Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 277 She is not reconciled

Chapter 277 She is not reconciled
He Wencai's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I'll wait for you after dinner, let's eat first."

Recently, he ran into Bai Yuqing countless times and wanted to ask her out, but Bai Yuqing was always busy.

Finally agreed to him today, He Wencai subconsciously tugged at his white shirt, straightened his hair, and walked into the restaurant with his head held high.

Bai Yuqing looked at his back, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

She knew what He Wencai was thinking, and she used to think that it didn't matter, it was good to have someone who paid such attention, but now she felt that He Wencai was a little bored.

It's better to solve this problem quickly.

She ate slowly, deliberately delaying the time until everyone in the restaurant had left before Bai Yuqing slowly cleaned up the dishes.

After dinner, Bai Yuqing frowned when she saw He Wencai waiting at the door, "Let's go, let's talk outside the factory."

At this time, everyone in the factory is basically off work, and those who get off work overtime have also returned to the workshop. The factory is completely quiet, and it is already dark. Even if someone finds her and He Wencai walking side by side, it is still a hazy figure, which cannot be seen clearly. .

The two walked out of a fork in the road outside the factory, and there was a small forest to the right.

Bai Yuqing stood at the entrance of the forest, "Comrade He, if you have something to say, just say it here."

He Wencai seemed a little nervous, took a deep breath, rubbed his hands together and said, "Comrade Yuqing, I...I like you, shall we date?"

In the darkness, Bai Yuqing's face seemed to turn red, and she sighed faintly, "Comrade He, thank you for your kindness. I wrote to my parents a few days ago, saying that they have found a partner for me. It's from my parents' friend's house." child."

He Wencai's face changed when he heard this, and he couldn't help but grabbed Bai Yuqing's hand, "Why so fast? agreed? Comrade Yuqing, you haven't seen that person before, how can you agree?"

"Comrade Yuqing, you have to recognize your own heart, that person. Is that person as good-looking as me? Is he as talented as me?"

Bai Yuqing struggled to shake off He Wencai's hand, her face darkened, "Comrade He, since we are all colleagues, please respect yourself, I already have a date, so I will treat it as nothing just now." Listen, should find someone else as soon as possible."

After saying that, he lowered his head and trotted to the main road, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

He Wencai stood where he was, looking gloomy at the direction where Bai Yuqing disappeared, his hands clenched into fists.

Bai Yuqing had always been very gentle towards him, it was impossible for her not to have feelings for him, her parents must have made things difficult for her.

Bai Yuqing was relieved after trotting all the way back to the dormitory. Just now He Wencai suddenly grabbed her hand, which startled her.

Unexpectedly, He Wencai, who usually looks gentle, wanted to touch her hands when she was in a hurry. Bai Yuqing washed her hands in disgust.

Just after washing her hands, Li Wenjing came back and looked at her a little strangely.

Recently, Li Wenjing has been flattering her, so Bai Yuqing looked down on her a bit, seeing her strange eyes, she couldn't help frowning, and said displeasedly: "Speak up if you have something to say, don't look at me with such weird eyes. "

Li Wenjing said in an indifferent way: "It's nothing, I just feel a little emotional, this person really knows people, knows his face but doesn't know his heart, and some people look like fairies on the outside, so they would go to the grove with men .”

Bai Yuqing's face suddenly sank, "Who are you talking about drilling into the woods? Tell me clearly."

Li Wenjing curled her lips, "Don't pretend, I saw it just now, you and He Wencai, ah, it's nothing, isn't the factory manager asking the educated youths to find a partner now, I think you and He Wencai are a good match."

You are the perfect match for He Wencai, Bai Yuqing froze for a moment, and then smiled, "You misunderstood us, Comrade He asked me to talk about work, and besides, my parents found me a partner."

Li Wenjing looked at her suspiciously, "I haven't seen any letter from your parents recently, when did I introduce someone to you? You don't want to use this excuse to deceive Director Meng, do you?"

Bai Yuqing glared at her angrily, "Why are you so busy, just mind your own business and don't talk nonsense about things that have nothing to do with you."

Li Wenjing's face darkened immediately.

Meng Sanqiu said that she would deal with her own lifelong affairs first. After picking and choosing among the educated youths, she felt that Deng Junliang was not bad, he was honest, and he was also a small leader in the factory. will rise further.

She had chosen this side, and when she was about to talk to Deng Junliang, news came that Deng Junliang and Chen Miaomiao had a good relationship, and she was so angry that she didn't eat all day.

At this moment, as soon as Bai Yuqing provoked her, she thought of this incident, and muttered with an ugly face: "I advise you to put on airs and pick here and there. This man is not meat. You can buy the one you like." That piece, you pick and choose, maybe the piece of meat you like has already been owned."

Bai Yuqing glared at her, turned around and lay down on the bed, not bothering to talk to Li Wenjing.

But Li Wenjing's words that the meat has already been taken care of lingered in her ears again, reminding her of Lu Qingfeng.

They are also the daughters of the Zhou family, so how can Zhou Niannian have a fiancé like Lu Qingfeng, and she has to give in to He Wencai?
She is not reconciled!

Bai Yuqing turned around irritably, thinking of Li Wenjing's big mouth, she couldn't help opening her eyes to look at Li Wenjing, "He Wencai and I really have nothing to do, don't talk nonsense outside."

"Got it, got it." Li Wenjing muttered impatiently.

Bai Yuqing stared at her closely for a while, then turned around expressionlessly.

Two days later, Zhou Niannian received a letter from Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, and a report was included in the letter.

Zhou Niannian opened it and looked at it. It was the inspection report of Bai Yuqing, Zhou Hongshan, and Li Xiangxiu. The report stated that the possibility of blood relationship between Bai Yuqing, Zhou Hongshan, and Li Xiangxiu was 90.00%.

There was also a letter specifically addressed to Bai Yuqing in the envelope. Zhou Niannian looked at the time, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. Bai Yuqing should be in the dormitory at this time.

She went out with the inspection report and letter, and went straight to the educated youth dormitory.

Before I got to the educated youth dormitory, I heard noises coming from there, and some people ran there with flashlights.

Zhou Niannian frowned, and asked someone casually, "What happened?"

The aunt who was held by her was eager to watch the fun, but when she saw that it was Zhou Niannian who was holding her, she eased her expression and said in a low voice, "I heard that it was He Wencai and Li Wenjing who were bumped into scandalous things. Oh, it sounds so real. Shame."

The people next to him echoed, "That's right, the village chief is trying to court the educated youths. If they are interested, they can go and talk to the village chief. It's so good to deal with them in an upright manner. How embarrassing it is to be so sneaky. .”

 There are only two changes today, I am too tired, two days of double changes, adjust the state!
(End of this chapter)

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