Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 264 All Principles Are Not Principles

Chapter 264 All Principles Are Not Principles

Having known Meng Sanqiu for almost a year, it was the first time that Zhou Niannian heard something similar to advice from him, and it was aimed at Bai Yuqing, so Zhou Niannian couldn't help being surprised.

According to her understanding, Meng Sanqiu also had a good impression of Bai Yuqing. The last time when Li Wenjing and Bai Yuqing were announced to be punished, Bai Yuqing's high profile made Meng Sanqiu very pleased, and he looked very gentle towards her.

"Don't you think Bai Yuqing is pretty good." She grinned and muttered.

Meng Sanqiu lowered his eyelids and took a look at her, "I think she is good because from the perspective of a leader looking at a subordinate, she is ambitious, wants to make progress, and knows how to measure. Although she has many small selfish intentions and methods, as a subordinate, she , is tolerable."

"But regardless of work reasons, when did you hear me praise her?"

Zhou Niannian was dumbfounded, thinking about it, it really was.

After all, Meng Sanqiu has been a village cadre for more than 20 years, and has experienced many things, so his vision of people is still very accurate.

This old man, usually with Bai Yuqing's amiable face, knew everything in his heart.

"So you don't see me as a subordinate?" She looked at Meng Sanqiu with a smile.

Meng Sanqiu knocked down the cigarette holder helplessly, "You girl, sometimes you wish to be my boss, how dare I look at you like a subordinate?"

Although the words had the meaning of complaining, but there was a smile on his face, as if he was looking at his disobedient junior.

Zhou Niannian was a little moved. To be honest, she was sent down because of her parents. At first, although Meng Sanqiu watched coldly for several days, she didn't let the villagers bully her.

Later, she wanted to build a factory, but without Meng Sanqiu's support, she couldn't realize it at all.

Thinking about her journey, Meng Sanqiu gave her the most support and was the most tolerant to her. If it were the village chiefs in other villages, they would not trust the educated youth who came to jump in the queue so much.

Thinking of this, she felt a little grateful for Meng Sanqiu's tone of voice, "It's also Uncle Meng who supports me. If you don't support me, how can I jump around in front of you?"

Meng Sanqiu laughed, and pointed at Zhou Niannian, "You are too sincere, and you don't hide it from anyone, but some people are good at disguising themselves and acting, so in the future, you will be treated like that to everyone. Careless, you know?"

"Got it, got it, don't worry." Zhou Niannian responded with a smile, and went out to find Li Yuanjia.

After lunch the next day, Li Yuanjia took Zhou Niannian to Zezhou County Railway Station in a tractor.

Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu are on the train at 04:30 in the afternoon.

It was just four o'clock when Zhou Niannian arrived at the train station, she stood at the exit and waited.

After calculating that he hadn't seen his parents for almost three months, Zhou Niannian missed them very much in his heart, and couldn't help but feel a little excited when he thought of seeing them again later.

At 04:30, the train from Xincheng arrived in Zezhou on time.

Seeing Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu coming out one after the other at the exit, Zhou Niannian couldn't help jumping up, waving his hands and shouting, "Dad, Mom, I'm here."

Li Xiangxiu couldn't help but smile when he saw her.

Seeing that the two of them were carrying large and small bags, Zhou Niannian hurried forward to pick up the things in Li Xiangxiu's hands, while Li Yuanjia, who was waiting beside him, took the luggage carried by Zhou Hongshan.

"This is Comrade Li Yuanjia, the manager of our factory." Zhou Niannian introduced them.

The two sides exchanged simple greetings before getting on the tractor. When they returned to Mengjiang Village, it was completely dark.

Li Yuanjia helped them deliver their things to the door and went home. Zhou Niannian greeted Zhou Hongshan and his wife to enter the door. The moment she turned to close the door, Bai Yuqing's figure flashed past not far away.

Although it was dark and his vision was not clear, Zhou Niannian still recognized that it was Bai Yuqing.

Are you so impatient to find out?
She smiled mockingly, and slammed the door shut.

Seeing this, Bai Yuqing outside the door bit her lips tightly, her expression a little ugly.

She thought that Zhou's parents would be eager to see her when they came, so when it was getting dark, she wandered around Zhou Niannian's house.

Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu went in to put down their luggage, and went around Zhou Niannian's room first.

Li Xiangxiu wiped her tears while watching, and couldn't help muttering: "My daughter has grown up, she's grown up, she can clean up things by herself, how neat this room is."

Zhou Niannian blushed a little.

In her previous life, before she was released, she was really the little princess of the family. She had never done any housework, such as making quilts, cleaning and tidying up the house, let alone these things.

"Daughter is suffering." Zhou Hongshan couldn't help muttering as he looked at the tidy room and then at the small and cozy living room.

Qi Jiayan, who had been waiting in the living room, couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Zhou Niannian when she heard the words, remembering what Zhou Changan said about his parents before: "His parents are in front of Zhou Niannian, all principles are not principles, unconditional." pet.

In the eyes of others, Zhou Niannian is now the deputy director of Rainbow Factory, which is a source of pride and pride, but what Zhou's parents saw was how much their daughter had to suffer to be able to do what she is now.

This is probably the parents who really love their children. Thinking of her pair of wonderful parents, Qi Jiayan couldn't help but look a little sad.

"Uncle, aunt, you take a rest first, I'll cook." She got up and left space for Zhou Niannian and Zhou's parents.

Zhou Niannian put down her things and went to work, "Dad, Mom, please rest first, Jiayan and I will cook, it will be ready in a while."

Li Xiangxiu waved her hand, "Why don't you take a break, I'm not tired, mom will do it, don't do it."

After a pause, she couldn't hold back, and asked, "Nian Nian, is the Bai Yuqing you mentioned really your sister? Can mom see her now?"

Li Xiangxiu could bear it until now and said that Zhou Niannian was already very surprised.

She originally thought that Li Xiangxiu would ask as soon as he saw her.

Zhou Hongshan frowned, "Let's eat first. After dinner, I will listen to Nian Nian to talk about the situation in detail. Anyway, I'm here, so I'm not in a hurry. Take a rest overnight and see you tomorrow morning."

Ever since receiving Zhou Niannian's letter, his wife has been very excited and couldn't sleep well. She came here full of hope. Zhou Hongshan was afraid that if Bai Yuqing was not, his wife would be even more disappointed.

Sometimes people are like this, they get used to having no hope all the time, and once they see a little bit of hope, it is difficult to accept it when they are disappointed.

Li Xiangxiu opened her mouth to retort, but when she said something, she thought of something, sighed and said, "Okay, I'll help Niannian cook first, see you tomorrow morning."

Seeing Zhou Hongshan dissuading Li Xiangxiu, Zhou Niannian didn't speak, and walked to the kitchen with a smile on her arm, holding Li Xiangxiu's.

(End of this chapter)

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