Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 259 Guan Ping's Youngest Daughter

Chapter 259 Guan Ping's Youngest Daughter
Seeing Guan Ping's strange expression, Zhou Niannian was moved in his heart, and asked, "Mr. Guan has been to Kyoto before, right?"

Guan Ping smiled, relaxed and leaned back on the chair, and sighed, "It's an old thing from decades ago, sometimes I can't remember it, I can't remember it."

Having said that, the expression on his face is one of melancholy with faint reminiscences and a hint of emotion.

I'm afraid it's not because I can't remember, but because I don't want to say it, Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, but didn't speak.

Guan Ping half-closed his eyes, and his gaze fell on Zhou Niannian's face again.

Zhou Niannian blinked, keenly aware that Guan Ping's eyes fell on her face, with a trace of scrutiny and reminiscence in those eyes, which made her a little uncertain for a while.

"Old Guan, look at what's going on in our factory." She couldn't sit still, and reminded her softly.

Guan Ping opened his eyes, thought for a while and said, "Leave it to me, old man. I'll be your factory's lawyer. I'll go to the court tomorrow to find out the situation."

Zhou Niannian was overjoyed, she didn't expect Guan Ping to agree so readily.

"Old Guan, thank you so much, I have absolutely nothing to say about the legal fees."

Guan Ping chuckled and waved his hand, "Forget about the legal fees. The old man agreed to this matter just because he thought that he looked at you with a kind face. As soon as I saw you, I felt very kind. If it were someone else, my old man might not be sure." Yes."

"If you feel sorry, you can just visit my old man often in the future. Pengtian is not here, and I don't even have anyone to talk to. It's really boring."

Zhou Niannian was very moved and felt embarrassed, but seeing Guan Ping's firm eyes, she knew that she might not be happy about raising the legal fee again, so she smiled and said, "Okay, as long as you don't mind me nagging, I will I must come to disturb you often."

"I'm so happy." Guan Ping looked at her cheerfully and said, with a friendly tone of playfulness that belonged to an old child.

Zhou Niannian remembered the way he looked at him just now, and asked curiously: "Old Guan, do you think I feel kind because I look like someone you know?"

Guan Ping stared at her for a long while, got up and took out a thick book of case analysis and research from the bookshelf behind him, took out a photo from it, and handed it to Zhou Niannian with trembling hands.

"This is my little daughter. Look, don't you two look alike?"

Zhou Niannian took the photo, it was a small black and white photo, the person in the photo was about [-] or [-] years old, with a melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of watery almond eyes shining brightly, she looked like a pretty girl.

It doesn't really look like me, Zhou Niannian blinked and looked again in doubt.

"The eyes of the two of you are very similar, and the three-dimensional sense of the overall facial features is very similar, even when you smile." Guan Ping sat opposite Zhou Niannian, "The first time I saw you, I felt that you two were very similar. .”

It means that I can't tell what the resemblance is, but it feels very similar, Zhou Niannian thought silently in his heart.

Feeling that this kind of thing is really mysterious, she looked at it carefully, and felt that the eyes of the person in the photo were a bit like her own.

"She is now" fearing that Mr. Guan's youngest daughter was gone, Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, not knowing what to ask.

Guan Ping understood what she meant, and sighed heavily, "Her name is Guan Yun, and now she has gone to Hong Kong City. Communication between the two places is inconvenient. I haven't seen her for more than ten years."

As he spoke, infinite emotion and longing appeared on his face, as well as a touch of sadness.

After all, after going through a lifetime of storms and waves, even if he is talking about sad things, he can still stabilize his emotions.

Zhou Niannian didn't know how to comfort Guan Ping, so she thought for a while and said, "Although the communication between the two places is inconvenient, the country is developing very fast now, maybe in less than two years, Hong Kong City and here will resume contact. I can come back and see you."

"I hope so." Guan Ping twitched the corner of his mouth and changed the subject, "I'll go to the court tomorrow to find out the situation, and we'll meet again when the date for the trial is confirmed."

Zhou Niannian readily agreed, "Okay, next time I'll come over earlier to help you cook a meal and let you try my skills."

Guan Ping didn't want legal fees, she felt really sorry in her heart, and secretly made up her mind to come and talk to the old man often in the future, to relieve boredom.

After leaving Guan Ping's house, she went back to find Meng Sanqiu, and the two returned to Jinchuan Town together.

On the car back to Jinchuan Town, I met Zhang Lixian, Zhang Peilan and his wife.

Zhang Peilan glanced at her, his eyes flickered, and he lowered his head to stop looking at her.

Mrs. Zhang Lixian was cursing and talking about Zhang Peilan. She disliked her for being slow and let them have a meal in the county, wasting money. When she saw Zhang Peilan suddenly lowered her head, she subconsciously turned her head and met Zhou Niannian's face .

"Oh, I really didn't read the almanac when I went out today. It's unlucky, I always meet some beasts who haven't closed their eyes." Mrs. Zhang Lixian spat at her feet, causing everyone around to sit aside in disgust.

Meng Sanqiu's face turned dark all of a sudden, he was embarrassed to care about a woman, so he glared at Zhang Lixian, "Zhang Lixian, we are in a lawsuit, and if we have something to do, we should speak up in court, don't let your mother-in-law mess around here."

Seeing that everyone in the car was looking at them one after another, Zhang Lixian's face was a little ugly, and he pulled his wife, "Stop talking, don't you think it's not embarrassing enough?"

Mrs. Zhang Lixian broke free from her man's pull, and shouted loudly: "What's the shame, the folks living in the village can kill our family. Who am I afraid of losing?"

Zhang Lixian nestled his neck and did not dare to speak.

Zhou Niannian narrowed his eyes, turned around and found a seat with Meng Sanqiu, and said with a smile: "There are some people who always see things with eye feces in the corners of their eyes, and their upper and lower lips can be cut into a big dish. You Don't be angry with such a person, it's not worth it."

Mrs. Zhang Lixian is uneducated, and for a moment she didn't understand what Zhou Niannian meant, and the passengers in the car who had reacted burst out laughing.

"Who are you talking about with gums in the corners of their eyes?" Although Mrs. Zhang Lixian didn't understand what she meant, she knew it was not a good thing, so she immediately yelled back in a high-pitched voice.

Zhou Niannian didn't bother to talk to her, and continued to say to Meng Sanqiu: "It's really strange these days. Those who owe money have become uncles, those who have done wrong things and committed crimes have become uncles, and the victims have to be grandchildren instead. Let me tell you, there is such a thing. Does it make sense?"

Seeing Zhou Niannian smiling and polite, the people in the car had a very good impression, and responded to Zhou Niannian one after another.

"Where is there such a reason, bad people should be punished for doing wrong things."

"Yeah, if you don't let the victims get justice after you make a mistake, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

"I said to this aunt, if you don't want to take a car, go down if you don't want to take a car. Don't swear here, let people be quiet."

"That's right, go down, go down."

 The second update, I have to go out in the afternoon, and the addition will wait until evening.

(End of this chapter)

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