Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 280 An Opportunity to Change Fate

Chapter 280 An Opportunity to Change Fate

"It should be." Zhou Niannian shrugged lightly.

There was uncontrollable ecstasy in Bai Yuqing's eyes. She was most envious at the beginning, thinking that the only thing she couldn't compare to Zhou Niannian was that she had a good family.

Now this good family belongs to her too.

If Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu return to the capital, I believe they can bring her back to the capital soon, and she will be a true Kyoto native by then.

She seemed to have seen the beautiful days waving to her.

Zhou Niannian saw that she was in a daze, so she pointed to the letter and reminded her: "Parents mean that we should hurry up and review as soon as possible, so that we can take the college entrance examination this year."

Bai Yuqing came back to her senses, and nodded indifferently.

If Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu returned to the capital, even if she couldn't get into the university, she would definitely be able to return to the capital. Whether or not she could get into the university was not the most important thing.

After Zhou Niannian finished what she wanted to say, she turned around and left. As for Bai Yuqing's thoughts, she was not interested in exploring.

She took the time to go to Guan Ping's house and told Guan Ping about it.

Guan Ping was not particularly surprised, "Well, I see, you should study hard and strive to be admitted to the Law Department of Kyoto University this year."

Zhou Niannian looked at Guangping inquisitively, "Teacher, you don't seem to be particularly surprised, you already knew about this?"

Guan Ping chuckled and took out a letter, "It's not very early, it's just yesterday."

Zhou Niannian glanced at the letter and saw that it was from Lu Wenhan on behalf of Kyoto University, hoping to invite Guan Ping back to Beijing to help Kyoto University rebuild the law department.

Calculating the time, it should be that Lu Wenhan sent this letter as soon as he returned to the capital.

It seems that Uncle Lu already had a plan in mind for how to carry out the education work when he was in Xincheng.

"Teacher, do you want to agree?"

Guan Ping's eyes fell on Zhou Niannian's face, and he sighed with a complicated expression for a long time, "I have been away from Kyoto for more than ten years, and I am used to living a leisurely life. I was determined not to go back, but now, I think I will go back and have a look. That's fine too."

"Don't you want to take the law department of Kyoto University? I can continue teaching you only after I go back and rebuild."

Guan Ping actually agreed to this because of her, which moved Zhou Niannian very much. She sniffed and said sincerely and moved: "Teacher, thank you."

The longer she stayed with Guan Ping, the more she liked the old man.

He seems to always have a calm attitude, speaks softly, but sees things very accurately. Zhou Niannian feels very lucky to have such a wise elder by his side.

The master and apprentice were talking when Guan Pengtian came back.

"Niannian is here too." Seeing Zhou Niannian, Guan Pengtian greeted him with a smile. At first, he was very surprised that his father would accept Zhou Niannian as his apprentice. Come on.

"Brother Pengtian," Zhou Niannian stood up to say hello, and said with a smile, "The book I introduced to you will come in handy this time."

That set of high school textbooks?Guan Pengtian was stunned and looked at Guan Ping in surprise.

Guan Ping shook the letter in his hand, and said with a smile: "The college entrance examination will resume."

It was unexpectedly caught by Zhou Niannian, Guan Pengtian looked at Zhou Niannian in a strange way for a while.

Zhou Niannian smiled at him, "Don't thank me for reminding you to buy review materials."

Guan Pengtian: "."

Within two days, Guan Ping left Zezhou with Guan Pengtian, and Zhou Niannian went to the train station to see them off.

Guan Ping patted her hand and said with a smile: "The teacher is waiting for you at Kyoto University, you should review your homework carefully."

Zhou Niannian nodded with a smile. In her previous life, she returned to Kyoto at the end of this year and took the college entrance examination next summer.

At that time, she was admitted to Kyoto University, and when she was reborn, she made a lot of preparations in advance, so she was naturally more confident about taking the Kyoto University exam.

Soon it was October. On October 21, major media announced the resumption of the college entrance examination, and announced that this year's college entrance examination will be held nationwide after January. Talents will be selected for university through unified examination and merit-based admission.

The reinstatement of the college entrance examination recruits the workers and peasants, the young people who go to the mountains and the countryside, and the fennel educated youth, the rehabilitated cadres, and fresh high school graduates.

Zhou Niannian heard the news from the small radio that Lu Qingfeng gave her. It was just after [-] o'clock in the morning. She had already been mentally prepared and she was not particularly excited, but Qi Jiayan, who was having dinner next to her, jumped in shock. Get up, kick over the stool.

"Nian Nian, Nian Nian, did you hear that? The college entrance examination has really resumed, really." She pulled Zhou Nian Nian excitedly.

Zhou Niannian nodded with a smile, Qi Jiayan looked at her and smiled, tears streaming down her face, finally squatting on the ground and crying.

Zhou Niannian's eyes were also a little sour. When the educated youths came to the mountains and countryside, all of them were full of enthusiasm, but with the passage of time and age, the initial enthusiasm faded, and they were very confused about the future.

A female educated youth like Qi Jiayan is getting older and her father is like that, so she will definitely not find a good marriage for her. Staying in the countryside feels that she has seen the end of her life.

The resumption of the college entrance examination is an opportunity, an opportunity to change their destiny.

As soon as the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination spread, the educated youths in the whole village rushed to tell the news with excitement, and no one in the factory was interested in working for a while.

The thoughtful and flexible hurriedly asked for leave and went to the town to buy review materials.

Zhou Niannian went to Meng Sanqiu to discuss the management issues behind the factory.

"It is estimated that many educated youths will take the college entrance examination this year. If they pass the entrance examination, they will probably leave Mengjiang Village next year. The number of employees in our factory must be expanded, and some management personnel must be promoted again. Do you have any ideas? ?”

Meng Sanqiu smoked a dry cigarette, with a troubled expression on his face, "It's a good thing that you can go to university, alas, what will the factory do in the future?"

He actually has fewer things to worry about now, he is used to listening to Zhou Niannian's opinions on many things, now when he thinks that Zhou Niannian will leave soon, the old man feels a little flustered.

But flustered, Meng Sanqiu knew he couldn't change the facts, so he pulled himself together and asked Zhou Niannian, "What good ideas do you have?"

Zhou Niannian gave him three pieces of advice. The first: to solicit opinions from the whole factory, the factory can pay for outstanding employees to go to college, and return to the factory after graduation to continue working. This is to reserve cadres for the follow-up management of the factory. .

Second: Select suitable candidates from among the current employees who have performed well in the factory, and learn from the current management first, and then take over management issues after the educated youths leave.

Third: Consider recruiting workers from the outside world, not just in Mengjiang Village, as this will limit the development of Rainbow Factory.

Meng Sanqiu finished smoking a cigarette before saying, "I'll go back and think about it."

Zhou Niannian nodded and didn't say anything else. Rainbow Factory was built by her alone. She naturally hoped that it would develop better and better, but she had to be ready to let it go, and her feelings were a bit complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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