Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 271 She Also Feels Super Blessed

Chapter 271 She Also Feels Super Blessed
It was already dark when we got home, but fortunately, Qi Jiayan had already prepared a meal, and when the family arrived home, they hurriedly greeted them for dinner.

At the dinner table, Bai Yuqing said enviously: "I really envy Niannian and Jiayan, the two of them live alone, they can have their own private space, unlike me, who live in the educated youth dormitory, who live in the same dormitory with me Li Wenjing, neither of us can speak."

"I'll have my own private space sometime." She murmured to herself, then cast a glance at Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan, who were silent and speechless, and looked at Qi Jiayan pleadingly: "Jiayan, can I be with you?" Do you want to change?"

Saying that, he waved his hands nervously, "Don't be angry, I don't mean anything else, I just want to get closer to Niannian, I finally got a younger sister, I want to take care of her nearby."

Qi Jiayan didn't expect that she would say these words suddenly, and she froze there for a while, feeling a little embarrassed.

Zhou Niannian frowned, and put down her chopsticks in displeasure.

Qi Jiayan held her back under the table and shook her head slightly.

Zhou Niannian took a deep breath to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

She didn't mind Bai Yuqing coming towards her, but Zhou Niannian was a little unhappy when she was towards Qi Jiayan.

In fact, when Bai Yuqing first came to Mengjiang Village to jump in the queue, she proposed to live with Zhu Niannian and the others, but Zhou Niannian refused.

She mentioned it again today, in fact, she didn't necessarily want to move here, but she used it to make Zhou Niannian sick, and by the way, let Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu see that Zhou Niannian was not friendly to her.

Zhou Niannian calmed down her emotions, rolled her almond eyes, and looked at Bai Yuqing with a smile, "If you really want to take care of me, why don't I move back to the dormitory? Wouldn't it be better for us to live in the same dormitory with bunk beds?"

Bai Yuqing's expression froze. She didn't expect Zhou Niannian to propose such a proposal. She panicked for a while before smiling, "You're used to living here. If you move back to the dormitory, I'm afraid you won't be used to it."

Li Xiangxiu nodded in agreement, "Qingqing is right, Nian Nian, you are living well here, why are you moving to the dormitory, besides, you are the deputy director of the factory now, and you must entertain guests on weekdays."

"You have a small living room where people can sit, move back to the dormitory, where do you entertain guests?"

Bai Yuqing's hand holding the chopsticks tightened suddenly, and a haze flashed in his eyes.

She is not the deputy director of the co-author, so she can only stay in the dormitory?

Li Xiangxiu looked at Bai Yuqing with a more gentle expression, "Mom knows that you want to take care of your sister nearby, but it doesn't have to be so troublesome to move around. You both work in the same factory and live so close, it's already very good."

She never asked Qi Jiayan whether she would like to change dormitories with Bai Yuqing.

Bai Yuqing looked a little ugly, and went back to the dormitory with her things after dinner.

When she was sleeping at night, Qi Jiayan couldn't help but sighed to Zhou Niannian: "Uncle Zhou and Aunt Li are both sensible people, they see things transparently and are not worldly, Niannian, you are really blessed."

What happened tonight, whether it was Qi Jiayan's rejection of Bai Yuqing or Zhou Niannian's rejection, was a little inconvenient. If Bai Yuqing pretended to cry a few more words, outsiders would think Qi Jiayan and Zhou Niannian were unkind.

But Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu easily dispelled Bai Yuqing's thoughts,

Zhou Niannian smiled, yes, she also felt super blessed.

Both Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu were well-educated. Although they doted on her on weekdays, they also respected her very much. The most important thing was that her father, Zhou Hongshan, saw things transparently, and Li Xiangxiu took Zhou Hongshan as the backbone.

With the love of such a pair of parents, she can take a lot of other troubles lightly.

In the bedroom on the other side, Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu were also talking.

"I think Qingqing is a pretty good child, why do you think Niannian doesn't like her?" Li Xiangxiu couldn't help feeling emotional, seeing her husband was silent all the time, she stretched out her arm and slapped him, "Speak, what's wrong? "

Zhou Hongshan was silent for a while, and said slowly: "I can understand that you suddenly recognize the child and make up for the child's mood, but the child has not been with us for nearly 18 years, and we have not accompanied her or educated her in these 18 years, so she is What kind of child, we can't draw conclusions for a while."

After hearing what he said, Li Xiangxiu couldn't help sitting up, "What? Do you mean that Qingqing might not be as good as she appears?"

Speaking of the last few words, she couldn't help raising her voice and her tone became sharp.

Li Xiangxiu felt like a knife was piercing her heart when she thought that her child might have a bad personality because of not receiving a good education.

Zhou Hongshan looked at her reassuringly, "That's not what I mean, what I mean is don't jump to conclusions so quickly, just observe and see."

"You handled things well tonight. The palms and backs of the two children are full of flesh. Don't miss one and ignore the other."

Li Xiangxiu snorted, still feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, "Look at what you said, am I that kind of person? Nian Nian has been in love with us since we were young, how can I be willing to wrong her?"

Zhou Hongshan knew that she was upset, so he patted her on the shoulder and coaxed her gently, "Well, I know, that's why I said you are the best mother in the world."

Li Xiangxiu was coaxed by him, and she gave him a blank look before lying down again.

Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu lived in Mengjiang Village for two days, and Zhou Niannian went to work the next day, but Bai Yuqing continued to ask for a day off, saying that he wanted to spend more time with his parents.

She accompanied Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu around the village, and everyone in the village knew that she was the lost daughter of the Zhou family.

When the three of them were eating at noon, Bai Yuqing seemingly inadvertently mentioned that Lu Qingfeng helped her snatch the money back, and said with a smile: "At that time, I thought I knew an unknown hero, who knew that the unknown After the hero came to the village, I found out that he is Nian Nian's fiancé."

Only then did Li Xiangxiu know that Lu Qingfeng had helped Bai Yuqing, "It's a coincidence. Qingfeng has been learning martial arts since he was a child, and he is very good at it. Fortunately, you met him, otherwise the money would have been robbed."

"Yes," Bai Yuqing helped Li Xiangxiu pick up a chopstick dish, and said with a natural expression, "I heard that Lu Qingfeng is three years older than Niannian, which means he is one year older than me. We must have known each other when we were young, right?" , It’s a pity I don’t remember such a small thing.”

She hesitated for a while as she spoke, messed with the food in the bowl, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, where is there a baby kiss now? Dad, mom, how did you help Niannian make a baby kiss? What about me? You won't make a baby kiss for me too, will you?"

She looked at Li Xiangxiu half-jokingly, but unconsciously clenched the chopsticks in her hand.

Could it be that she was the one who kissed Lu Qingfeng's doll, but Zhou Niannian was replaced by Zhou Niannian because she was lost?
Thinking of this, Bai Yuqing unconsciously held her breath.

 The fifth update, too sleepy, go to bed, good night, my friends, I would like to thank you who voted!
(End of this chapter)

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