Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 263 The Interesting Meng Sanqiu

Chapter 263 The Funny Meng Sanqiu
Zhou Niannian looked at Bai Yuqing, who had drooping eyebrows and eyes, and put on a full posture, with a calm expression: "The mouth grows on other people. I don't care what they say. Similarly, I will not change my behavior just because of what others say. .”

Bai Yuqing bit her lips lightly, always feeling that Zhou Niannian's words seemed to imply to her that even if she was Zhou Niannian's older sister, Zhou Niannian would not take special care of her in Rainbow Factory.

Zhou Niannian didn't care about the rumors outside.

This made her a little annoyed. If this turned out to be the case, wouldn't it be a waste of all her efforts to recognize the Zhou family.

"Of course, if you want to explain it to them, that's fine. You can do whatever you want." Zhou Niannian looked at Bai Yuqing sarcastically.

Bai Yuqing's face turned pale, neither did she agree, nor did she not agree.

Her tactic of retreating into advance is easy to use for other people, but why does it repeatedly hit the wall here with Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian frowned, "If nothing happens, I still have work to do."

Bai Yuqing felt a little embarrassed, pursed her lips and said, "Well, then I'll go first."

Before leaving, she glanced at the word "Qing" on the exposed note again, her eyes were somewhat obscure.

Are Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian already this close?
Zhou Niannian didn't care about Bai Yuqing, she was concerned about her parents' kindness, and asked Bai Yuqing to recognize her parents in advance, but it didn't mean she wanted to appease and tolerate Bai Yuqing.

Now that the Rainbow Factory is running smoothly and the shipment volume is increasing, Zhou Niannian thinks about installing a telephone in the factory again.

Rainbow Factory now has order transactions with department stores in many cities. There is no telephone, and it is very inconvenient to communicate only by telegram.

She found Meng Sanqiu and talked about installing a telephone for Rainbow Factory.

"Installing the phone?" Meng Sanqiu was a little surprised, "Isn't it too early? To install the phone, you need to lay the circuit and the initial installation fee. It's very expensive, it costs more than 3000 yuan, and every month There is also a monthly rent of ten yuan, which is not worth it, not worth it."

Zhou Niannian disagreed with his opinion, "We have business dealings with many cities now, and there will be more in the future. It is convenient to have a phone call, and if you have any questions, you can talk by phone."

"Besides, our factory's monthly profit is close to 1000 yuan, and more than 3000 yuan is the profit of three months. But after having a phone, many things will be much more convenient."

"Furthermore, which villages in our ten miles and eight townships have installed telephones now? Our Mengjiang Village is the first to install one. Doesn't it mean that our village is developing well?"

The last reason made Meng Sanqiu's heart skip a beat.

Indeed, life in the entire Mengjiang Village is getting more and more prosperous now. There is no comparison between this time last year and now. The whole village relies on the Rainbow Factory to vigorously develop the breeding industry, and the breeding industry has driven other industries such as shearing sheep. Weaving and other industries developed.

The life of the villagers is getting better day by day, and now Meng Sanqiu walks with wind.

"Then pretend to be one?" He hesitated and asked Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian smiled and nodded, "Pretend, you have to pretend."

Early the next morning, Zhou Niannian went to the county post and telecommunications office, applied for installing a telephone in Mengjiang Village, and paid the initial installation fee for installing the telephone.

At this time, telephones were not affordable for ordinary households. Only public departments and factories would install telephones, so the people in the post and telecommunications department were not busy.

Mengjiang Village was the first village to apply for the installation of a telephone. As soon as the news spread, it immediately aroused the envy and jealousy of nearby villages.

After the people from the Post Office came to lay the lines and install the telephones, the heads of several nearby villages jointly came to visit.

A telephone was installed in Meng Sanqiu's office, and another was installed in the village committee.

In Meng Sanqiu's words: "Anyway, the lines are already paved, so let's just install two."

In a word, the village chiefs of other villages looked at him with blank eyes.

When the group of people had left, Meng Sanqiu excitedly turned around the phone, touching here and there, his beard curled up in joy.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, "Try?"

Meng Sanqiu's eyes lit up, he smiled, rubbed his hands and looked at Zhou Niannian in embarrassment: "How do you use this thing?"

Zhou Niannian held back her laughter, stepped forward and carefully taught him to dial the phone number, and taught him to dial the phone of the village committee.

As soon as the connection was made, Meng Sanqiu hung up immediately when he heard the sound, and then smiled at Zhou Niannian, "The phone fee is very expensive, I just try to know how to dial."

Zhou Niannian: "."

Meng Sanqiu was still excitedly wandering around the phone, and flipped through the address book of the important departments of the county left by the Post Office, and couldn't help feeling: "Why do you think this thing is so magical? Relying on a few thin wires, a It’s amazing to be able to talk to people thousands of miles away by stringing numbers.”

He couldn't help but picked up the phone again, and tried to call the village committee again, "I'll practice again, so that I won't use it when I have something urgent? That bastard, dare to answer my call, I don't know Is the phone bill expensive?"

Meng Sanqiu hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly realized that someone from the village committee was connected, and immediately roared angrily.

The person on the other end of the phone laughed and hung up the phone quickly.

Meng Sanqiu hung up the phone carefully, and rubbed his hands happily, "This time, we also have a phone in Mengjiang Village, so we don't have to run around the city on two legs if we need anything, just call and ask."

Seeing his excited appearance, Zhou Niannian kindly didn't remind him of his opposition to installing a phone.

"Xiao Zhou, it seems that I still have to listen to you for many things in the future. My old man is getting old and can't keep up with the situation." Meng Sanqiu couldn't help but sigh when he had had enough fun.

Zhou Niannian smiled, "But you have experience, your experience in dealing with things is much richer than mine."

As soon as she said this, Meng Sanqiu's little disappointment dissipated immediately, "I heard that your parents are coming tomorrow, so don't pick them up yourself, let Yuan Jia drive a tractor to the county town, it will save you Go to town and take a bus."

The tractor at Rainbow Factory was newly replaced last month, and it was no longer the broken tractor that wobbled around and almost fell apart when it was driven.

"Okay, this is great, I don't have to go to the county early tomorrow." Zhou Niannian readily agreed.

Meng Sanqiu took a puff of dry cigarette, and couldn't help asking Zhou Niannian: "Xiao Zhou, Comrade Bai Yuqing is really your sister?"

The rumors in the village have been circulating for so long, but this is the first time Meng Sanqiu asked Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian didn't want to deceive him, so she kept silent and said, "I don't know, I won't know until my parents have seen it."

Meng Sanqiu silently smoked a long cigarette, and then heaved a long sigh, "Xiao Zhou, remember Uncle's words, you should pay more attention to people and things in the future, and don't be honest with others in everything."

This is a bit interesting, is it aimed at Bai Yuqing?Zhou Niannian raised her head in surprise.

 First update a chapter, code a chapter and update a chapter, work hard to update!Don't think I'm annoying, I'll babble again asking for a monthly ticket. For the sake of Da Wu's hard work, let's take pity on Zhang monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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