Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 279 Bai Yuqing's Focus

Chapter 279 Bai Yuqing's Focus

The result of the matter between He Wencai and Li Wenjing ended with the engagement of He Wencai and Li Wenjing.

Zhou Niannian did not report to Bai Yuqing that night, and the situation at that time was not suitable.

She gave Bai Yuqing the inspection report and letter the next day.

Bai Yuqing held the test report and looked at it for a long time, her eyes were complicated and filled with surprise, and it took a long time to close the report, "It's great to be able to find Mom and Dad."

Zhou Niannian smiled, and suddenly became curious about her biological parents.

Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu gave her enough fatherly and maternal love, and she never had any idea of ​​finding her biological parents before.

Seeing how excited Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu were when they saw Bai Yuqing last time, and then seeing Bai Yuqing's complicated and joyful appearance at this moment, she suddenly felt infinite emotion in her heart.

I don't know if her biological parents are also thinking about her, and have they ever spared no effort to find her?
She looked dazed for a while, and when she saw Bai Yuqing finished reading the letter, she asked, "My parents said they couldn't come here, so let's set up a banquet here first, and invite the leaders of the village and the factory to have a meal. Recognized."

"If one day I can return to the capital, I will throw a feast for you and let you recognize your ancestors."

"What do you think?"

Bai Yuqing stroked the broken hair from her ear, with a hesitant expression, before saying for a moment: "Forget it first, there have been a lot of happy events in the village recently, so let's not join in the fun, anyway, basically everyone in the village knows about it now Let’s talk about it when we have a chance in the future.”

Zhou Niannian shrugged and did not object.

Since her parents didn't come over, she didn't bother to hold a banquet with Bai Yuqing and put on a scene of sisterly love.

The village is currently preparing for the wedding banquet of the educated youths. This time, Meng Sanqiu successfully completed the task in the large-scale matchmaking, uh, no, introducing the object.

Deng Junliang and Chen Miaomiao, He Wencai and Li Wenjing, and three other pairs of educated youths have all successfully matched up. The rest of the educated youths except Qi Jiayan, Bai Yuqing, and the family have already found a partner.

With a big wave of his hand, Meng Sanqiu decided to hold a happy event for them on the Mid-Autumn Festival. At that time, several tables of banquets will be set up in the village, making it very lively.

Now the village has begun to reorganize the educated youth dormitories.

It used to be a four-person room, but now that the educated youths are going to get married, they have to sort out several married rooms, and the rest of the educated youths are allocated dormitories again.

When the house is packed, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Five couples of educated youths got married at the same time, and everyone in the village came to the banquet. At this time, the gifts were relatively simple. Most people in the village paid for one yuan, a bag of brown sugar or two feet of cloth.

Because the people in the factory were earning wages, most of them gave away two yuan.

Because Deng Junliang has been doing very well in the factory, Zhou Niannian specially wrapped a big red envelope for Deng Junliang in private.

The next day, Deng Junliang came to work with a smile on his face, and gave out happy candy to everyone he saw, but He Wencai and Li Wenjing both asked for leave.

Everyone in the factory joked, "Isn't it because I was too tired last night and didn't get up this morning?"

Deng Junliang is an honest man, he won't lie, he hesitated and left with a smile.

Zhou Niannian later heard that He Wencai and Li Wenjing had a fight in the middle of the night. Li Wenjing's sharp voice was not forgiving, and the educated youth couples next to them didn't sleep well.

A couple couldn't help complaining, and rumors spread one after another.

It is said that He Wencai called another woman's name while he was asleep. Li Wenjing was very angry and made a fuss in the middle of the night, scratching He Wencai's face several times.

He Wencai couldn't help but slapped her, and the couple felt it was too embarrassing the next day, so they both asked for leave.

Within two days, Li Wenjing went to work, and started to target Bai Yuqing everywhere, finding fault in the first three or two days.

Bai Yuqing was used to being patient in front of people, her eyes were red with grievances, just seeing He Wencai felt distressed and angry, and couldn't help scolding Li Wenjing.

The couple had to fight when they got home at night.

Neighbors often heard the sound of crackling and smashing things in their house in the middle of the night, making it impossible to sleep.

After more than half a month like this, Li Wenjing suddenly turned around and began to treat He Wencai with tenderness and care. In front of Bai Yuqing, she would no longer find fault directly, but the dark knife kept coming, and Bai Yuqing actually ate twice It was a small loss, and for a while, the two were tied.

Zhou Niannian watched the battle between the two white lotus flowers with cold eyes during the day, and went back to listen at night, and Ah Liang complained about the battle with Fei Yuan.

Ever since Ah Liang lost her innocence, she has changed her original state of hiding from Fei Yuan, and she is full of fighting spirit. She goes out to fight with Fei Yuan every day, vowing to avenge her shame.

It will come back every few days. If it wins this stage, it will sing proudly for half a day. If it fails, it will gnash its teeth and complain about the fat circle, from head to toe.

Zhou Niannian deeply felt that since Ah Liang lost her innocence, she has become more and more neurotic.

But she didn't dare to say that, because Ah Liang could be anxious with her.

The time is coming to September soon.

She received a letter from Lu Qingfeng, saying that Lu Wenhan and Yang Shutong had received an official letter from the capital, resuming their original duties and asking them to come to Beijing immediately to preside over the resumption of the college entrance examination.

Naturally, Lu Qingfeng also returned to Beijing together. At the end of the letter, he said that he had started to review the high school textbooks that Zhou Niannian bought for him, and planned to apply for the business management major of Kyoto University, so that Zhou Niannian should hurry up to prepare for the exam.

Zhou Niannian was very happy after seeing it. The Lu family has returned to Beijing, and it seems that the Zhou family will soon return to Beijing.

In the previous life, the Zhou family returned to Beijing in November. Zhou Niannian did not take the college entrance examination this winter. She and Bai Yuqing took the college entrance examination in the summer of [-] after returning to Beijing.

Many things have changed in this life, and she can also take this year's college entrance examination one year in advance.

Zhou Niannian suddenly felt a lot of joy in his heart.

She wrote back to Lu Qingfeng, and told Qi Jiayan about the matter, telling her to prepare for review quickly.

After Qi Jiayan was shocked, she finally pulled out the book that Zhou Niannian bought for her last time from under her bed, shook off the ashes, and put the precious ones on the bedside.

"Nian Nian, you really have the foresight. Fortunately, you bought me a set before. I guess the books in the bookstore will be sold out soon."

"Nian Nian, sometimes I really doubt that you will be able to calculate by magic. You said that the college entrance examination might be resumed, and you can see that it has recovered." Qi Jiayan looked at her adoringly, and winked at her, "Don't you Will it really count?"

Zhou Niannian nodded solemnly, "Well, I calculated that you will be admitted to Kyoto University this winter."

Qi Jiayan collapsed on the bed with a smile, "Thank you Zhou Daxian, with your words, I feel relieved."

Within two days, Zhou Hongshan also wrote a letter to Zhou Niannian and Bai Yuqing, informing them that the college entrance examination was about to resume, and asked them to seize the time to review their homework and prepare for the college entrance examination.

After Bai Yuqing saw the letter, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Has the Lu family returned to Beijing? Does that mean that parents will return to Beijing soon?"

Zhou Niannian was a little speechless about her concerns.

 Not sure if there will be a third update, if there is, it will be at night, friends, don't wait, you can watch it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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