Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 265 Lu Qingfeng's Gift

Chapter 265 Lu Qingfeng's Gift
Li Xiangxiu came here this time and brought a lot of raisins, as well as Zhou Niannian's favorite snacks, which she made at home and brought all the way from Xincheng.

"Auntie really loves you." Qi Jiayan sighed enviously as she looked at the pile of things.

Knowing that she remembered her parents, Zhou Niannian put her arms around her shoulders and said with a smile, "Such a good mother, I can share half with you, haha."

Qi Jiayan was amused by her, and gave her a blank look, "Can this be divided randomly?"

Zhou Niannian made a grimace, "Why can't we separate? If you marry my brother, my mother will become your mother. You can choose between my two brothers. Tell me, which one do you like?"

Zhou Changan's face with distinct features suddenly appeared in Qi Jiayan's mind, she quickly shook her head, and gave Zhou Niannian a look, "You're talking nonsense again."

Li Xiangxiu walked into the kitchen after washing her hands, saw the two smiling, "What are you talking about? So happy."

Qi Jiayan was afraid that Zhou Niannian would say what she asked her to choose her brother just now, so she quickly answered, "Auntie, you are such a good mother, you brought so many delicious food to Niannian."

Li Xiangxiu was praised with a smile all over her face, "You can really talk, what mother can't do that."

Qi Jiayan is silent, her mother is not like this.

Seeing this, Zhou Niannian quickly pulled Li Xiangxiu and said, "Mom, you brought so many snacks, let's just eat some."

During dinner, Zhou Niannian asked about their arrival, "Didn't I write to you a long time ago? Why are you here now? I thought you would be here in early March."

Zhou Hongshan sighed, "A year ago, the situation in the capital changed very quickly. At that time, two letters came asking you, Uncle Lu, to return to Beijing, but your Uncle Lu refused."

Zhou Niannian knew about this and told her about it when Lu Qingfeng came over last time.

"At that time, your father's friends also sent a few letters to Jingdu, roughly talking about the situation in Jingdu. Who knows, people from Jingdu will come to Jingdu a few years later, saying that they will investigate your father." Li Xiangxiu still has some lingering fears when he said it.

Zhou Niannian was very surprised, "Why do you still want to investigate my dad? Didn't you investigate everything clearly at the beginning?"

Zhou Hongshan is in the financial department in Kyoto. His father was implicated because the top leaders were investigated for tax issues, and his father was implicated.

Fortunately, after some investigation, his father did not have malfeasance or corruption, so he just ransacked the house and sent him to the lower levels, and did not wantonly criticize him.

"Could it be that the situation in Kyoto is getting tense again?" Zhou Niannian asked worriedly.

Zhou Hongshan shook his head, but his expression was serious, "It's hard to say, those friends of my father were investigated, and our letters were found at home, so they sent someone to Xincheng to investigate me."

"Fortunately, I didn't write any substantive content in the correspondence with my friend, so the people in the investigation team checked it out and asked me to write some checks, and then I went back."

Seeing Zhou Hongshan's understatement, Zhou Niannian felt a little uncomfortable.

She knew that what happened must be thrilling. Those members of the investigation team must have searched at home, formed a group to criticize Zhou Hongshan, and even controlled their actions. Otherwise, how could they have never written a letter or sent a telegram? He shoots it.

Zhou Hongshan was afraid that she would be worried, so he just said a few words in such an understatement.

Known daughter Mo Ruomu, as soon as Zhou Niannian put down her chopsticks, Li Xiangxiu knew that she was feeling uncomfortable, patted her hand, and gave her a piece of chopstick meat, "It's all over now, isn't it all right? Fortunately, your elder brother and Qing The wind is here, and the people in the investigation team have been persuaded by them."

"After the matter subsided, we wanted to come to you. The farm was very hesitant and refused to issue us a letter of introduction. It was Qingfeng who went to tell them and wrote us a letter of guarantee before we got the letter of introduction."

When Li Xiangxiu said this, he couldn't help saying with emotion: "It is said that a son-in-law is half a son, but the son-in-law Qingfeng has contributed to our family."

Hearing her mention Lu Qingfeng, Zhou Niannian's heart felt warm. Fortunately, Lu Qingfeng was in Xincheng, otherwise, I don't know how much hardship my parents would have suffered.

After dinner, in order to make time for them to chat, Qi Jiayan volunteered to take over all the cleaning tasks.

Seeing Qi Jiayan going out with a plate and a bowl, Li Xiangxiu couldn't help but said: "This girl is good, she is capable, she doesn't talk much, she is honest."

Zhou Niannian smiled, "That's right, the friends I made could be wrong."

Zhou Hongshan and his wife were amused by her proud appearance, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

Li Xiangxiu took out a box from her bag and handed it to Zhou Niannian, "Speaking of Qingfeng, I just remembered what Qingfeng asked me to bring to you."

what?Zhou Niannian opened the box suspiciously, and a small radio lay quietly in the box.

"It's a radio." Zhou Niannian took it out in surprise.

Different from the radios on the market that are as big as bricks, the one that Lu Qingfeng sent is as big as a big hand. It is silver and easy to carry.

With this thing, I can listen to the news in the future, and I don't have to pick it up to keep it. Now that the oil lamp is dim, Zhou Niannian feels that reading the newspaper is really strenuous.

When Lu Qingfeng came last time, when she was lying under the oil lamp reading the newspaper, she heard her say something about eye pain, that guy must have remembered it in his heart at that time.

Thinking of this, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but a little bit of sweetness gushed out in his heart.

She held the radio and watched over and over again, with unconcealable happiness in her eyes.

"If you ask me, the kid Qingfeng looked grumpy in the past, but he was actually very careful, and he was good to you. Don't be angry with others all the time." Li Xiangxiu couldn't help muttering.

Zhou Niannian replied absent-mindedly, "Understood."

Li Xiangxiu glanced at Zhou Hongshan, but couldn't bear it anymore, and asked, "Niannian, tell us about Bai Yuqing's situation."

Zhou Niannian paused her hand playing with the radio, thought for a while and said, "She does have a butterfly-shaped birthmark on her shoulder, and a small Jade Buddha. According to her, she carried it with her since she was a child. You can see it tomorrow. Not the one you said."

"She went home during the Chinese New Year and asked specifically, saying that she is not the biological daughter of the Bai family's parents. I think she looks a little like my mother. She should be Sister Qingqing."

"She is currently the person in charge of the packaging section in our factory. You can ask her about other things tomorrow."

Zhou Hongshan was keenly aware that when she mentioned Bai Yuqing, her tone was a little indifferent. After hesitating for a while, he asked, "You don't get along well with her?"

Zhou Niannian didn't expect her father to be so perceptive. She thought about it and said tactfully: "It should be said that our values ​​are different, so we have less common language."

 The third update, I will try my best to write another chapter!The child will start school tomorrow, and there are too many things to prepare. Fortunately, it is finally time for him to learn. This holiday is simply a disaster scene!
(End of this chapter)

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