Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 274 Lu Qingfeng is an Outsider

Chapter 274 Lu Qingfeng is an Outsider

Zhou Niannian found Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu in the waiting room.

Handed the wrapped cup to Zhou Hongshan, "Dad, help me bring this to Lu Qingfeng."

Zhou Hongshan moved aside with a stinky face, "My luggage is full and I can't fit it."

Zhou Niannian glanced at his shrunken luggage bag, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Isn't there still a lot of space?"

Li Xiangxiu was talking to Bai Yuqing at the side, but when he heard that it was for Lu Qingfeng, and then saw his man's face as black as an iron pot, he understood what was going on, so he couldn't help but punch Zhou Hongshan, "How big is it?" You are already a person, and you are still arguing with the child, how good is your future?"

After all, he took the things in Zhou Niannian's hand, opened Zhou Hongshan's luggage bag, and stuffed the cup into it, "Don't pay attention to your father, he just saw you deliver something to Qingfeng, and he felt awkward again."

"Old Zhou, you are really like a child. Qingfeng has helped us so much this time. You still babble when your daughter gives you something."

Zhou Niannian immediately understood why Zhou Hongshan was so awkward. She smiled and sat beside Zhou Hongshan, holding his arm, "Dad, I am reciprocating courtesy, reciprocating courtesy, I can't always take things from others."

Zhou Hongshan pursed his lips and muttered softly, "Your father has given you so many things, and I have never seen you reciprocate."

Zhou Niannian stared, "That's different. Lu Qingfeng is an outsider, so he pays attention to reciprocity. You are my father. There is no need for us to be so polite between father and daughter, don't you think?"

After saying this, Zhou Hongshan's face instantly recovered. Lu Qingfeng is an outsider, and he and his daughter are a family, haha.

"Besides, I'm in a hurry this time, and I don't know if the cup can be fired. Next time, I will design a more beautiful and better-looking cup for you and my mother." Zhou Niannian said with a smile.

Zhou Hongshan hummed, and said a little reservedly and arrogantly: "Then I also want a photo of us."

"Okay, leave it to me." Zhou Niannian agreed.

Li Xiangxiu was watching from the side, couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said to Bai Yuqing, "Whenever your father gets angry, Niannian can coax you well."

Bai Yuqing watched from the side, couldn't help feeling sour in her heart, but the smile on her face was very gentle, "Well, Nian Nian has a sweet mouth and can talk, not like me who is stupid."

"Who says you're stupid? Mom thinks you're fine." Li Xiangxiu patted her hand, "Don't underestimate yourself. Our children are not like this. It's good for everyone to go out."

Bai Yuqing pursed her lips and smiled, "I remember."

The ticket checking started. Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu walked to the ticket gate, looked back at Zhou Niannian and Bai Yuqing who were standing side by side, and couldn't help telling: "If you have something to do, write a letter. If you encounter something, you should discuss it more and help each other out." .”

Bai Yuqing nodded and waved her hand, "Don't worry, Mom, I will take care of Niannian."

Zhou Niannian smiled and waved his hand.

The figures of the two disappeared at the ticket gate, Bai Yuqing turned her head and looked at Zhou Niannian with a smile, "My parents are gone, we are the two sisters left in the future, I will try my best to be a good sister, you can discuss things with me in the future discuss."

The corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth curled up, and he said casually: "Let's go, don't make Li Yuanjia wait."

Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan took the train overnight and finally returned to Xincheng.

Lu Qingfeng has been in Xincheng recently and didn't go out, so he went to the train station to pick up Zhou Hongshan and his wife.

"Brother Chang Guo is only free this afternoon. He said he would come back to see you." After the two of them settled their luggage, Lu Qingfeng conveyed Zhou Changguo's words and turned to leave.

Li Xiangxiu waved his hand to let him sit down, "You child, you are so busy, you don't sit down to rest."

"Why don't you rest, the house is next door, I went back in two steps, by the way, my parents said you are too tired from the car, don't cook, eat at my house at noon." Lu Qingfeng said, but still listened to Li Xiangxiu Then she sat down, "Aunt Zhou, is Nian Nian okay?"

"Okay, okay," Li Xiangxiu said with a smile on her face, "who can bully that girl."

As she spoke, she took out the cup prepared by Zhou Niannian from Zhou Hongshan's luggage bag, and handed it to Lu Qingfeng, "No, let us bring back the gift that Niannian gave you."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes lit up, and he immediately took it over. You little heartless person, you know how to prepare a gift for him?
He couldn't wait to unwrap the newspaper, revealing a pair of white porcelain cups.

He was immediately attracted by the pattern on it. Is this a painting of the two of them?

So lovely!The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, and when his eyes touched the bird on the girl's shoulder, his smile suddenly froze, wait, it's fine to draw the two of them, why draw the extra bird?

This will make him feel that the surprise is greatly reduced!

Li Xiangxiu said with a smile: "The painting on it was drawn by Niannian herself, and I asked someone to help bake it."

Glaring fiercely at the bird with its head held high, Lu Qingfeng's eyes all fell on the boy and the girl. Well, the gift that Nian Nian gave him for the first time was made with heart. feel happy.

Zhou Hongshan next to him couldn't help feeling sour again, and said with a dark face: "Nian Nian said that this is a courtesy with you, and next time I will make a cup for us to take a photo with."

"My daughter knows how to be polite. She knows how to let outsiders go first, and her own family members to lean back."

The sour taste in his tone couldn't be suppressed, and it burst out.

Lu Qingfeng glanced at the old man's sour expression, and silently endured being called an outsider. There was no way, if he couldn't bear it, he might always be an outsider, and there was no way to turn Zhou Niannian into an insider.

Zhou Hongshan didn't treat him like this when he and Zhou Niannian hated each other before. Since the relationship between him and Zhou Niannian eased, Zhou Hongshan always looked at him like a wolf cub.

Not daring to be too frightened, he took two cups and said goodbye decisively.

Back where he lived, he put the two cups side by side on the table, looked at the patterns on them, and couldn't help but giggle.

Well, it would be even more perfect without that pesky bird.

Lying on the bed at night, Lu Qingfeng said that he was resting his hands behind his head, thinking of Zhou Niannian, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up again.

Tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep, Zhou Niannian's smile was in front of his eyes when he closed his eyes. He couldn't help getting up and took the two cups to the bed.

Seeing the girl's delicate expression, he couldn't help but tap her forehead with his hand, and muttered, "I'm not an outsider."

I don't know what this girl is doing at the moment?

At this moment, Zhou Niannian was staring at Ah Liang who was opposite with a look of astonishment, "You said someone betrayed your whereabouts?"

She was already lying down and going to sleep, but when she heard movement outside, she just got up when she saw Ah Liang flying in angrily.

 The third update, there will be another update around 09:30 in the evening, and today only [-] updates will be made. I saw some readers asking about the update time, so let me explain the update issue again. The fog usually starts to update at ten o'clock in the morning, which is normal. It is three shifts and six thousand a day. If there is a manuscript in hand, the third shift will be released at around ten o'clock. If there is no manuscript, it will be after ten o'clock. When will it be coded and when will it be updated.

  However, I will try my best to update regularly as much as possible. Anything other than the third update is added, and the time for adding updates is uncertain. In principle, a monthly ticket of [-] plus a chapter, and a reward of [-] plus a chapter, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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