Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 278 The Struggle Between Two White Lotus Flowers

Chapter 278 The Struggle Between Two White Lotus Flowers
He Wencai and Li Wenjing?Zhou Niannian was surprised for a long time before he could react.

How could the two of them walk together?Didn't He Wencai pursue Bai Yuqing all the time?

Surprised, she followed the crowd to the educated youth dormitory.

The door of the educated youth dormitory was full of people, and many people pointed at the people in the room.

There were heart-piercing cries from the room, as well as the panicked explanation of the man.

She heard the people around talking, "That's not the case. I heard that Xiao Li was taking a bath in the room, but He Wencai broke in suddenly, and Xiao Li was all seen."

"Let me just say, I haven't heard anything about the two of them before."

He Wencai saw Li Wenjing taking a bath?Zhou Niannian frowned, why did He Wencai come to the girls' dormitory at this time?

"What's going on?" Meng Sanqiu's voice came from behind Zhou Niannian, and when she turned her head, she saw Meng Sanqiu hurried over in a shirt.

"I just arrived too, I don't know what's going on."

Meng Sanqiu hesitated for a while, and said to Zhou Niannian: "Go there first and see if there is anything there. Then I will go in."

Zhou Niannian understood that he was afraid of some disheveled clothes, so she asked her to go over and have a look first. She didn't want to step into such muddy water, but Meng Sanqiu said, she couldn't refute.

Passing through the pointing and talking crowd, she walked to the door of the dormitory.

The short sleeves Li Wenjing was wearing were a little irregular, and she was wearing a coat over it. She pulled the coat tightly, lowered her head and sobbed softly.

Beside him were the bewildered He Wencai and the expressionless Bai Yuqing.

There was nothing too impactful, Zhou Niannian heaved a sigh of relief and waved to Meng Sanqiu.

Meng Sanqiu came in, frowned and looked at the people outside, "What's interesting, let's go, let's go."

After that, he began to wave his hands away.

In summer, people eat and enjoy the cool outside, not to mention the bustle and gossip, many people smiled and retreated outside, but they did not go far.

With a dark face, Meng Sanqiu slammed the door and shut Zhou Niannian who was about to go out.

Zhou Niannian touched his nose and stood at the door, ready to be a passerby.

"What's going on?" Meng Sanqiu frowned and glanced at the three of them, and finally landed on Li Wenjing who was crying, "Tell me."

Li Wenjing's eyes were swollen from crying, and she wiped her tears when she heard the words, "I got off work early today, and it's too hot, so I thought about scrubbing in the room. He broke in, he saw it all, woo woo, how will I live in the future."

At the end of Li Wenjing's speech, she burst into tears.

He Wencai tugged at his hair irritably, met Shang Meng Sanqiu's displeased eyes, and anxiously explained: "I didn't do it on purpose, I came to find Yuqing, no, no, it was Yuqing who asked me to come to her .”

"I really didn't mean it. I wanted to knock on the door, but as soon as I put my hand on the door, who knew it would open."

Bai Yuqing next to him looked at He Wencai with an aggrieved expression, "Comrade He, when did I ask you to come to me? I haven't spoken to you at all today."

She said that her eye circles were a little red, "Comrade He, I told you, my parents have already found me a partner, and I don't want to have a relationship with you, how can I let you come to the dormitory to find me?"

Seeing that she was about to shed tears of grievance, He Wencai immediately waved his hands, "Comrade Yuqing, trust me, I really didn't mean it, I..."

Zhou Niannian, who was standing at the door, couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This He Wencai was really out of his mind. It's this time, and he still wanted to confess his feelings to Bai Yuqing.

Meng Sanqiu frowned and asked him: "You said Comrade Yuqing sent you to find her, do you have any evidence?"

He Wencai nodded in a panic, and took out a piece of paper from his trouser pocket, on which was written: Come to meet me in my dormitory at seven o'clock tonight, signed by Yuqing.

Meng Sanqiu took the note and looked at it for a moment, then looked at Bai Yuqing.

Bai Yuqing's slightly raised eyes were full of astonishment and puzzlement, "I really didn't write any notes, Comrade He, you have seen my handwriting, this is not my handwriting at all."

She said biting her lips aggrievedly, "Besides, I am a very traditional person, Comrade He, even if I have something to ask you, it is impossible for me to ask you to come to the dormitory to see me at night."

He Wencai's face turned blue and red. He found this note on his desk in the afternoon. He went out for a trip, and when he came back, the note was pressed on the desk.

As soon as he saw the content on the note, he immediately went crazy with joy, thinking that Bai Yuqing had finally figured it out, and he would not notice the handwriting problem.

Zhou Niannian took a look at the note, and saw that the words written on the note were a bit big and scribbled, and it really didn't look like Bai Yuqing's usual neat handwriting.

Meng Sanqiu was silent for a long time, sighed, and said to He Wencai: "No matter what your reason is, you came here, and what you saw about Comrade Li Wenjing is already a fact, what are you going to do?"

what to do?He Wencai looked at Meng Sanqiu blankly, then turned his eyes to Bai Yuqing next to him.

"Yuqing, I...I like it." Before he could say you, Bai Yuqing looked at him with grief and indignation, and interrupted him with an exclamation, "Comrade He, you don't want to Are you responsible for Wen Jing? You... how can you do this?"

Being stared at with such angry and disdainful eyes by his sweetheart, He Wencai couldn't say a word anymore.

The only sound in the room was Li Wenjing's weeping.

Zhou Niannian could see that she was really sad, she was really sad when she cried, no matter how scheming she was, she was still a 20-year-old girl, she must be wronged and sad to be stared at by a man suddenly.

People at this time are still very conservative. If a woman's body is seen, her reputation will basically be ruined. It is difficult for Li Wenjing to find a good partner.

Like the last time Zhang Peilan got pregnant out of wedlock, although it has been so long, people in the village still spit on the ground when mentioning Zhang Peilan's name, saying she is shameless.

It was precisely because Li Wenjing knew this that she cried so sadly.

But this matter was really strange, she glanced thoughtfully at Bai Yuqing who was still looking at He Wencai with a disapproving expression, and felt that this matter had something to do with her.

The person who asked He Wencai to come should be very aware of Li Wenjing's work and rest schedule, as well as her bath time.

Only Bai Yuqing, who lives in the same dormitory with Li Wenjing, knows this.

Li Wenjing is only concerned about being sad now, so she might not have thought of this, but it might not be so after she calms down.

If Bai Yuqing really did this, then she really did her best to make enemies for herself.

The struggle between the two white lotus flowers is about to officially kick off, which makes people look forward to it just thinking about it.

"I am willing to take responsibility." After a long time, He Wencai drooped his head and said dejectedly.

 The second watch will be before eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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