Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 260 Do You Want To Apprentice?

Chapter 260 Do You Want To Apprentice?
The people in the car started to chase Zhang Lixian's wife down. She blushed and wanted to quarrel with the whole car, but she felt a little frightened.

Zhang Peilan lowered her head, pretending not to know her.

Zhang Lixian pulled his mother-in-law to the seat, "Don't worry, sit down."

After sitting down, Zhang Lixian's wife felt unwilling, but thinking about Zhou Niannian's swearing mouth without dirty words, she had no choice but to give up, and turned her head to see Zhang Peilan who was lowering her head and pretending to be stupid, and became even more angry.

She stretched out her hand and twisted Zhang Peilan's arm vigorously, venting her anger on Zhang Peilan, "Like a muffled gourd, watching others bully my mother, won't even let a fart go?"

Zhang Peilan groaned in pain, a flash of hatred flashed in her eyes, she pretended to be wronged and said, "Mom, I'm pregnant, and the smell of gasoline in the car makes me sick, how can I help you."

Zhang Lixian's wife wanted to scold her again, but Zhang Lixian pulled her on again, "Stop talking, be careful with the children."

Angrily glaring at Zhang Peilan's stomach, Zhang Lixian's wife reluctantly calmed down because she was worried about her future grandson.

The ear finally became quiet, Zhou Niannian and Meng Sanqiu looked at each other helplessly and smiled.

Not two days later, Zhou Niannian went to the city again. She first went to the supply and marketing cooperative, bought some meat and vegetables, and some digestible snacks, and then went to Guan Ping's house with the things.

Seeing her coming, Guan Ping was very happy, "Xiao Zhou is here, come in quickly."

"Old Guan, I bought some meat today and I'll make braised pork for you." Zhou Niannian shook the things in his hand with a smile.

Guan Ping narrowed his eyes happily, "Okay, okay, then my old man will help you and try your skills."

Zhou Niannian did not refuse.

Guan Pengtian was away, so Guan Ping was the only one at home, and he usually cooks by himself, but Zhou Niannian didn't want him to help, but knew that he was lonely, so he wanted to find someone to talk to.

Zhou Niannian entered the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves and began to pack the meat. Guan Ping sat on a small bench next to him, wearing reading glasses and carefully picked vegetables. The two chatted with each other, like a pair of real grandparents and grandchildren. .

"I went to the court to ask, I explained that I am your attorney, and asked about some things. I applied to the court for a hearing in two days, and the problem should not be serious." Guan Ping handed the picked spinach to Zhou Niannian .

Zhou Niannian was overjoyed when he heard that, "It would be great if the trial could be held as soon as possible. If this kind of thing drags on for a long time, I'm always worried that it will affect the reputation of our Rainbow Factory."

Sure enough, it was right to come to Guan Ping after listening to Kong Yuquan's suggestion, Zhou Niannian thought to himself, and at the same time, he was also a little puzzled. Guan Ping could influence the court's hearing time with his own identity, which shows that his identity is not simple.

She had no intention of spying on Guan Ping's identity, so she deliberately ignored this question and did not ask.

"On the day of the court session, just leave the matter to my old man." Guan Ping took off his eyes with a smile, and watched Zhou Niannian start making braised pork with his hands behind his back.

Mixed spinach and braised pork, Zhou Niannian and Guan Ping had a great time.

After chatting a lot, Zhou Niannian found out that Guan Ping is actually a very wise old man, and his views on many issues are very thorough, and Zhou Niannian feels that he has benefited a lot.

Soon, the court came to notice that the case of counterfeit and shoddy ham sausage was heard for the second time.

This is Zhou Niannian's first close contact with the profession of a lawyer.

Guan Ping didn't panic when Zhang Laogen, He Dazhu, and He Xiaozhuang spoke unanimously. Instead, he questioned each other bit by bit, finding out the loopholes in each other's words, and breaking them one by one.

He asked questions one after another, thinking rigorously and with a high degree of logic, one after another language pits were thrown out, and Zhang Laogen and others entered that pit after crossing one pit.

Soon, under his questioning, Zhang Laogen and others began to speak incoherently, and what they said was full of loopholes.

With such a situation and Zhang Dong's testimony, the trial of the case was quickly concluded, the evidence was conclusive, and the court made a verdict on the spot.

Zhang Laogen, He Dazhu, He Xiaozhuang and others were suspected of manufacturing counterfeit and shoddy goods and nearly caused casualties. They were sentenced to five years. Zhang Dong was sentenced to three years because he had no previous convictions. Five yuan for mental damage, loss of work and hospitalization expenses, and 120 yuan for damages to Rainbow Factory's reputation.

As for Zhang Peilan, because she was only an accessory, she was only sentenced to one year, and she will serve her sentence after giving birth.

After the verdict was pronounced, Mrs. He Dazhu collapsed on the ground on the spot. The family members of the He family and Zhang Laogen's family walked out of the court with pale faces. Instead, it was Zhang Lixian and his wife, who felt better because Zhang Dong's sentence was shorter. few.

Since this matter was being heard in public, the reporter from the newspaper office was there, so they quickly stopped Zhou Niannian and conducted an interview.

Zhou Niannian took the opportunity to publicize that the products of the Rainbow Factory have production dates and batch numbers, and called on everyone to buy things with the production dates and batch numbers printed on them. That is the real product of the Rainbow Factory.

Coming out of the court, Zhou Niannian looked at Guan Ping with admiration on his face, "Old Guan, you are really amazing. You are thoughtful, logical, eloquent, concise, and seamless."

Guan Ping looked at her dumbfounded, "Are you trying to use all the idioms you know on me?"

Zhou Niannian smiled and shook her head, "I can say all the idioms I know, but I can't express my admiration for you. You are really amazing. I hope I can be a lawyer like you in the future."

Guan Ping looked at her in surprise, "Do you want to be a lawyer?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "I'm quite interested in this industry, and I've already bought a lot of lawyer books to study on my own."

As she spoke, she saw that the people around her were only focused on talking, and no one was paying attention, so she lowered her voice and said to Guan Ping, "I'll tell you quietly, if the college entrance examination resumes in the future, I plan to apply for the law major of Kyoto University. Then I can be a lawyer."

When she said this, she leaned forward and her eyes were bright, as if the stars in the sky fell into her eyes.

Guan Ping looked a little dazed, and after a while he said meaningfully: "Girl, do you know what it means to be a lawyer?"

What does it mean to be a lawyer?
Zhou Niannian was slightly taken aback, no one had ever asked her this question before.

After a little thought, she said: "Lawyers mean fairness and justice, and help more people through the pursuit of fairness and justice."

Guan Ping took a deep look at her and shook his head, "Lawyers are not gods, nor are they the embodiment of fairness and justice. If you want to be a good lawyer, you must first figure out what the lawyer is blaming."

Zhou Niannian was a little confused for a moment.

"Girl, do you want me to be your teacher?" Guan Ping looked at her and suddenly asked.

 I went out in the afternoon and didn't come back until after eight o'clock. I will add a new chapter first. I will continue to work hard. Another night of staying up late.
(End of this chapter)

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