and others away. When they saw Meng Sanqiu and Zhou Niannian at the door, they came to say hello.

"These people were detained separately in the prison. I didn't expect them to make a confession." He was a little annoyed.

Meng Sanqiu waved his hand, "It's not your fault, they must have colluded with family members to confess, don't worry, black can't be white, white can never be black, I don't believe they can resist to the end."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, "That's right, but we're in trouble, we have to go to the court a few more times."

At this time, there are no cameras and reconnaissance methods as developed as later generations. It is very difficult to obtain evidence simply by asking and investigating.

This is also the reason why many people are unwilling to come to the court, because it is too troublesome to go to the court over and over again.

Meng Sanqiu sighed, "There is no other way."

The case was closed, Zhou Niannian saw that it was still early, so she sent Meng Sanqiu to their new office in the city to rest, while she went to Kong Yuquan and explained the status of today's trial.

"It's not impossible." Kong Yuquan poured a glass of water for Zhou Niannian, sat opposite her and sighed.

Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up, "Director Kong, is there any other way?"

Kong Yuquan smiled mysteriously, "Have you forgotten the old Guan I recommended to you?"

Guan Lao?Zhou Niannian's heart moved, and he realized, "You mean that you want me to ask Mr. Guan to come out of the mountain and become our rainbow factory's defense lawyer?"

Unlike the perfect legal system and judicial procedures of later generations, the judicial procedures at this time are still being gradually improved. During the turmoil in the past few years, people in the lawyer industry have basically been greatly affected. Not many lawyers left.

For their lawsuit this time, Zhou Niannian only asked Guan Ping to write a lawsuit application, and did not hire a lawyer. Sentencing is ready.

Unexpectedly, people like Zhang Laogen would temporarily retract the confession.

"Didn't you say Mr. Guan hasn't come out for many years, can he agree?" Zhou Niannian asked hesitantly.

Kong Yuquan raised his eyes, "Give it a try. I went to pay New Year's greetings to Mr. Guan during the Chinese New Year. He even asked about you. He was obviously impressed by you. Go and meet him and try."

"If Mr. Guan can take over this lawsuit, this lawsuit will be clear to you within two days."

Zhou Niannian froze for a moment, "Really? Guan Lao is so powerful?"

Kong Yuquan smiled mysteriously, "Old Guan is not an ordinary person."

Zhou Niannian recalled the last time he saw Guan Ping. From the decoration in his room, it was not difficult to see that he was a very talented and stylish old man. I'm afraid this old man's background is not simple.

"Then I'll try it."

As soon as he said he would go, Zhou Niannian ate lunch, bought some snacks and went to Guan's house in the south of the city.

When Guan Ping opened the door and saw it was her, he was surprised for a moment, then waved her in with a smile, "It's Comrade Xiao Zhou, come in quickly, come in quickly."

"The last time we met, I didn't expect you to remember me." Zhou Niannian entered the door with a smile, and put the snacks on the table.

The furnishings in the room are still as elegant as last time.

Guan Ping motioned her to sit down and talk, and looked deeply at her face for a while, "You are such a beautiful and capable little girl, no one will easily forget you."

"You came to see my old man today. Is there something wrong? Did the lawsuit not go well last time?"

Zhou Niannian was impressed by his sensitivity, so he said straight to the point, "Because I have to obtain evidence again, it will be a little troublesome, and it will take a long time. I really have no choice but to think of you. If you If it's convenient, come forward and help."

Guan Ping didn't speak, and sighed, "Comrade Xiao Zhou, you should know that many lawyers are no longer involved in this industry."

Zhou Niannian nodded silently.

In the past few years, the policy was so tight that the domestic lawyer industry was indeed in decline.

That is to say, since last year, there has been a tendency to relax the policy, otherwise Zhou Niannian would not have dared to come to Guan Ping to write a complaint last time.

"Last time I heard from Pengtian that Comrade Xiao Zhou is from Kyoto. Where do you live in Kyoto? What do your parents do?" Guan Ping finished his cup of tea, but suddenly changed the subject.

Zhou Niannian was slightly stunned, and then briefly explained the situation of her family, "... I grew up in a compound on the east side of Fuxing Road when I was a child, and now my parents have been sent to Xincheng."

"It's on the east side of Fuxing Road." He murmured with a complex expression, seemingly full of emotion.

 I’m not sure if I can update [-] today, first update a chapter, and then work hard to code, one chapter will be updated!Continue to ask friends for monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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