Chapter 276
"What's the matter, let's talk." As soon as he entered the office, Zhou Niannian didn't want to talk nonsense with Bai Yuqing, so he asked straight to the point.

Bai Yuqing bit her lips lightly, her eyes were covered with mist, she looked aggrieved and cute, "Nian Nian, we are sisters, why are you always so indifferent to me?"

Zhou Niannian looked at her with her chin up, "Is there? That must be your illusion."

A haze flashed in Bai Yuqing's eyes, Zhou Niannian was simply trying to fool her, she was very sure that Zhou Niannian was trying to fool her.

To be precise, since she came to Mengjiang Village to meet Zhou Niannian, Zhou Niannian has been very indifferent to her.

This puzzled her.

"Are you still angry at me because of the packaging section and my wanting to take care of the procurement?" She bit her lip lightly, a little aggrieved, "I've explained it to you, I have no other selfish intentions, I only."

Zhou Niannian interrupted her words with a wave of his hand, and looked at her calmly, "There is no one else here, just the two of us, there is no need to talk about those nonsense."

"I believe you are very clear about what you have reported to me. As for me, I just guessed a little bit, so don't play the scene of sisterly love in front of me. I'm not in the mood to play it with you."

"Between us, talk about things if you have something to do, and don't get together if you have nothing to do. For my parents' sake, I will help if I can. If you can't, don't force it."

Bai Yuqing's face froze, she bit her lip in embarrassment, and a haze flashed quickly in her eyes.

After a long while, she took a deep breath, twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "It's not a big deal. If Director Meng comes to ask you about introducing someone to me, can you round it up for me and say that my parents have already found me a partner?" Got one."

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Why?"

Bai Yuqing smiled, and said with a natural expression: "No reason, I just recognized my parents, and I haven't fulfilled my filial piety in front of them, so I don't want to get married so early."

"I've already told Director Meng that my parents are looking for it for me, but I'm afraid he won't believe me, so I'll come here and ask you."

"If he asks you, please help me make things right."

Zhou Niannian didn't believe her so-called filial piety at all, but she didn't try to expose her, and just said lightly: "Okay!"

Based on her understanding of Meng Sanqiu, Meng Sanqiu, who is so proficient in people and the world, would never ask her if he heard this kind of excuse.

Bai Yuqing thanked her with a smile, pursed her lips, saw that Zhou Niannian had lowered her head to look at a law book on the table, her eyes were heavy, she opened the door and left.

When Zhou Niannian heard the sound of the door closing, she raised her head and leaned back on the back of the chair, feeling a little lost.

It is already June of [-], and many educated youths who went to the countryside have been in the countryside for nearly ten years. Some educated youths have already married and started families in the countryside, and have children. Hope, no family.

At the beginning of June, Meng Sanqiu received a notice from above, asking to help the educated youth who went to the countryside to jump in the queue to solve life-long problems, not to let them become a big problem, and to let the educated youth get married as soon as possible and feel the warmth of the family.

When Meng Sanqiu received the notice, he was so worried that he almost pulled off his beard.

This place is not like planting radishes. After digging a hole, one radish will be planted down one hole at a time. When a man and a woman get married, both men and women must see each other first, and then they can get married if they have a feeling, right?

He had no choice but to hold a meeting for all the single educated youths who came to Mengjiang Village to jump in the queue, and told them to give them half a month to find a partner by themselves. up.

Zhou Niannian already has a fiancé, so at first she didn't care about this matter, but later she paid attention because Qi Jiayan was worried.

Qi Jiayan is two years older than her, she is already 20 years old this year, and has no date yet. After Meng Sanqiu finished the meeting, she specially stayed with her and asked her if she had a favorite candidate. Find Zhou Niannian to find a way.

"Factory Director Meng meant to introduce Deng Junliang to me. Oh my god, Deng Junliang and I are together. I don't think we can say ten words in three days. I don't want it." Qi Jiayan was full of emotion when she thought of the situation. The face is horrified.

Zhou Niannian looked at her with a smile, and gave her some advice: "What are you in a hurry for, just tell the factory manager that you already have a date, isn't that all right?"

Qi Jiayan grimaced, "Where can I find someone in such a short period of time, and besides, there are only so many young people in the village, so if there are any disturbances in the daily life, it will have already been reported."

"I used to have very little contact with male educated youths, but now I suddenly say that I am right with them, and they probably think I am crazy."

Zhou Niannian waved the pen in his hand and pointed out the window, "It's not that you can only find someone in Mengjiang Village, so you can't expand your imagination? Isn't there a ready-made candidate?"

Ready-made candidates?Who?Qi Jiayan was stunned, "I rarely go out, how can I meet people outside?"

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, "Have you forgotten my second brother? Isn't he a ready candidate?"

Zhou Changan, Qi Jiayan's sharp-edged face instantly appeared in Qi Jiayan's mind, and she subconsciously blurted out: "I don't want it."

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "Then you just wait to be matched by Lalang."

Qi Jiayan rubbed her hands in embarrassment, "I mean you don't have to talk to people who are so far away."

Zhou Niannian smiled solemnly, "It's so far away that makes people believe it. We have a good relationship. Last time we were on a business trip together, you met my second brother again. It's not surprising that you are in a relationship."

"Otherwise you say that others are easily suspected."

Qi Jiayan struggled for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth, "Okay, then I will borrow it from your second brother."

Zhou Niannian smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Take it and use it as you like, no thanks."

Zhou Chang'an, who was far away in Qingcheng, suddenly sneezed twice, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "Damn weather, it's only June and I have a chill down my back."

Qi Jiayan reported Zhou Changan's name to Meng Sanqiu. Meng Sanqiu was a little disappointed when he heard that, sighed and turned around to introduce another female educated youth named Chen Miaomiao to Deng Junliang.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yuqing also used Qi Jiayan's same strategy.

Zhou Niannian chuckled, Bai Yuqing was too worried, Meng Sanqiu was so worried that her hair was turning gray recently, she reported to her parents that Meng Sanqiu would only be happy for one less girl.

But Bai Yuqing left Zhou Niannian's office, checked the time, it was past six o'clock, and was about to go to the restaurant for dinner.

When she turned to the door of the restaurant, she heard someone calling from behind, "Comrade Yuqing, wait for me."

She turned her head and saw He Wencai walking towards here pretending to be unrestrained, she couldn't help frowning.

He Wencai has been chasing her a little bit lately, which annoys her very much.

"Comrade Yuqing, can we have a private conversation after dinner?" He Wencai looked at Bai Yuqing with burning eyes, and his tone was gentle.

Bai Yuqing's eyes flickered, and she suppressed the rejection that was on her lips, "Okay."

 I didn’t sleep well last night, and I woke up very tired in the morning. I’ve been too tired recently. Let’s update Chapter 2 first. Let’s update Chapter [-] around [-] pm. I’m in a bad state today, and the code words are a bit slow!
(End of this chapter)

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