Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 275 My innocence is ruined in the world

Chapter 275 My innocence is ruined in the world (monthly pass 50+)

A Liang looked at her with a face of accusation, "My hiding place in the valley is very secret, if no one tells me, how could Fat Yuan find me?"

"Someone must have betrayed my whereabouts." It jumped angrily on the windowsill.

Zhou Niannian blinked, and got to the point, "Who is Fat Yuan? The second princess of the Bird Clan? Did it find you?"

Ah Liang snorted, "It's fat and round, even if it's not called fat round."

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, "If I were the second princess of the bird tribe, I would chase you every day and beat you every time I catch you, because you are too talkative."

"I'm a little princess anyway, how can you make her fat and round? It hurts her a lot, okay?"

A Liang glanced at her, "If you see it, you will also think that my name is very appropriate."

Is a bird named Fat Yuan very appropriate? Zhou Niannian said that she couldn't imagine it.

"That's not the point," Ah Liang fluttered her wings angrily, "The point is who betrayed my whereabouts? If no one betrayed me, it's impossible for Fat Yuan to find there."

"That valley has spiritual energy. I set up a small formation there to hide my aura. Fat Yuan flew over [-] times, and he wouldn't go there to find it."

"So someone must have betrayed my whereabouts, otherwise, how could it search there like a blanket search."

Carpet search?Zhou Niannian couldn't hold back her laughter, she didn't expect Ah Liang to be able to hide her aura in that seemingly ordinary valley, no wonder it often hid there without being discovered.

But when she thought of Ah Liang being searched out by the second princess of the bird tribe, she wanted to laugh when she imagined that scene.

"I've never met the second princess of the Bird Clan, and even if I do, I won't betray you." Zhou Niannian first declared his innocence.

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered that Lu Qingfeng lived here for two days during the Chinese New Year. On the morning of the first day of the new year, she still heard Lu Qingfeng's voice, and she opened the door and came in but saw no one.

Zhou Niannian had a strange feeling in his heart, it couldn't be Lu Qingfeng, he had only been to that valley once.

Ah Liang also thought of Lu Qingfeng, "Isn't it the guy named Lu?"

Zhou Niannian was inexplicably guilty, "Probably not, he has been gone for a long time."

Ah Liang snorted, "If it were him, I would fight him to the death! I would fight him to a duel."

Zhou Niannian looked at it helplessly, "Isn't it? Wasn't it just captured by the second princess of the Bird Clan? Look, you're back now."

A Liang suddenly exploded, "What do you know? You know what I paid to escape?"

"The hateful second princess of the Bird Clan, the hateful Fat Yuan, brought a lot of warriors from the Bird Clan to control me this time, and I was brought back to the Bird Clan by them, and I didn't escape even though I tried my best. "

"In the end, I could only pretend to give in to let them relax their vigilance."

Zhou Niannian shook his head amusedly, "Well, it was indeed a lot of effort, but it didn't cost too much, did it?"

"Ah, what do you know?" Ah Liang was even more aggrieved, "I coaxed Fat Yuan to relax her vigilance every day, but who knew it would drug me, and I was defiled by it, you know?"

Ah Liang thumped her chest and shouted, "I have been defiled, my innocence has been ruined in the world."

As if struck by lightning, Zhou Niannian stared at Ah Liang dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to realize that he laughed very unkindly.

A beautiful bird stands on the window sill and jumps its feet, yelling aggrievedly and angrily that it has been defiled. This scene is funny no matter how you look at it.

Especially Ah Liang's emphasis was like singing, Zhou Niannian couldn't bear it anymore.

Ah Liang looked at Zhou Niannian with an aggrieved face, "Niannian, I am already so miserable, you still laugh at me."

Zhou Niannian rubbed her stomach and looked at it very sincerely, "I'm sorry, please forgive me, because I really can't imagine the situation where the bird is defiled."

Ah Liang fell headfirst on the window sill, wailing in pain: "Nian Nian doesn't hurt me anymore, my innocence, woo woo."

The voice was filled with grief and indignation, like a magic voice piercing through the brain.

Zhou Niannian rubbed her head, sat up straight, and looked at A Liang seriously, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, A Liang, actually, I sympathize with what happened to you."

She coughed dryly, trying to make her expression look sincere, "It's just that things are already like this, you have to look forward, don't you? Life is still going on, you can't just look for death because of this, right?"

She really didn't know how to persuade a bird whose innocence had been ruined, so she could only use the words of persuasion, but these words sounded really weird, the more she said it, the more she wanted to laugh, she couldn't help it, she could only hold on tightly Biting his lip.

Ah Liang jumped up angrily, "Who is looking for life? Just kidding, I am such a worthless person, uh, no, am I such a worthless bird? You underestimate me too much."

Zhou Niannian looked at it suspiciously, "If you don't want to die, what are you crying about here?"

Ah Liang snorted coldly, "The chastity I kept for tens of thousands of years is gone, why don't you let me mourn?"

Zhou Niannian: "."

Well, Ah Liang just needs to mourn this sense of ritual.

She made a sad look in cooperation, and patted its feathers, "I also sympathize with you. Tell me, how do you want to settle the score with the second princess of the bird clan? Go up the mountain and go down to the sea, and I will avenge you."

Ah Liang snorted, "Wait until I think of a way to get revenge. If you dare to destroy my innocence, I am at odds with it."

Because of this incident, Ah Liang hummed sadly for half the night, and finally Zhou Niannian couldn't bear it anymore and went to join Qi Jiayan with her bedding, leaving the bedroom to Ah Liang to mourn alone.

Ah Liang felt that she was abandoned, and her wailing became even worse, causing her to yawn constantly when she went to work the next day.

When I entered the factory, I ran into Bai Yuqing. She looked at Zhou Niannian with concern, "Did you not sleep well last night? You have to pay attention to your health, don't be too tired."

Zhou Niannian twitched the corners of her mouth and nodded lightly.

Since Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu left, Bai Yuqing switched her route to the route of being a gentle, caring and good sister. She greeted her every day and tried her best to create an image of her as a good sister.

When everyone in Mengjiang Village mentioned Bai Yuqing, they all praised her.

Many enthusiastic old people in the village approached Bai Yuqing one after another, wanting to introduce someone to her, but unfortunately, Bai Yuqing had high vision and none of them fell in love with her.

However, she also refused very implicitly, so although she rejected many people, no one got angry with her because of it.

"Niannian, I have something to ask you, can I go to your office and talk to you?" Zhou Niannian and Bai Yuqing nodded and passed each other, but Bai Yuqing stopped her.

Zhou Niannian turned around, took a look at her somewhat apprehensive expression, and nodded silently.

PS: When I coded this chapter, forgive me for laughing like a pig in the middle of the night, haha.

 This chapter is the addition of 50 monthly tickets. It is not easy. Finally, 50 monthly tickets are full. Continue to ask everyone for monthly tickets. Every time [-] is full, a new chapter will be added!
(End of this chapter)

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