Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 272 Why Not Her?

Chapter 272 Why Not Her?

"You never made a baby kiss." Li Xiangxiu said affirmatively, "At that time, freedom of marriage was advocated, so who would want to make a baby kiss?"

A look of disappointment flashed in Bai Yuqing's eyes, "Then did I often play with Lu Qingfeng when I was young?"

Li Xiangxiu couldn't help laughing when she thought of the children's childhood.

"When we were with you, we had just moved into the compound, and we were not familiar with the Lu family. You and Qingfeng met a few times when they were young, but you were too young at that time and spent most of your time at home."

"By the time you were more than one year old and able to run, Qingfeng was already more than two years old. The two of you often fought for things. Qingfeng had a bad temper. Whenever you robbed him of something, he would beat you and always make you cry. .”

"After two fights, you don't like to play with Qingfeng anymore, and avoid him when you meet."

Bai Yuqing: "."

Who said that childhood sweethearts are all good memories?Why come to her only to be beaten and cried.

She asked unwillingly: "Since it's not popular to be married, why did you make a baby kiss for Nian Nian?"

Speaking of this, both Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan couldn't help laughing.

Bai Yuqing looked at them puzzled, not understanding what they were laughing at.

Li Xiangxiu said while having fun: "Nian Nian this doll family was chosen by herself, not by us."

"You decided it yourself?" Bai Yuqing was even more puzzled.

"This memory is regarded as black history by Niannian. We tell you, you must not mention it in front of her, she will be anxious with you." Li Xiangxiu explained the reason why Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng got engaged.

"It's strange to say that Qingfeng has had a bad temper since he was a child. The girls in the compound didn't play with him, but they just thought that this girl was not afraid of him. If Qingfeng dared to attack her, she would cry until Qingfeng surrendered. "

Zhou Hongshan thought of Zhou Niannian's delicate appearance when he was a child, and couldn't help laughing, with a touch of nostalgia, "Niannian is a girl we are used to, she has been squeamish since she was a child, and she has a lot of eyes."

"Other girls who snatch Qingfeng's things will be beaten by Qingfeng. She doesn't rob, but in the end there is always a way to make Qingfeng feel bad and have to play with her."

Bai Yuqing felt even more heartbroken after hearing this.

Why does the story of Zhou Niannian's childhood sweetheart sound so beautiful?

She thought that this doll was her own, because she lost it and replaced it with Zhou Niannian, but it turned out that Zhou Niannian begged for it herself, and it was originally Zhou Niannian's.

Why not hers?She pursed her lips unwillingly, and lowered her head to cover the haze in her eyes.

Because Li Xiangxiu remembered many things about Zhou Niannian's childhood, she was very happy, so she couldn't help talking to Zhou Hongshan, but she didn't notice Bai Yuqing's depression.

When Zhou Niannian came back at night, she saw Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan waiting for her in the living room.

She was a little surprised that Bai Yuqing went back so early.

Thanks to the excuse that she was busy, she stayed in the factory for dinner, and dawdled for a while just to miss Bai Yuqing.

"Dad, Mom, do you have something to say to me?" She rolled her eyes and sat next to Li Xiangxiu with a smile.

They are leaving tomorrow, and according to Bai Yuqing's personality, he will definitely chat with them here for a long time today, fully demonstrating his filial piety and consideration.

But now that Bai Yuqing was gone, it meant that it was Zhou Hongshan, Li Xiangxiu sent her away first, and had something to say to her.

Li Xiangxiu smiled, and gently pushed back the broken hair around her ears, "Well, Nian Nian, my parents are leaving tomorrow, and I want to talk to you about something."

Zhou Niannian leaned her head on her shoulder, squinted her eyes comfortably, "Well, tell me, I'm listening."

Li Xiangxiu was silent for a while, as if she was sorting out her words, before she said: "We recognize Qingqing, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Zhou Niannian sat up straight in doubt, "Why do you ask that?"

Li Xiangxiu paused for a moment, then looked at Zhou Hongshan, "It's up to you."

Zhou Hongshan coughed dryly, "Your mother and I have been partial to you since we were young, and your two elder brothers were both raised by discipline, but you are the only one whose parents are reluctant to beat you up or scold you. A sister came to distract my parents, and my parents worried about you."

Zhou Niannian understood.

This is the same as many parents in later generations worry that the eldest will be depressed after having a second child.

Although it is a bit nondescript to describe Bai Yuqing with a second child, the reason is the same.

"Qingqing hasn't been with us for more than ten years. When we see her suddenly, we want to make up for her. Dad hopes you can understand."

Zhou Niannian felt a little warm in her heart. Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu really regarded her as their own daughter, so they even thought of such subtle psychological changes for her.

If she hadn't been reborn, she would definitely feel disappointed seeing Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu treat Bai Yuqing so well.

But now, she doesn't feel any loss in her heart. On the contrary, she is really happy for her parents.

"Oh, parents, to put it bluntly, you think I'm domineering," she curled her lips pretending to be dissatisfied, "Am I such a stingy person, your daughter? How could I be angry because of this?"

Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan looked at each other, with a look of relief on their faces at the same time.

She smiled and patted Zhou Niannian, "The daughter raised by my mother is really magnificent."

Zhou Niannian made a face, "Mom, are you praising yourself? How can you really praise me?"

All three members of the family laughed, and the stagnant atmosphere just now dissipated.

Li Xiangxiu laughed enough, then pulled Zhou Niannian and said: "In the future, you and your sister will be together, and you will take care of each other, so Mom will feel more at ease."

Like all parents in the world, Li Xiangxiu also hopes that her children will live in peace and friendship.

Zhou Niannian was silent, and felt that it was necessary to say hello to them first, "Dad, Mom, I have to explain something to you in advance. As for Bai Yuqing and I, um, we had disagreements at work before, and there were many conflicts." .”

She had no intention of confessing Yuqing's situation, so the previous incident was briefly mentioned, "What I want to tell you is that the previous incident is fine, after all, it is considered a family now, but if there is something that violates the work principle in the future, I might not be so affectionate."

In order to avoid conflicts with Bai Yuqing in the future, Zhou Niannian felt that it was better to put the ugly words first before explaining to his parents.

Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu looked at each other and fell silent.

In fact, Zhou Niannian guessed wrong a bit, Bai Yuqing didn't leave with Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu at all, but left by himself.

During the meal, Bai Yuqing implicitly mentioned that her current job is very tedious and she thinks she can do a higher-level job, but Zhou Niannian doesn't seem to have any consideration for her in this regard.

Bai Yuqing said it very tactfully, and didn't say that Zhou Niannian was wrong at all.

After all, she had just recognized Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, and she didn't dare to put eye drops on Zhou Niannian immediately, she still knew about this.

 The second update will be around 12 o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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