Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 273 Yuqing, are you going to be promoted?

Chapter 273 Yuqing, are you going to be promoted?

Who knew that after hearing Bai Yuqing's words, Zhou Hongshan said, "Niannian is the deputy director of the factory. There is also a factory director in the factory. Many things are not decided by her alone. As long as you have that ability, you will be promoted sooner or later."

Li Xiangxiu originally wanted to say something, but after hearing Zhou Hongshan's voice, she swallowed it back.

After hearing Zhou Hongshan's words, Bai Yuqing's expression became a little stiff, and she left after cooking for a while.

At this moment, Zhou Niannian said this to Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu again.

Li Xiangxiu was a little sad, she finally got her daughter back, and hoped that she and Niannian could live in harmony and love each other.

Last night when Zhou Hongshan told her that Zhou Niannian didn't like Bai Yuqing very much, she felt a little sad.

It is even more sad to hear Zhou Niannian say that now.

She couldn't help but sighed, "Nian Nian, for the sake of being your sister, she has suffered for more than ten years before returning to me and your father, if there are some things that can be accommodated, let me accommodate, don't madam .”

Speaking of the latter, she was a little speechless.

She is not an unreasonable person. On the contrary, she and Zhou Hongshan have worked in the Kyoto system for more than ten years, and they know how important work principles are. Now she is asked to teach her daughter to violate the principles, and she is a little speechless.

This made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Seeing her sad expression, Zhou Niannian felt a little uncomfortable, pursed her lips, and said in a low voice: "Mom, what I'm talking about is just if, those bad things may not happen, if they do happen, I will Do your best, okay?"

"Besides, the two of us won't stay in the same factory all the time. I heard that the college entrance examination is about to resume. Your daughter and I are going to college. People who will become lawyers in the future won't stay here all the time, okay?"

Li Xiangxiu was immediately amused by her proud expression, and couldn't help but patted her on the head, "Okay, go to bed quickly, it's getting late."

Before falling asleep at night, Zhou Hongshan saw that Li Xiangxiu was still depressed, and persuaded her, "Don't feel bad, it's our blessing to find the child who has been lost for more than ten years, and we shouldn't force anything else."

Li Xiangxiu sighed and did not speak.

Over there in the dormitory, Li Wenjing came back from get off work. As soon as she entered the dormitory, she saw Bai Yuqing happily trying on her new clothes.

After living together for so long, she has figured it out, this Bai Yuqing is not a good person.

Besides, she is now Zhou Niannian's biological sister, what if she puts on small shoes for her in front of Zhou Niannian?
Thinking of this, the smile on her mouth immediately brightened, "You look really good in this dress."

"Really?" Bai Yuqing glanced at the pink floral dress on her body, couldn't help but turn around again, and sat down happily to pack her things.

Li Wenjing saw the watch on her wrist sharply, and couldn't help but enviously said: "This watch is really beautiful, isn't it expensive?"

Bai Yuqing raised her wrist and shook it, pretending to be understated: "Well, it's only about 160 yuan."

More than 160 yuan, she can't earn it in a year. Li Wenjing was deeply jealous, and couldn't help but said sourly: "Zhou Niannian, her parents are so kind to you."

Bai Yuqing's expression suddenly sank, "That's my parents too, okay?"

Li Wenjing smiled embarrassingly, "I'm not used to it."

As she spoke, she approached Bai Yuqing and asked in a hurry: "You are now Zhou Niannian's biological sister, is she going to give you a promotion, maybe you will be a manager soon. "

"Yuqing, the two of us live in the same dormitory. You have been promoted, so don't look around and pull me."

Bai Yuqing's face suddenly darkened, remembering what Zhou Hongshan said to her tonight, what is gold can shine everywhere, what ordinary post is the greatest, and even a screw is also very important.

Bah, it sounds nice, it's because she doesn't want Zhou Niannian to give her a promotion.

I didn't expect Zhou Hongshan to be such a stupid person, and what he said to make up for her were all lies, and Li Xiangxiu, who clearly wanted to say something, made Zhou Hongshan look at him, and swallowed the words back.

The more Bai Yuqing thought about it, the more angry she became. She couldn't help but tossed the clothes on the bed and hit Li Wenjing, "You got my new clothes."

Li Wenjing pouted, stood up, but resisted getting angry, "Yuqing, tell me, are you going to be promoted to manager soon?"

"I don't care if the manager is not the manager. I am very happy with the packaging team now." She turned around and folded the clothes expressionlessly.

Li Wenjing noticed that she was a little unhappy, rolled her eyes, and turned back to her bed.

After breakfast the next day, Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan were about to leave. Meng Sanqiu asked Li Yuanjia to drive the tractor to see them off, and Zhou Niannian and Bai Yuqing went with them.

When they arrived at the county seat, Zhou Niannian asked Li Yuanjia to stop and get out of the car, and planned to go to Guan Ping's house by himself.

"Go to the train station first, and I'll meet you at the train station later." She waved her hand and turned into the alley.

"This girl is in a hurry, what is she going to do?" Li Xiangxiu asked puzzled.

Zhou Hongshan snorted sullenly, knowing that Zhou Niannian must have gone to Guan Ping's house to get the cup. Qin Zhonghao said that he could finish the cup today.

When Zhou Niannian arrived at Guan Ping's house, Qin Zhonghao was already there waiting for her.

"What do you think?" Seeing Zhou Niannian coming in, Qin Zhonghao handed over the cup as if offering a treasure.

On the pure white cup, the patterns designed by Zhou Niannian are lifelike, the delicacy of the girl, the sternness of the boy, and the arrogance of the bird are all very clear, which makes the eyes shine.

"Uncle Qin, your craftsmanship is really amazing." She looked at the cup and gave Qin Zhonghao a thumbs up with a smile.

Qin Zhonghao smiled, "Actually, I'm still not satisfied. I'll study it when I go back. I think it can look better."

Zhou Niannian didn't understand the technology in this area, knowing that he was pursuing perfection, so he didn't say much.

Guan Ping pointed at Qin Zhonghao helplessly, "You are good at this, but you are too stubborn."

Qin Zhonghao chuckled.

Zhou Niannian thinks that Qin Zhonghao is so cute who concentrates on technology and pursues perfection. She thought of many people in later generations who like to print photos on cups, and said in her heart, "Uncle Qin, have you ever tried to use photos to print on cups?" On the cup, what would it look like when the burnt paper came out?"

photo?Qin Zhonghao was taken aback for a moment, apparently never thinking in this direction.

However, he reacted quickly, stood up excitedly after a moment of stunned, "Yes, why didn't I think about it in this direction, the photos are clearer than those drawn by people."

"I'll go home and try." After he finished speaking, he didn't even say hello, and he ran away in a gust of wind.

Guan Ping shook his head helplessly, "He is like a man in a daze."

 The third update is around three o'clock in the afternoon!

(End of this chapter)

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