Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 261 Bai Yuqing is in a hurry

Chapter 261 Bai Yuqing is in a hurry
"Girl, do you want to worship me as a teacher?"

Zhou Niannian was in a daze when he suddenly heard Guan Ping say this.

She raised her head and saw Guan Ping's eyes were clear, kind and friendly, and she couldn't help but feel moved, "If you can accept me as an apprentice, that would be my blessing."

Seeing that she agreed, Guan Ping immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Okay, okay, my old man hasn't taught students for more than ten years, that's great."

Zhou Niannian immediately bowed deeply, "Master, please be respected by the students."

Guan Ping held her arm with a smile, "Okay, the old man has accepted you as a student, and I will come over when I have time, and I will explain the legal provisions to you and give you homework."

Zhou Niannian solemnly agreed to worship Guan Ping as her teacher. Although it was an accident, she was lucky to be taught by such a powerful teacher.

The next day, Zhou Niannian bought vegetables and meat and went to the city, where he carefully cooked four dishes and one soup, which was regarded as an apprenticeship ceremony.

Guan Ping drank a glass of the wine she toasted, and the apprenticeship ceremony was completed.

After eating, Guan Ping cheerfully dragged Mu Qing into his study.

Only then did Mu Qing realize that the small bookshelf in the living room outside was only one-ninth of Guan Ping's collection.

He moved out a bedroom and made it a study. The walls on three sides are full of wooden bookcases, which are filled with various legal books.

What shocked Zhou Niannian was that there were foreign legal classics in it, all in English.

Zhou Niannian once again confirmed that Guan Ping's identity is definitely not simple.

She looked at the foreign law book in her hand, with embarrassment on her face, and silently stuffed the book back.

She probably knows all the letters in the book separately, but she really doesn't know what they mean when they are put together.

"I'll teach you these books later. You can read the domestic legal provisions first, and then compare them with foreign ones." Seeing that she had stuffed the English book back, Guan Ping took out a legal document from the side. , "This is the basic legal provision of our country, you should read these first."

Zhou Niannian took it and scanned the bookshelves on both sides. The east side contained various case studies, and the west side contained various books related to law, such as human relations and customs.

"It seems that it is not easy to be a good lawyer." Looking at the books in this room, Zhou Niannian couldn't help feeling emotional.

Guan Ping patted her shoulder lightly, "What? Are you scared?"

Zhou Niannian made a grimace, "No, who am I? I'm Zhou Niannian, a little expert at studying, so I'm not afraid."

Guan Ping was amused by the funny look on her face, smiled and shook his head and went out, letting her study the articles quietly.

From that day on, Zhou Niannian would go to Guan's house every few days to read the books Guan Ping had left for her, and ask Guan Ping for questions she didn't understand. After Guan Ping explained, he would assign her new learning tasks.

After Caihong factory won the last lawsuit, the newspapers in the county made a big publicity. Now the products of Caihong factory are becoming more and more famous, and even the supply and marketing cooperatives in the neighboring county come to order.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and it was March in a flash. The weather gradually warmed up, the willows began to sprout, and a lot of green sprouts gradually appeared on the ground.

The expansion of the Rainbow Factory is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan. After being trained by the old employees, the new employees have quickly mastered the work skills, and the daily production capacity has been achieved as planned.

Bai Yuqing waited for a month, but Zhou Niannian did not show any signs.

For the past month, she has been in charge of the packaging section. As the shipment volume increases, the workload of the packaging section is also increasing. Every day, there are a lot of goods just waiting to be packaged. , often have to work overtime to finish.

The work in the packaging section was monotonous and tedious, and Bai Yuqing couldn't bear it anymore.

Zhou Niannian seemed to have forgotten their conversation that day, and she didn't show anything when she saw her, as if it was no different from before.

Even Qi Jiayan, who lived with her and was inseparable, didn't have any strange expressions when she saw her.

This made her very unhappy, but also a little wary.

When Zhou Niannian mentioned that he was going to find her sister that night, wasn't he very emotional?How did you know that you might be the queen, but you didn't express anything?

It seems that Zhou Niannian is also a very hypocritical person, Bai Yuqing, who thinks she has seen through Zhou Niannian's personality, began to think about how to deal with this matter.

She is not in a hurry to find out if she is the daughter of the Zhou family, but she wants to use this to change her situation in Rainbow Factory as soon as possible.

She was tired of repeating the monotonous packing work day after day. Seeing Qi Jiayan commanding everyone in and out every day, with an air and energy, she was particularly unwilling.

In terms of ability and talent, she thought she was ahead of Qi Jiayan by several blocks, and even Zhou Niannian was inferior to her. Why could she just stay here and do the packing when they could sit in the office in style?
After work this day, as soon as she went out, she saw He Wencai waiting for her by the side of the road.

Bai Yuqing frowned, and a look of boredom flashed in her eyes.

To be honest, she didn't like He Wencai, she always felt that he was too greasy and could only speak nice words, not a bit weird for a man.

Only those who are full of strength like Lu Qingfeng are masculine and real men.

"Is Comrade Yuqing busy tonight?" Seeing Bai Yuqing coming out, He Wencai hastily pulled the collar of his shirt, subconsciously stood up straight, and revealed what he thought was the most charming smile.

Bai Yuqing smiled softly, "Today's goods are out, so there is no work on the packaging side."

He Wencai waited for Bai Yuqing to come up to him, followed her and walked side by side in the direction of the educated youth dormitory, looking at her very intently, "If Comrade Yuqing has time tonight, you might as well listen to my lecture , and guide me by the way."

Although he talked about guidance, there was an unconcealable arrogance in He Wencai's tone.

As soon as spring began, the evening school in Mengjiang Village continued to operate, and the teachers were He Wencai and Li Wenjing.

Li Wenjing taught reading and He Wencai taught mathematics.

He Wencai has always been quite proud of being able to be a teacher in the evening school, thinking that he has real talents and practical learning so that he has been selected by the village. Otherwise, so many educated youths, why would they choose him.

He said he asked Bai Yuqing to be his guide, but actually he wanted to show his talent in front of Bai Yuqing.

Bai Yuqing subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when the words reached her lips, she suddenly changed her words, "Okay, speaking of which, I've never been to a night school in the village."

As soon as He Wencai heard that she agreed, he raised his chin happily, "Great, let's go there together, after you finish listening, you can give me some advice on lectures."

Bai Yuqing's eyes drooped slightly, but the smile on her lips was even more gentle, "I can't talk about suggestions. You have taught for so long, and you must have a lot of experience."

He Wen heard this, and a proud light flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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